Plague vs Gold DB movies!

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Plague vs Gold DB movies!

Post by Stulovesyou »

I've fraps* up Plagues three November goals against Gold in the latest match from Australia's deathball league.

All = quality +!

Goal 1: Clang!
The_Sneak(plague) spots 2-1 downfield and launches to Boner.Plague. Boner.Plague to Zonk.Plague in the enemy half. Zonk back to Boner. Zonk then swats away the defence leaving Boner with the free shot on keeper....
Off the bar and over the fence!
Stulovesyou.Plague is alert and rushes to centre - retrieves ball, back to Boner... Boner to Zonk.. Zonk to Boner... no catch/shoot this time...
Volley ..> GOOOAL!

Goal two: Steal
Goal 2: Steal
Zonk.Plague grabs ball on wing.. Boner.Plague moves forward to make space.. calls for ball.. Zonk passes. While ball is in the air - Boner is knocked away by DigitalDJ:[Au]:. He picks off the ball and kicks out to zonks man Mattster:[Au]:.
Zonk hangs back as Mattster streams down the wing with the ball. DigitalDJ charges through the middle calling for the ball back.
Meanwhile Stulovesyou.Plague spots the turnover and starts backpeddling. Timing brilliant as he moves forward 'just' before Mattster releases the pass.
Stu arrives at DigitialDJ just as the ball is getting there and takes it right out of his hands.
Zonk who is now ahead of the defence moves towards goals. Stu holds it.. holds it .. HOLDS IT>.>!! then passes to Zonk who recieves just on the edge of the box. Turns around and ...

Goal 3: Boing
db:[Au]: releases the ball as keeper trying to spot DigitalDJ:[Au]: on the wing. The ball threads through Boner.Plague and past DigitalDJ down towards the Plague forward pocket.
Zonk.Plague and DigitalDJ are both rushing for the ball side by side. Stulovesyou.Plague is trailing and sprints up to knock zonk towards the ball. In midair, Zonk the bumps DigitalDJ off away, leaving him to pickup the ball cleanly.
Stu breaks foward and calls for pass down the sideline. Zonk release and then is whacked in frustration by DigitalDJ. Zonk turns the whack into a boost and shoots downfield.
Stu spots the boost and tries to pass to Zonk only to see the pass smack into his feet and shoot 3 miles straight up into the air...
DigitalDJ: Haha
The_Sneak(Plauge): Boing
Zonk: Stupid Boing...
The ball is three miles up between the penalty box and the halfway line. CxZ|Cirian:[Au]: camps underneath and tries to time the landing. DB jumps out from goals and tries to swat away.
Zonk however times his jump perfectly and arrives at the 4th level first and volleys the ball towards the unmanned goals.
It smacks staight against the post and flies out past the penalty box...
Right into the path of Boner.Plague who was trailing behind all alone.
He calmly volleys into the back of the net before DB can get back!
Everyone else: LOL!!!


They need sound for the CLANG!$! ... but you get the picture :p

*I could only use old fraps version no sound in 640x480... cos current stupid PC doesn't have SSE intructions which is required in new version.... PC = old athon thunderbird... not xp. bah..
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Post by Surge »

umm.. DL a hacked fraps 2.0... its not like its hard to find :rolleyes:
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Post by vF_Zonk »

hello there

the goals aren't that great, but ummmmmm i think we're planning on making some good(ish) footage sometime soon

/me goes and looks for FRAPS v2
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Post by Stulovesyou »

Surge wrote: umm.. DL a hacked fraps 2.0... its not like its hard to find :rolleyes:
*I could only use old fraps version no sound in 640x480... cos current stupid PC doesn't have SSE intructions which is required in new version.... PC = old athon thunderbird... not xp. bah..

New version is demo limited to one minute captures... which is more than enough to capture the essense of a goal.

Only my PC can't use new fraps.. as the CPU is an old thunderbird which according to frapsv2 doesn't have SSE instructions - hence can't use.

BUT... sound is apparently mega hard to capture properly ... did=314260
Kronon wrote: You can use fraps to record the demos (640x480 30fps seems to work good). Then you need to import the avi into a more advanced application like Adobe Premiere and change the speed of the demo, and compress it to a more suiteable format.

This worked very well for me when I tested. I converted the demo with codex Microsoft MPEG4 V2, and the result was very good. The file became about 15 megabyte/minute.

The only problem I got was when I wanted to add ingame sounds. Since fraps recorded it to slow you cant just speed it up, since it then gets a higher frequency. Instead I recorded the sound in real time with another app, but its an absolute pain to get this audio to sync with the action in the game. I more or less gave up on it.

Anyone know how to solve this?


When I captured the above, it slowed the game action down to around 1/4 pace... ie slowmo...
The actual video then recompiles back smooth... but sound is another matter - frequency gets mushed up.

Need extra advanced skills to get it working properly.
For first vid capture - this = fine

Clang is freakish rebound off goalpost!.. then standard 2-1 volley goal.

Steal is just plain perfect timing :D
and is the very reason why p-box camping is NOT defending.

Boing is pure classic goal that no-one saw happening...
"Boing" is also our standard spammed line each time deflect occurs... just this one went straight up in the air... and Zonk somehow timed the jump perfectly to get a volley on goal \o/
I'd already started moving back thinking the play was over... suddenly we're in goal celebration mode...
I didn't even know what happened...???

I got it all captured in shot from my view.
That goal = cool.

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Post by DigitalDJ »

sif that match was "really" serious....

it was 4v4 and one of our attackers wernt there....

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Post by vF_Zonk »

your goal against us wasnt fair either!

you had the bug where you charge up over and over, so we couldnt hear to real charge up :(

but ummmmmmmmmmmmmm

who cares!

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Post by DigitalDJ »

ahhaha it was funny tho rofl
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Post by Stulovesyou »

I thought... you passed the ball... zonk hit you... so you boost caught your own pass... then flew over top of me... into the open ... easy shot on goal

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Post by Imo »

The advantage you'd have against a EU team is that they hardly ever play with boost on.

That option was probably released too late over here and people didn't like it when introduced. If it was in the game to start with people probably would use it.
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Post by YoYo789 »

you mean sprint i take it?
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Post by vF_Zonk »

i hate sprint :(

but let's not get into that argument

Post by DaJero »

I do like sprint and the video clearly shows how sprint can be used. In the first movie I believe you can see Stu intercept the ball right on time by a well timed sprint.
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Post by Stulovesyou »

You can also see that in its current form it is whored FAR too much.
The steal movie shows just how long sprint lasts... waay too long. Essentially I could sprint all the way back.. then all the way forward.

I think I did the tests a little while back..
1.6? was 6 seconds from fully charged to empty.
1.8 is about 11 seconds from fully charged to empty .. then stutters (But starts at around 7 sec worth)

If you could just reduce its length down to 6 seconds max - then it shuts off until its charged back up to say 25%... ... it would vastly increase the balance.


I think we've asked this before ;)
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Post by YoYo789 »

it's not just the total amount of sprint, it is the recharge rate which is the main factor in whoring.
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Post by DavidM »

hm, unexciting goals 0_o

and with this video quality I hardly see what's happening anyway