Rent System

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Rent System

Post by RaGe|DB »

no more clans, just clanleaders
they all get like a start budget ( like webtourney) and by fighting they get more
several players will be at different prices and people can rent them for every match. The more cash = The better players.
for the price of players people have to vote, maybe its not fun, but that way clans can even give players to eachother for prices, :lol:
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Post by DavidM »

what about no?
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Post by RaGe|DB »

/me bows to the big man \o/
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Post by XiLLeRaToR »

it prolly was his idea rage, as it was evrybody elses. just like 8 months ago
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Post by RaGe|DB »

oh yeah sorry, and in about 2 versions when he nailed me down to the ground again, it prolly comes with a slightly different taste now? :lol: GG DavidM!
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Post by Diab »

if you want fantasy deathball, make a website :)
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Post by ThaGiMiC »

Its a good idea in theory, but would be very hard to put into practice. Simply because players wont want to leave their clans.

Also working out the price of players would be hard I think, since I doubt there is any1 out there who actually knows every1 in DB =)
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Post by DavidM »

ya, it cant work cuz this is about fun, you dont change the clan because you get more money (as it is in reality)
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Post by Stulovesyou »

People like to play with there friends.

A little while back... end of 2001.. in between UT1 CTF leagues here in Aus. I made a
Super Happy Fun Comp ... with Dom (tm)

(I asked for a title to the league ... this is what they gave me ;) )

Concept of the comp was simple.
Signup to a thread if you want to have some FUN games. Captains were allocated. Draft was done forum style. All nice and simple.

Was about 6 teams of 8 people? Each had to decide on a clan name / tag to use.
Team 1, #1 :p
"That's why we're #1"
No-one was excluded from participating. Even the lamers. Teams would select a dom dm or CTF map. No double ups. If one chose a dm map - other team could pick a ctf or dom map. We wanted DOm in at least ONE comp... sorta..

Captains picked there friends so the matches weren't so even... but fun. For a little while.
(even though draft rule was - can't select clanmate first up.)

People moved quickly back to there ordinary clans after a few rounds... and the fun comp ended.

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Post by Jerkoff »

If it actually was money, I could see it working :lol:. Imagine paying another player thru paypal or something, lol. It would work in theory, but so does communism :D.
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Post by Dogfather »

communism works.. everyone is equally poor

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Post by MeSSiaH{FCU} »

and smelly*