Spam ball (is this why db isn't as much fun anymore?)

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Post by frostymoss »

i agree it is spamball now... berk remember the good ol passing days of pre1.5? There was no spamming it away catching it with a jump+hammer and if you didnt catch it, you could still get it.
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Post by beefsack »

volleys atm = millions of rambos + ppl clicking whenever they get a glimpse of the ball. but personally id rather leave it and see what vortex come up with, its their mod :p
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Post by Catalyst88 »

frostymoss wrote: i agree it is spamball now... berk remember the good ol passing days of pre1.5? There was no spamming it away catching it with a jump+hammer and if you didnt catch it, you could still get it.

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAaaa... DB is much more of a passing game now than it ever was before. And the volleyspam in previous versions was much worse than it is now. I think you're idealising things :). In games where people are playing to a relatively high skill level there is no volleyspam because people actually pass... in pub games the level of passing tends to be much easier to cut out with volleys if you can do it... people just need more practice :). Changing the volleying completely will only help until people become used to it again, at which point you'll probably want to change it again...
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Post by theberkin8or »

me and frosty were on the same team and we passed all the time that is what he is referring to

and cat if you made the volley raduis smaller ppl would get used to it but there would still be less spam becuase you would have to be closer to the ball to actaully hit it

i don't see what you mean about db being more of a passing game (as apposed to 1.4b) maybe in euro there were more volley whores than there were in NA @ that time. to me formation and passing to work the ball around is all but dead
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Post by Catalyst88 »

No, it's alive and well, it's just americans tend to pile everyone forward and throw it up as standard (which works well if you have good technique :) ). In euro games teams tend to play with 2 defence and 2 attack, and the midfield player stays back a lot more, allowing for more opportunities to pass around, resulting in generally lower scoring games but you end up using a lot more teamwork.

Positioning became much more important in current versions because the boost distance was turned down, meaning you can't cover as much distance at once, so you have to be more careful about where you play... ie defenders have to stay back more if they want to have the chance to stop the opponents' attacks.

Basically, the current version of DB requires a lot more teamwork to score than previous versions... (you've seen some people (*cough*surge*cough*) complaining that a lot less individual (read: selfish) efforts are possible (ie dribbling/self wallvolleys). Thus you need to use more teamwork...

Lowering the volley radius would achieve nothing but more frustration on the part of the defender, often they can only reach and cut out balls with the volley, and since they can't catch the ball directly by going up and hitting people any more (the bouncing off kinda prevents this) i don't think nerfing them any more would make sense...
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Post by theberkin8or »

errr the defense didn't used to have problems b4 when it was smaller in 1.4b (correct me if i was wrong about this), the only thing that would be unbalanced then would be the volley power which if reduced would prevent the wall volley whoring and would stop cross volley.

this is one of the problems i saw with 1.5, it fixed the volleying whoring but spamed the game up. TV changed the values to try and get around the this problem but i don't think they ever completely fixed it...hence this thread... and obvioulsy i am not the only one that finds the spam to be annoying
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Post by Surge »

Catalyst88 wrote: No, it's alive and well, it's just americans tend to pile everyone forward and throw it up as standard (which works well if you have good technique :) ). In euro games teams tend to play with 2 defence and 2 attack, and the midfield player stays back a lot more, allowing for more opportunities to pass around, resulting in generally lower scoring games but you end up using a lot more teamwork.

Positioning became much more important in current versions because the boost distance was turned down, meaning you can't cover as much distance at once, so you have to be more careful about where you play... ie defenders have to stay back more if they want to have the chance to stop the opponents' attacks.

Basically, the current version of DB requires a lot more teamwork to score than previous versions... (you've seen some people (*cough*surge*cough*) complaining that a lot less individual (read: selfish) efforts are possible (ie dribbling/self wallvolleys). Thus you need to use more teamwork...

Lowering the volley radius would achieve nothing but more frustration on the part of the defender, often they can only reach and cut out balls with the volley, and since they can't catch the ball directly by going up and hitting people any more (the bouncing off kinda prevents this) i don't think nerfing them any more would make sense...

Nice try Catalyst, but your wrong.

Back in SoP when we were still doing qualifying for season one of the DBL our team used a 2v2 setup and we beat everyone and had an undefeated qualification round. You people are using the old technique because our technique would annihilate your methods. Thats why near the end of qualifying we had Scarface play midfield opposed to his conventional placement on defense with 13th. We were getting close games against people using the current method (1 defender and boost back) but when we started using the new method our games would be small landslides and somewhat of a cake-walk.

What the europeans play now is what we were playing literally over 2 months ago. Your playing this game like soccer and being more careful and tactical than it should be. DB should be fun. DB was fun when it was SIMPLE. In 1.3b for example i used to dribble and dance outside the rease and shoot. It worked nicely. It was considered the bestmethod of scoring at the time. Enter shake in 1.4b. To this SoP's style changed to more of a volleywhore style because of the in-ability to shoot almost at all after people figured out how effective Pbox camping was. Afterwards we resorted to a blocker style attack and dump shots (quick close range pass shots). All the while in SoP we used to basics. We used the team wall-vollies. We used the cross vollies. We used what was best asside from cheap tactics like the boost-trick which we knew about well before it was abused by cY and V3.

I'm a fair sport. I'll always be a reletivly good sport as far as gameplay goes. I might be a jerk, and i might not like you, but i dont abuse shit like the boost trick or the new boost-up volley fad unless the other team does. Its not in my nature and I am a very fair person when it comes to sports and games.

Here in Canada i play for my high-school football team. I'm not a reciever, i'm not a quarterback, in fact i'm one of the least respected players in canadian football. I'm a lineman, an offensive one at that. Every play i go up to the line and stop others from hitting my QB. I dont get the recognition that the QB gets. I don't get the respect receviers and running backs get for scoring but without me they wouldnt go anywhere.

You all think i'm some self-centered jerk that wants to play by myself. No. You can ask almost anyone i'v ever been in a clan with or played with in general. I do what i need to do in DB to get the job done within the boundaries of fairness. I can shoot really well and i always have been able to. Should you call me a ball-hog because i can shoot and score better than you? I guess i could call you jealous then. I pass to my team even when we had dribble but it also gave me the ability to do what i'm good at. Score. Isnt that what this game is about? Winning? You can have all the fun in the world winning but its not fun for people like me that play this game fairly and are still punished because i'm doing what i'm good at. Ask ATB, ask Blaaguuu, fuck, ask K69 whos a bigger shot whore than me. I pass the ball when i know i cant do something. I don't give up and wuss out. If i know i'm going to die, and i know I'm going to lose posession i shell the ball off to someone with a better chance. I pass when they are in that position and i expect this favor to be returned.

I dont play Safety-Ball with my helmet on. I play Deathball where dying doesnt matter because when the ball gets turned over its a whole new game.

You can knock me all you want. I honestly could care less because i will continue what i do untill it doesnt work anymore. Since 1.4b the games been less and less fun to play but i dont give up that easily. The only difference between me and people liek Adren and Prankst0r is that I don't whore shit that i dont think is fair. Look at our NA DB draft. They went #3 and #4 because they score using cheap shit. I dont do that and i never plan to. The only people this game hurting are the people that dont abuse the easy scoring and defensive methods and not the people that are actually good at the game. I have mad respect for almost every keeper in the game... why? because i cant do it. Its truely the only position that really requires skill to play in my opinion. Any idiot can master 1 technique like the boost trick but it takes skill to adapt like a goal tender has to. When the volley delay was added it really seperated the men from the boys in goaltending and it was very obvious here in NA.

Ask any player from NA. Adren, Mael and Prank are all volley whores and do what they do well. Then ask all the older players who they remember to be the best scorers. Blitz, Hoju, Puck... What are they doing now? Living in the shadows of some assclowns that cant even shoot the ball regularly but instead volley every chance they get.

Cat, I would honestly prefer to be a "selfish" fair player opposed to a 1-shot assclown that has the odasity to use cheap tactics to win games.
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Post by theberkin8or »

rofl @ surge... you sure to write a lot for a lineman ;)

i think that euro too went to the 3 O 1 d techinque during 1.5 and 1.6 1.7 but found that it wasn't as effective becuase of the iniblitity to get enough ppl back some times (becuase of the reduced boosting). Stop insulting ppl... do you wonder why you got picked just a few picks b4 me a person who is still trying to get back into the game after 3 months (with parting and life geting in the way a lot)...gosh if you didn't used to be good you would be the inc. You have some really good points some time but you don't seem to be smart enough to figure out a way to get ppl to listen to you.

i hope db goes back to the formation of 2 O 2 D... more passing =good... just get rid of the fuxing spam

*note from this point if you intended to insult someone with your post... either don't post or figure out a way to say it without the insult (i know i insulted surge but i think we can all agree that it was well deserved ;) :p jk)*
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Post by Robotojon »

makes me laugh, 50% of Surges post say how great he is, the other 50% says how hard it is for him to score these days.
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Post by drifter »

98% of it was missed, o_O I thought I wrote essays that noone finished reading! \o/ :O
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Post by Fooman »

RusH has always been about passing, finding the open man, and taking a good shot. We've always finished our seasons #1 and #2. Isn't it obvious that laming it up doesn't work, ISN'T FUN, and takes little real skill? I also have to say it's sad that people can't shoot the ball, and even sadder that they have to boost up a teammate 30 feet in the air and pass to them to score. We've never been lame and never will, and see where we end up, I'm guessing #1 and #2 again.

PS: I'm not bragging, just trying to show that solid playing wins, not laming.
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Post by FrostyCoolSlug »

Dont mean to sound rude, but there will always be people complaining about vollying.. if it gets reduced, n00bs will complain its impossible, if it stays as it is, pros will say its too high.. seems to be a loose loose situation.. I have to agree with Surge (!!!), once playing Defence did require skill.. now it doesnt, i also agree the game has become spammy..

There will never be some sorta compramise.. best way to play is to teach the n00bs theres more to playing that random vollying and no passing..

Other Solutions include: "Charged Volly", The closer to the body, the better the volly (<-- my favourite) , and a "vote kick/ban" for easy disposal of llamas :)
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Post by Armagon »

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Post by InSaNe`DB »

Surge get along with the program no one really cares about what you and 13 and rest of sop did back in the days I saw what you did with my own eyes, put the past aside and live in the present. I do agree that 1.4b was a lot better than any of the latest versions but saying this won't help anyone or anything. You think an ignorant leader would actually listen? Cross vollies are being whores because nubs can't shoot for shit. I'm picking on vW (Sorry but you're just the perfect example, and no you guys aren't nubs) in pickup matches we all play fair and square, no laming and such. When I'm keeper and up against a vW member who plays offense (other than TB :p ) they tend to wait for the boost. I say to myself wtf? Shoot the fucking ball even I tell them. prankst0r is like outside of the p-box and he can shoot no one in his way, he decides to shoot the ball off the wall and try to volley it in. Bad choice for many, but not to him, just shoot the friggin ball how hard/complicated can it be? I respect vW and their ways but dudes change it up, don't whore one play and expect it to win all the time... I like you guys and in no way am insulting any one of you but ffs shoot the fucking ball.

Anyways back to the subject, yes everything is being whored these days but what can you do? Can't force people to stop it unless you take it away from them, which comes DavidM's role, change the fucking game I'm getting bored of it, playing defense is easier than ever, all I need to do is camp or hit the picker until he dies or falls back, if they pass I intercept, if they try to cross volley I intercept, that's where shooting comes into play, fake the defense and shoot it's that simple but people decide to whore ghey moves oh well.

If there is anyone to blame.. Look at DavidM and laugh... Laugh as if he were a monkey!
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Post by theberkin8or »

maybe you should quit those volley whores and join ufo ;)