DB-Cartoon (name in working progress etc..blah blah)

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Post by Twigstir »

Move the bomb spawn lower and set bcastshadow to true. The bomb spawn's base doesn't fit the map. Move the bomb spawn lower to get rid of the base and set bcastshadow to true to get rid of the lighting effect (gets rid of the light from the bomb spawn that shows without the ball present).
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Post by Messy »

That would mean there's no bombspawn? =(

That would kind of suck since u wudnt be able to exactly c where the ball spawns etc. :o, and i think making custom ball spawns takes time n stuff ^^;
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Post by TEZC-Rage »

actually it's just a static mesh atm.. if you look @ the pic i am holding the ball already

and not to disapoint [1234]Jr...


I wouldn't mind spending more time on the map just so that it's perfect.

Also with replays coming up, is it possible to disable them after goals? as i have something special planned for the goal scorer
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Post by Twigstir »

Goldeneye: I am very interested in the information you have shared. I have followed you instruction but am unsure how to move forward. I'm afraid of screwing things up.

I have note pad open and have added the extra line bAlwaysRelevant=True. What do I do from here?
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Post by DavidM »

I think the lighting ruins the comic theme. comic stuff should be unlit.
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Post by Armagon »

I dunno, in some cases of cell shading lighting can be good.
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Post by Twigstir »

Messy wrote: That would mean there's no bombspawn? =(

That would kind of suck since u wudnt be able to exactly c where the ball spawns etc. :o, and i think making custom ball spawns takes time n stuff ^^;

Yes the bomb spawn would be gone. However, I simple sheet bsp/mesh with a graphic could highlight the spawn area. Example: Cube has a center circle around the spawn area. This would fit this map as well.

Another idea for a center graphic. A rotating sign. Have it say "Acme Cartoon" or something better. To see an example of this, download sunsetbeta2: http://www.pcgamemods.com/2312/. Play the map in instant action. Every time a goal is scored the center graphic around the bomb spawn changes. I have many different graphics. Two of them are rotating signs. Maybe just checking them out will give you a idea for your map. I think the "deathball" rotating sign is cool and would work well for many maps. Maybe an "Acme Deathball" rotating sign would be cool in this map and fit it's theme.

Another thing. TEZC-Rage, if you follow DavidM's advice and push the pillars into the walls, I think it would look better if they were not flat with the wall. Push them in a few units and use blocking volumes to make the wall play flat.
Last edited by Twigstir on 10-10-2003 19:18, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by TEZC-Rage »

Twigstir wrote: Another thing. TEZC-Rage, if you follow DavidM's advice and push the pillars into the walls, I think it would look better if they were not flat with the wall. Push them in a few units and use blocking volumes to make the wall play flat.

You mean like the doors in DB-Cube?

Also pushing in the screen and stand would require some more re-thinking
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Post by PhatMal »

wow, the map looks really cool :p \o/
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Post by TEZC-Rage »

Also on a side note:- I have remade my bomb in gmax... and having trouble getting it into ued. So if anyone can import it into 3ds max etc... would be helpful :)
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Post by TEZC-Rage »


i.Tucked pillars 32 units into walls

ii.Removed pillars holding up the screen

iii.Changed top metal beams because moving the metal pillars created an equality in the texture

iv.Created a new bombspawn base, which is just a static mesh with the normal bombspawn embedded in the bsp

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Post by BurntLeaf »

Davidm get a new league map please ;[
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Post by RaGe|DB »

i can make a nice texture for the ball if u want
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Post by Messy »

gg rage =) (the tezc one ;))

Can't wait for this map to finish >:D
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Post by TEZC-Rage »

well... i finally got my new bomb into ued "YaY"

old one Image

New one Image