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Post by speedy »

woo yay
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Post by NaB »

yea DB pickup was running great untill davidm decided he would be in charge of that too :\
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Post by horus-one »

WHY the fuck is he OP ? who has the wonderful idea.... nm just ban him he has nothing to do in #dbpickup, he tried to set his stupid rate system which is bad too.
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Post by Chick-kun »

NaB, I have no idea why DavidM got ops, but he didn't support it at the start, so why now? #dbpickup is an unofficial thing owned by Goldeneye and Crystal.

Also, I DO NOT have to put up with people that "blatently ignored me" as FireCell put it. Furthermore, I do not want comments like "Who cares?" from people I ask politely to stop. Either start speaking English or speak in another room. The people I kick/ban i have had no problems with before, until now. If I was doing it to feed my ego, or making myself feel big, I would have banned them from every channel I was opped in, but I haven't. As I said before, ops are there to enforce rules, not to see them be broken.
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Post by Goldeneye »

a) i'm really getting tired of this talk english in #dbpickup discussion. sure main language to be spoken there should be english, but there is nothing wrong with talking in his own language, when noone is around anyways. and that, i think, is quite probably the case @ 3am. also, and this has been mentioned several times yet, that rule #3 is just there to set the general language of the channel, which people should keep to. hence it's something different if the channel is active, i.e. pickup is running, general chatter going... then ops should ask those who keep ignoring #3 to talk in english / somewhere else, but only kick/ban them if they won't stop disobeying the rules.

b) @horus, nab and whoever else has a problem with the new pickup system/davidm's op (although this is offtopic in here):

that rate system had already been thought of and discussed several month ago (~april i think), and i already started some coding then, but i burried that, as noone cared about it anymore a few days later (well part of it was implanted with the voice only games, although noone wanted to use them afterwards). now, when david and i discussed those sometimes really biased pickups, and how to avoid that, he came up with that idea again, and i finished that already started code the other day. and well, he gained his ops by agreeing to keep those ratings up to date, and doing that imho quite well. by now, there already have been many high quality games, or at least more or less equal games, thanks to the new system. sure there were some failures, but all of wich i'm aware have been caused by some bugs / imbalances in the algorithm that got sorted out already (not to forget those pickups where someone replaces someone else, luck if it's still balanced then :| ). of course, there can't be a perfect algorithm to sort players, but that this is way better than the old system showed, when quite a lot of people moaned about the new system and the generated teams, when the new system was down because of a bug, and the old system online again (i even spammed that it's down in #dbpickup, but most must have ignored it). if it wasn't for that small fact, i probably would have already changed back to old system...
and chick-kun you got your ops now for the same reason as him, that is doing something extraordinary for the channel / it's community - so nothing to wonder about there. :|
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Post by Dazlin »

rofl i cant break the rules seeing as i can only speek english :D
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Post by Inphidel »

FireCell wrote: DavidM is it true that the other night i allowed you all to speak german without complaining because after a period of time i was the only active person in there whos only language is english. It didnt bother me so i thought well ill leave them to it. But when other people are in there that cant speak German, its just plain rude imo. 1) because they dont know what your saying 2) because its a rule. I asked politely several times but instead of speaking English or moving to another channel i was blatently ignored. Kicking people does not make me feel big or as you put it "make my dick grow" infact ive rarely ever had to kick people. Also i have no problem with the people i had to kick other than they did not obey the rules. Tbh if you cant understand my reasoning behind it you are rather ignorant.

irc is a waste of life ;) but you can make a bot set to word kick on ICH ;)
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Post by Chick-kun »

Goldeneye wrote: chick-kun you got your ops now for the same reason as him, that is doing something extraordinary for the channel / it's community - so nothing to wonder about there. :|

i didnt know that, my mistake sorry, but wouldnt it be more fair if all the ops kept ratings up to date? since if one person does it, he may be biased. i didnt know that davidm got his ops because of this reason :eek:
Last edited by Chick-kun on 30-09-2003 16:24, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DavidM »

de-op me if it makes you happier, i dont need it
i can control the ratings without it -_-

ops are something that is just being abused by lil kids like chick etc.... we dont need any ops at all

but when people like bong or heretic keep on spamming shit and annoying people I just cant resist :|
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Post by Imo »

DavidM wrote: fact: you totally didnt care wether we talked german or not...
you just had to point it out to make yourself feel important or something like that

that rule just makes poor people look even poorer :|

but since you cannot admit the obvious, just don't say anything now :)

As always, "How to win friends and influence people", written by DavidM. :)
Last edited by Imo on 30-09-2003 16:55, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ker]v[et »

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Post by Fallen »

DavidM wrote: i can control the ratings without it -_-

:o I thought somebody who was biased was controlling the ratings. Now who gets to choose how good you are?
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Post by DavidM »

why answer this for the 5th time? :)
discussed 100 times, it proved to have a much higher rate of balanced matches.
so im happy with it, kthx \o
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Post by Fallen »

stop using kthx, u make me sick, u act like sin and the rest of us NA, so don't use it. look who's kiddie NOW.. hehe :devil:

btw, you call basically everyone kiddie, how old r u?
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Post by Imo »

Fallen, who cares? It doesn't matter about the rating.

Your showing your ego with "Now who gets to choose how good you are?" . What does it matter?

At least it's still better than a public game (obviously generalising).