Division 1 is lame !!

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Division 1 is lame !!

Post by J-Force »

why is div 1 lame?

cuz the admins are not willing to take action vs clans who don't play their matches!!! there are matches open from matchday 10/11/12 while we are now on match day 16. This makes competition for clan who are playing their matches in time really unfair, since those teams sometimes line-up a weaker team so they can play instead of endless pp a game or not even set a date for it!!

luckly all these clans are protected by this rule:
How to arrange a game:

The matchdays have fixed dates and times in this season. However, if one or both teams cannot play at that date/time you can arrange another one:
You have a certain gamedate-range where you can play each game in. You should contact your enemy team early enough to set a specific date for each game. It is recommended that you contact an enemy-teamadmin by an instant messenger or IRC to set the gamedate just putting it on the DBL site it might result in the other team declining it. Both teams' task is to find a date where both teams can play. Gamedates have to be entered 48 hours before the game starts (in general). Fixed gamedates also have to be changed at least 48hrs before the game starts!
Please log all email/icq/msn/irc conversation to make it easier for the Admins/Councils to clear situations like who should get a default win if a gamedate expires!
since this rule only says: You have a certain gamedate-range where you can play each game in. if we assume that gamedate-range is the one set in the schedule i wonder why those games are put as defeult then.. maybe add 1 or 2 weeks even then a lot games should be defeulted... but hey then the admins teams would get DWs themselves so that explains me why they ain't doing it.. but it make competetion LAME!!!

(btw a gg to the councils niarb and requiem for not doing anything about this)
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Post by Hugi »

idd px just played 5 matches up to now...thats poor
most matches played 3dg.they played 11...i think your right. the admins should give more defaultdraws if games arent played...
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Post by Hugi »

its the same in division 3.... only two teams played 10 matches there...
but div 2 rulz ... ;)
because we are playing ther \o/
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Post by Requiem »

reaction like this make me sick, because if we apply the rule, i can tell u more than half of Div 1 matchs would have been Def draw

But as i see, most of div 1 teams prefers to have Def draw or def win, whatever instead of a clear and nice match on the field...... and after some wonders why div 1 is shit....

well ok, now, i gonna give def draw when team doesn't show up, we gonna have a leet div 1 with 2 Def win & 3 deef draw every match days and everyone gonna be happy
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Post by Hugi »

i wont be happy with that reqqy ! but you should try to bring them to play the missing matches ! (bad english ?^^)
and i think you should threaten them with defaultwhatevers if they go on like this....but i think you should give them some weeks after the match range ran off to play the matches and then you should intervene
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Post by Requiem »

all matchs late still not played on next friday => def draws

u want it, u have it
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Post by Still »

sir, yes sir :D
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Post by J-Force »

[Bk°Requiem] wrote: reaction like this make me sick, because if we apply the rule, i can tell u more than half of Div 1 matchs would have been Def draw

But as i see, most of div 1 teams prefers to have Def draw or def win, whatever instead of a clear and nice match on the field...... and after some wonders why div 1 is shit....

well ok, now, i gonna give def draw when team doesn't show up, we gonna have a leet div 1 with 2 Def win & 3 deef draw every match days and everyone gonna be happy

apply a rule without any borders known..... i can live with a match played 1 week later then the schedules says.. but almost 4 weeks later makes me sick. my clan does everything to get their matches played (even lining up players from div2 teams to make sure we have a team) and when i look to other clans they just pp everything, does that make the league unfair or what?
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Post by GazMaN »

ive been tryng to get a game vs drz for bout 2 - 3 weeks now, they couldnt play on the scheduled date cos they were short of players, and every time i go in and ask on their irc channel they cant play, no way am i taking a def draw for that, when ive tried to get the fixture sorted nearly every day.

Ill pull my team out of the league if that happens.

Im not saying its drz`s fault, if they havnt got the players, nothing can be done, but when im trying every day to sort the game , i know i aint gonna b happy with a def draw!!!

nothing against you req either, i know your tryin ur best to sort out a happy medium for everyone!
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Post by DavidM »

"all matchs late still not played on next friday => def draws"

no dude, its not that easy
you gotta check both sides
maybe some want to play, but the other team doesnt allow it, so you cannot blame both...
(def draw is bad for both, its not a neutral thing)
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Post by J-Force »

i agree with both gaz and davidm (<-- who tought that ever would happen :P) each game can have a difrend reason why it ain't played the 2 most common reasons: 1 team ain't willing -> that team should get a def lose, 2: both teams ain't willing or can't prove any inisative taken (as the rules say you have to be able to show logfiles from either icq/irc or emails) -> def draw.
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Post by RaGe|DB »

how about we move all div 1 teams to a new division called "div4""

that way div 1 wont be lame anymore xDDDDDD :lol:
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Post by Wibble »

In my opinion it is going to require the league council type people to get invloved to sort this and similar problems out. They really need to get in there on a case by case basis and work out how to resolve unplayed games.
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Post by horus-one »

JUST wait the end of the season, if everyteams have finished their match and not some others then set DW, but not at half season... another stupid thread...
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Post by J-Force »

horus this is to prevent that in the end of the season some clans are 5 matches behind.. that makes competition unfair in my eyes