This kinda sucks...

Everything about Death Ball.

Moderators: Jay2k1, DavidM, The_One

Think Keeper Radius Should be Shortened?

Yes Keeper Radius Should Be Shortened.
No leave it the way it is.
Doesn't matter
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This kinda sucks...

Post by InSaNe »

Well I was in a pickup game about 5 mins ago and I was keeper. The thing that dazzled me was I was good at it. It startled me actually, Surge was an attacker i kept against him, his first shot was a very good one and I turned to my right, didn't dodge, didn't jump, just pinched the "d" button and caught it.

That's kinda gay imo. Keeping should get harder, I learned form XiLL that the keepers catch radius is huge, DavidM also said so. Make it smaller. It'll be better for offense, and more of a challenge for keeps. Maybe will attract more players never know. But it certainly sucks, volleying of passes are easy as hell to catch, you have a better chance to catch it by not moving at all than to be scored on. I think most people would like the catch radius shortened/reduced.

Last edited by InSaNe on 20-08-2003 00:40, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by gnomeh »

I have never had anyone complain about this (meaning people on offense). Seems fine to me, go back to be crappy kthx
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Post by kaot »

I'm having a bad idea day:

movable shield! constant like the normal ut2k3 shieldgun's altfire, but you can move it a few "game feet" in any direction and it's only about as big as the ball. as an added bonus, that's the keeper's only volume or whatever, so you could shoot under it like thru his legs and stuff.

and because the bad ideas just keep coming, it's got two radii: the inner one is a catch, the outer is a rebound with enough oomph to get it outside the pbox.

yeah i know it's impossible and lame but dammit i'd love to see that.

And it's more a hockey or lacrosse analog than soccer. Which is just fine by me.
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Post by InSaNe »

gnomeh your god so shut it :D

kaot yes you are having a bad day :D But eh idk it just seems to me that i can dodge 2 seconds earlier and still catch the ball :lol:
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Post by DudeGuy »

you all know i suck at keeping but i can tell you the catch radius is just fine duh

it's not like there are many shots that were saved that shouldn't have been

if you didn't score and you think it's because of the catch radius then place your shot/volley better duh

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Post by The_One »

The radius is a sphere right?
Surely this is the wrong shape to be using, a cylinder would be better (or not, as the case may be). :p
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Post by Surge »

ya.. thats why the ball can go through your head and feet.

The sphere is something like 32UU's from the core of the model, where its belly button would be basically. This way, the sphere goes out to the sides as tall as the person is which is infact the exact length that you can extend your arms...

Technically the hitbox is accurate, but the model animations dont nearly match it and never will. A cylinder or an up-side-down egg-shaped hitbox would be much more accurate.
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Post by theberkin8or »

the extending sheild gun idea has come up b4 and could work if it was done correctly and could add a lot to keeping imo
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Post by vF_Zonk »

I don't really care if it's changed or not, but it shouldnt be lesseneed toooo much
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Post by DavidM »

Hm, dunno.
It could also scare keepers away (we don't have many)
but I think the radius is a bit compensating for the ping, which is the keepers biggest enemy.
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Post by ThaGiMiC »

Keepers only have a certain time to react in most cases, and the radius is a big help. If the radius was to be made smaller the keeper latency on the SG would also hve to come down. Otherwise keeping would just be being made harder, why? I'm up for a challenge as much as any1 else. But if DB was to be made harder in any way then it should really effect all players and not just one position.
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Post by InSaNe »

It just sucks for most people and I know deep down they think the keeper caught it but he DIDN'T!!! The keeper is getting away with things he/she isn't suppose to be. And who says we don't have many, most people in NA know how to keep. Everyone in V3 knows how to keep (Except me duh) so keeping is a bit easy imo. If everyone can keep then that's a problem. It should be harder.

But you're right dg, you should place your shots more accuratly/volley but these shots I'm speaking of are well tought out and well aimed, so many keepers are catching things that they'd think they never would and that's not right :|

The_One is right, should be a Cylinder, much more accurate, sphere wouldn't cut it.

And David there are many keepers don't worry about them once a keeper always a keeper :D

Gimic the radius is a big help yeah but it shows no skill, if it's hardened then it shows skill, but it's too easy now :|

This is just a suggestion hopefully it won't turn into a "omg v3 think everythings easy blablabla and they want it harder for them bla bla bla" just avoid this flame pls :/

But you can possible think more into this, not fair for the shooters and you've made it tough for the shooter already david :/
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Post by Surge »

David, heres a thought... why not make the catch radius only bigger when the keeper is moving at dodge speed... we know the game can be speed affected by how you fixed the boost trick.

Dodging is the only thing affected by lag... watching the ball suck into the keeper after bouncing off the inside of the post just pisses me off as a shooter. You shoot the ball, hits far inside post, keeper dodges backwards, sucks in ball.. no goal.
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Post by InSaNe »

Yeah I did that to him so he's extra pissed :D
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Post by DavidM »

the keeper catch latency might be increased a bit