Optional Dribble

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Optional Dribble

Post by Surge »

I was thinking about this while reading another thread and this originated as a reply to a responce simply saying: 'team' sport. So i was thinking about other team sports... And i came up with a little post... big post... about why the "dribble lets ego-whores run wild" excuse for removing dribble is bullshit...

For all people that like to say "theres no I in team" i would like to point out that theres also no "us". A team is a group of players that play a game together. It in no way restricts a player on that team to interacting with any other member of that team...

Look at a swimming team. Do they help each other? Are they bound to eachother? Do they absolutly depend on eachother to swim? No. They are a team because they are all people that participate in the same sport and can benefit from their team to better themselves, but when it comes down to it at a swim meet, only 1 swimmer from each team goes in each race. Some people on the team do better than others and they stand out in the crowd. They are still a team and those 1 or 2 or 4 exceptional swimmers help the team along.

In Deathball these players have no chance to shine because they are obligated to shell off the ball and take an un-necessary risk (passing) to another player on their team... I dont want to sound big headed, but when i was in SoP when we were a competative team we always had a joke on Team Speak if we needed a few goals "Just give Surge the ball and let him do it..." and I did. I was without a doubt the best scorer on our un-defeated team. I could have gotten all cocky about it. I could have said "i'm the best, fuck you all" to the other players on my team, but i didnt. We won matchs, we won scrims, we won the whole group A qualifying. Do you think my team hated me for hogging the ball? Do you think my team would have kicked me out of the clan for being a ball hog? If a player hogs the ball that much, sucks, and isnt beneficial to the team at all, let their own damn team deal with it. The only reason people get kicked off teams is because they're assholes. Not because they hog the ball. Stop telling us how to play the fucking game, and let us play the fucking game they way WE want to play the game WE are playing. If YOU want to pass and share go right ahead, but I know people like Xelent, Bodom, Prank, Mael, Hoju, Adren, and many other NA offensive players would pass regardless, because they trust their team mates. When i played offense for SoP me and ATB were a very good team because we knew the other guy would almost always be open when we were in a jam, and if they wernt we'd always have an open man down field. What kind of team are you running when they dont even fucking pass?

To this I propose, once again, to make the dribble guard OPTIONAL opposed to enforced. Clans should not be bound to play the game the way you want them too as far as "ego" goes. Dribbling is a risk that a player takes. He risks losing the ball for his TEAM. The TEAM he/she is part of. The TEAM that wins and loses together. The TEAM that can maul that player out if they cost the TEAM the game.

Now, this is not a poll, this is an inquiry. I want to know if there are any reasons why dribble should not be allowed in scrims and matches. I can see it still being banned on public servers, but thats why i want it to come back as an option.
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Post by Inphidel »

I dunno if it being an option would work out in theory, it totalyl changes the game.

looking at it from a pub point of view. you will have some poeple DESTROYING new players and turning them away.

hell i hated playing when dribble worked I started to masturbate more and play dball less.. i was pissed i'd be running around being open and some guy who thought he was good would dribble the whole time thus making playing dball a big waste of my time because i'd maybe get the ball if the keeper vollyed away his shot in my dirrection.

Its good for a player to feel some kinda pat on the back. but i think dball takes alot more skill now to be successful on your own, and I see some players stand out real good still even now. it just takes newer tricks. wall passing. etc.

I know when I play pubs I still recignize good tallent, and when i see them on my team i think to myself 'awesome, someone who knows how to pass. and move the ball around the zone'

i think thats a bigger pat on the back then 'oh he hop and pass the ball to himself really well.'
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Post by Stulovesyou »

Deathball is not swimming.


There is more similarities between mud wrestling and db, than swimming and db.

Your arguments are stupider and stupider.

Open up UT2003
Choose Instant action
Select DB as the mod
Select Trainingcourt as the map.

Now you can do all those spectactular individual goals you want without these foreign notions of 'team' and 'defence' getting in the way.

Let no-one stop you!
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Post by Surge »

Stu.. one day i'll be very rich when i invent a device to punch ignorant people in the face over the internet.

Did you even read it? the point was that it affects clans that functioned perfectly without it more than pug games. Hence OPTIONAL. As in not-required. As in adjustable...

Some times i think well water kills brain cells... that explains a lot about you aussies and most of the southern United States...
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Post by f1end »

I have to agree in a way with surge...except inphidel is also right...but then sprinting changes the game FAR more than dribbling does, and thats an (unused) option.

An option to be able to dribble would be fine IMO...turn it off for pubs, and on for matches.

If u think about football (not swimming ffs)...players can kick the ball a little way ahead of them, while still sprinting full-pelt...if anything, less hindered than a db player who was dribbling. A bit of individual skill makes quite a difference, but is still nothing compered to an organised team playing together...why not let us have that bit of skill back?

I can see the point that a good player on a public server could go round a whole team of n00bs and not pass, making a very dull game for his team...hence making it an option for pubs...BUT if that same player tried to take the ball round an experienced player with dribble...half the time either he or the ball would be boosted away...it wasn't that hard to tackle some1 who was dribbling tbh. Some of my clan used to like people trying to get past them, as they had it sorted, and usually got the ball off them.
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Post by Inphidel »

I'm glad sprint isn't used that much, same for the VO option. I really think we should always be playing the same game. not varations of one game. its like playing Team Fortress Classic for public games and going to Quake 3 Fortress for matches.

if it were to become an option I think however public servers would turn it on and ruin pub gaming again. its started to pick up again too.

dribbling seems to much like a exploit. people can't steal the ball from you because the instant its released its etherial. and it becomes real just as it hits your body again i say make the alt fire even when the ball is stationary push the ball if anything or bump it up a small hop like your kick dribbling. you get to move at full speed but you still retain some risks.. however.. then we have 'n00b cannon' all over again ;)
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Post by Surge »

the right click to left click delay that pisses me the fuck off prevents that Inf
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Post by L33FY »

Surge wrote: Stu.. one day i'll be very rich when i invent a device to punch ignorant people in the face over the internet.


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Post by Imo »

Start a poll.
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Post by Surge »

I can invent it first l33fy... shun
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Post by beefsack »

how many times has this been talked about before :/ its getting old like offside. dribbling aint going back in, otherwise it would already be there.
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Post by Stulovesyou »

I wonder what other 'self sports' there are for you to try surge?

Hitting a tennis ball against a wall

Have fun.
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Post by Stulovesyou »

Oh wait - you did one of those already in your first post.
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Post by Surge »

you people dont read do you?

-- optional --

i can see what it does bad for pubs and shit.. but for clan matchs if you can't defend against a guy going up the field un-contested you suck.

i believe the austrailian water theory holds true thus far.
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Post by Stulovesyou »


...if we needed a few goals "Just give Surge the ball and let him do it..."

*slap* *slap* *slap*

and I did.

*slap* *slap* *slap*

I was without a doubt the best scorer on our un-defeated team.

*slap* *slap* *slap*

I could have gotten all cocky about it. I could have said "i'm the best, fuck you all" to the other players on my team, but i didnt.

*slap* *slap* *slap*

We won matchs,

*slap* *slap* *slap*

we won scrims,

*slap* *slap* *slap*

we won the whole group A qualifying.

*slap* *slap* *slap*


I don't know about others here - but I don't like watching some guy having a wank. Seems kinda gay.

Training court - enjoy.

All by yourself. No need to worry about anyone else. You can own all over everyone.