Keeper, Keep... why is there no keeper?

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Keeper, Keep... why is there no keeper?

Post by Mayer.hun »

I Think everybody noticed this:

We where playing a friendly Clan match. I am NO keeper, and when I spawned as keep, I wanted to change with my teammate, the enemy was attacking, so we changed it fast, but they made a really good long shot... But although I left the Penalty Box since ages, my teammate was still not the keeper.. infact, he couldn't dodge, and we got a very lame goal...

On the other hand.. there are time when the keeper dodges out from the PB just to kill an enemy. While he jumps away, someone goes to its place, to cover the goal... Actually, the one who goes to cover the goal, should actually become the keeper... So he could save any shots... understand what I mean?

I think ithis must be changed.. like it was in the old versions...
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Post by Cyph »

The first point has been raised before and I assume something's being done about it. The second one was argued to be this way by the keepers so that if they do jump out there's a small delay before someone new becomes keeper. Otherwise the new keeper has to run all the way out of the box so the real keeper can be keeper again.
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Post by Still »

idd, it's take too long time to recover keeping.

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Post by Stulovesyou »

There has to be some risk to jumping out of the penalty box as keeper.

Once you leave it - you give it up. There is no keeper / or an inferior keeper.

If you don't then clear the ball - the opposition has a chance to score. Your fault. You made the mistake of leaving the box. You took the risk - it didn't come off.

With risk comes reward OR the potential for failure.

Take away the notion of risk and the game becomes dull.

In the first example above - you took the risk of making the switch while the opposition had the ball. It was a risk. It wasn't a lame goal by the opposition. It was them punishing you for taking a risky option.

Australia's top keeper - Large Potato - earlier put the suggestion to these boards to increae the risks faced by a keeper for leaving the box.
To achieve this, meant the keeper box should be re-introduced. This would mean that if a keeper left the penalty zone to collect a ball - they would have to travel all the way back to the keeper box to become goalie again.
The risk of leaving the box is obviously increased substantially here.

A good thing. It makes the keeper think more about the potential results of leaving the box. It puts the pressure on them to succeed in clearing the ball. Failure to do so puts your team under the hammer. As it should be.

Adding risks to actions increases the skill level required and the enjoyment to the game.
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Post by Cyph »

You're right.
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Post by RaGe|DB »

i have this problem alot in 2 on 2 tbh :/
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Post by f1end »

I have this problem playing 1v1 o_<
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Post by NaB »

na, the current system is fine. keeper can go to the corner, fag about while the sweeper covers for him abd becomes keeper again when he comes back regardless of whether the sweeper is still there or not.

not had a single game where the change around has been too slow or caused any other probs.

but, keeper having to go back to box to become keeper is still better imo.
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Post by speedy »

i had an idea for the 1st problem nearly half a year ago ... eadid=1902

Last edited by speedy on 21-08-2003 20:06, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Diab »

do that thing i said in another post, about having a tickable box in the db tab saying if you want to spawn keeper, if 2 people are ticked it randomly picks and if no one is picked its just like normal random picking. :D
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Post by ThaGiMiC »

I like the idea Diab said, regarding been able to choose if you spawn as keeper or not. Would be very useful, plus I cant see how it could cause any harm =)

But tbh I keep quite alot and I havent had any problems regarding the pbox/keeper issues. As NaB said the sweeper is always there to cover <-- this is what makes a sweeper different from a standard defender. I would leave the system how it currently is rather than trying to alter it, only to find out its more buggy =)

Organise your team to stop the problems from happening =)
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Post by Surge »

keeper box = keeper change if a non-keeper is standing in it for 3 seconds and the keeper is somewhere roaming the pbox.
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Post by DiStUrbeD »

i noticed a lot of times, if i am in the pbox, sometimes it will make me the keeper out of nowhere (either that, or the keeper left and i didnt notice) it causes a lot of problems..
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Post by FireCell »

I think if u could choose to be keep then u spawn as keep, that way in a clan match.. only the keeper ticks the box and he will be keep..
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Post by Armagon »

Yeah but what if at some point the keeper wants to swap and go some offensive play?