Ping Discussion

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Ping Discussion

Post by Fallen »

I'm wondering, why is that, when I go to play a pickup on a euro server, nobody wants me to be their offensive or defensive partner? When I first started deathball, I didn't care which server I played in because everything was new and fun. My first clan was european and my first clanwar was on a european server.

So why do europeans become afraid when they don't want to play on a server that will yeild them 120-150 ping? I know some people on american servers that play well with 120-140 ping.

We don't get 40-50 ping on our servers usually unlike europeans and their servers. However, people don't relize that the game is playable up to almost 160ms. However there is a .25-.75 sec lag between client and server. I've tried to broaden my playing field by playing pickups, and have had average success. But when I start a pickup on an american server where europeans who should usually ping between 120-150 are disgusted and boycotts the idea. No wonder each community is isolated, well not really the North American community whereas we can play on higher pings. I have yet to see a jump of a european squad who will come to one of us and ask for a funwar. If time is a concern, plan ahead for the week end.

Our deez games are usually @ 2-3 PM Est. Usually we have 3-5 people online on good days. Even though we are in division 3, there are some tough teams, who might if given the chance to blossom alittle can make it to division 1.

I would to get some answers to why europeans h8 the thought of having a competitive match on an american server. Hell, we used to have scrims with euros, having played one on their server, and one on ours. It was a fun experience.

So post away, if no posts will occur I will bump the shit outta this.
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Post by f1end »

It's all about what u re used to i guess...timing volleys is different with a higher ping....

If u are used to a steady <50 ping, then >120 is very difficult to volley on...apart from that...i dunno's not like cs and other shooters where that split second reaction time means the difference between an awp bullet in the head or not...

I used to play with a high ping sometimes, and still do quite well...just not at volleying.

When i finally get my clan going again, maybe we can have a funwar :)
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Post by Instigator »

Its not just a high ping, its also packetloss which is a hell of a lot worse
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Post by CurvE »

If packet loss is what i just had... then i totally agree with instigator...
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Post by fro »

f6 :)

i dont mind the slight lag, it takes me a good 5 or 10 mins to get used to it tho
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Post by Triple_B »

I totally agree with you fallen, except for the thing that 160 ms is totally playable, cause its not, but I would like to play against V3 with AoV, 1 match on your server and 1 on ours. We always did that with the mod strikeforce I used to play. half of the match on american server and half on ours, worked perfectly.

But I can understand why people dont wanna play on american servers. I play alot of smallcube on american servers and volleyeing is damn hard, you dont get good passes + the fact that the ping wont help, so its kinda useless....but that are pubs, I wanna see how it works in pickups, I'm gonna add to an american one tomorrow, see if its playable.
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Post by Armagon »

I like playing on Euro or NA servers occasionally.
I would do it more often if I didn't always have a lowest ping of 300. ;)
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Post by DiStUrbeD »

f1end wrote: It's all about what u re used to i guess...timing volleys is different with a higher ping....

If u are used to a steady <50 ping, then >120 is very difficult to volley on...apart from that...i dunno's not like cs and other shooters where that split second reaction time means the difference between an awp bullet in the head or not...

I used to play with a high ping sometimes, and still do quite well...just not at volleying.

When i finally get my clan going again, maybe we can have a funwar :)

just goes to show you the volley whores.

being on the west coast of the US, i rarely go to a euro server not because of ping, but because when you guys are awake, we aren't (i am, but thats a different story)

When i play on a euro server, i play with a 150-160 ping, and its not that much different from my normal 80-100 ping on american servers, i do admit volleying is more difficult, but it doesnt take that long to adapt. I've seen plenty of euros come to american servers while we are playing on Twigstirs server and its all volley only, and they do quite well. Though most of them cant stop complaining about thier 120 ping, they still play exceptionally well.

I'm sure plenty of americans would be happy to play with euros, like fallen said one on your servers, one on ours, but the euros couldn't take the ping change. Simple idea, just come to our pubs every once in a while, try to get used to the ping change. It's not unplayable, its just that you need to adapt to it
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Post by Lithinite »

we need a ping-quilizer...

make it so the servers take the lowest and highest pings off then averages the rest. That way everyone will have somewhat even pings.

If NA plays in euro, their pings get a bit higher and vice versa. It would definatly make the cross-ocean matchs a bit more fair.
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Post by Armagon »

Only for overeas matches of course.
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Post by DiStUrbeD »

the way i see it, it should be left alone. Gives each team that "homefield advantage" that many sports have and make it quite fun.
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Post by Messy »

I play on NA pubs, and even on ozforces server sometimes ;)

It's really hard to get used to, but eventually it's all the same..

In fact, i pwnt cordawg and some beegee guy on my own in a 1on2 with 120 ping ;) (well, kinda, always by one goal or summit, and it ended when this n00b came in and fucked up the 2on2 by losing the ball with bad egos and cluelessness..meh =( )

Heh..yay? :p
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Post by CorDawg »

International League
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Post by Messy »

Lo cordawg ^_^

ps: I do agree, bring us an NA-Euro cup O_o
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Post by Fallen »

International league will never get off the ground than a mere suggestion. There is not enough support from both sides that will play cross continent. I'm sure that most of NA will be willing to sacrafice some lag just to meet new competition. However the fact is, as I stated before, anything higher than 90ms for europeans is consider lag/packetloss. If you do play higher than that, put f6, and show me some screenshots. Until we get some real commitment, as part of the DBL council, we won't ask bazzi to help out.