looking for a clan

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looking for a clan

Post by BioHazard »

hi , im looking for a clan o/

I played under the name Ravage but i changed it to BioHazard,

i started playing in 1.0 then stopped in 1.4b cause i didnt really like 1.5 and now ive started again 2 weeks ago . i never had a previous clan , so id would be my first :)

thx in advance , BioHazard

edit; i play midfield or attack o/
Last edited by BioHazard on 25-08-2003 18:43, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by RaGe|DB »

wow, m8's i gotta tell you, this guy is great stuff =) im serious., anyway try *23* clan or px #ut.clan23 or #db-phoenix

for all the clanleaders, try him out =)
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Post by GraGoyle|ZBN »

Trial for us: Clan ZomBieNet

#zbn in quakenet.
ask for myself or harold. =)
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Post by R2c2 »

hey bio read my pm
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Post by DJ.G. »

Try us u might get in m8 #ro-viperz
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Post by bloodmaker »


3squads :P Maybe one is good for u... YaY