NA DB Reborn?

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NA DB Reborn?

Post by Bodom »

Here's my suggestion: if you're an NA DB player, go to the websites of any other UT2003/game communities you know, and leave a post about Deathball on their message board inviting new players to try it out. In the post, explain what the mod is (in a paragraph or list, people have short attention spans), and leave links to [url],[/url] [url],[/url] and our main irc channels including #ballers and #dbpug. Also, tell any friends of yours about the game, and have them spread the word to their friends/clans. Above all, welcome any new players with open arms, not bitterness/elitism. We need new players for the community to survive, so either start advertising or lay down and die.

Also, we should make a DB basics video showcasing the basic moves of DB on training court, including boosting, passing, shooting, volleying, keeping (dodging), quad jumping, etc. The video would need to show how to do the move from 3rd and 1st person, and be educationally skewed. Also, stick a short clip of some cool plays at the end, to give the new players an idea of what is possible.
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Post by Surge »

just let it die... even if we do get a solid community going, David M will just find a way not to support it (like usual).

Just out of curiosity, why hasn't there been any "official" DB servers put up in NA? Is it cause he cant find any cheap ones? no... is it cause he cant get them for free? yup.

If anyone should take the wrap for the death of the NA community it will be David M for the simple fact that even though he put out a good mod, hes done shit all to help it progress... I was amazed to see the first NA clan server go up when i first started playing simply because the DB staff as a whole has done shit ofr out community.

The sad part of this is that the MSU contest going on is run by a North America based company... a community you have done shit all for even though at one time a bigger community existed.

From what i see, we should let the NA community die untill SOMEONE on the DB staff, that will get credit for the game, gets off their ass and does something about it.
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Post by Cirian »

Surge stop being foolish; Bodom may have an aire of naivety, but at least he's well intentioned. If you people stopped waxing lyrical about how Deathball is going to die because David M doesn't hold your hand the whole damn time, and tried to bring in new players, you'd do much better, and would be far more likely to make the game a success. :rolleyes:
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Post by Bodom »

I'm not naive, I know most people won't do this, but if at least a few do, we have a chance.
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Post by Cirian »

Oh I agree with you completely, but you are naive if you think people like Xelent and Surge are going to do anything but act all melodramatic. Don't let that put you off though!
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Post by UTNeflyte »

Hi, long time reader, first time poster.

I've had the chance to play DB in Europe for a few months and DB in NA for the past 3 months. And to be honest, playing in Europe, is alot more fun. Not to bash NA's here, but if DB is losing popularity in NA, it can be blame on the general players' attitude.

Note: I used the word general, there are some great people in NA playing DB. V3 in general are good sports. JMHO...

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Post by Xelent »

Oh I agree with you completely, but you are naive if you think people like Xelent and Surge are going to do anything but act all melodramatic. Don't let that put you off though!

I didnt even post in this thread so fuck off.
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Post by Surge »

your right.. i'm not going to do shit...

if i did then what? i build a community back up that i have to babysit at the same time i get called a fucktard by the creator and spit at by other players...

Maybe thats what you want to spend your time doing, but i think i'll leave that job up to the person who will get credit for the game.
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Post by f1end »

/me spits at surge ;) (joke)

I think whatever you guys can do to save NA db is great...good plan...

and surge, you have been making so much more sense recently, i have found myself agreeing with what u have been saying regularly...y not make an effort...u have to admit 1.8 is heading back in the right direction after 1.5's lameness....get more n00bs can only make you feel good as u have more to pwn ;)
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Post by Surge »

owning noobs.. we all saw where that got our community before... its definatly something we don't need. The DBA is not the solution, i'll tell you that. Take a game like starcraft for example. Theres tiers of players judged by skill level. DB isnt big enough for this so its an up-hill battle for all noob players. Also, joining our current community isnt helping. We need other organized clans to start playing DB and start their own community so we can have skill level variations but no one is stupid enough to try and create a comunity when an idiot creator wont even support that community. I was in SoP for a long time and one thing i figured out quite quickly is that 13th and David M didnt get along well. I dont know or care why, byt 13th was a leader of our community for a game created by someone who hates him. So David, lets see you do a better job. Prove me wrong. Please do.

The 2 main problems i have with DB right now are the lack of bug fixes regarding basic gameplay (like the gun switch bugger thats still there) and the fact that all the bugs seem to either rollover into later versions, where the new versions promis nothing but more cosmetic crap.

Point and case, what was wrong with the shield gun and ball gun? nothing. I dont mind seeing something new but with the huge flaw of no longer knowing when you have the ball is aggrivating. The gunswitch thats no longer there is determined by ANIMATION LENGTH, not what Davey decides to set it to. This was something that wasnt tried and true like the shield gun/ball gun combo, and wasnt ready for "prime time".

Some other things that seriously tick me off are the right click to left click delays. Muti-tasking is a great thing. You need to dis-accociate the right click from the ball gun completely or this will always piss me, and many others off and this has also NEVER been fixed and has rolled over from version to version and provided minor annoyance. its like saying "yo, pass me the ball" and while the balls coming to you you leave your arm in the air yelling for a pass and the ball wizzes past you instead of being able to volley it. Logic? where. "It looks like a bug" as dave would say.

Not to mention all his progressivly worse versions of Cube that scream "BURN ME DOWN" every time i see his fireworks. Especially on a map that should be playable by anyone that meets the UT2003 requirements and not have to cruise around at 12 FPS.

You took the simple game that was DB and made it so fucking complicated that people started to lose intrest. DB gameplay has gotten very linear. Why is Deathmatch fun to play? Because you have choices and styles. Why is Team Deathmatch fun? Because you have choices and styles but now you have people on your team. Your own abilities arnt hindered how they are in DB. If there was 1v1 DB on veyr small maps i'd play it and i'd beat a LOT of people on it. But there isnt. DB is a team sport. There's no I in team but theres also no us. I shouldnt be required to pass the ball off if i'm on a breakaway because the person behind me can run faster than me. This not playing a team game, thats stupid. Thats like saying the best football striker in the world, whoever they may be, should pass the ball off to a team mate so he can move up field faster. The whole idea of "ball carrier moves slower" still baffles me. I mean if the balls heavy enough to slow you down your physics are either really fucked up or that hammer is an electro-magnet (meaning it will shoot metal hard but hardly move lighter organic objects for they contain little metal). I can accept "because thats the way it is" but after the removal of dribble, the way around this retarded "rule", DB never really made a lot of sence to me...

DB is a good game, i'll admit that. I play it, i like it. The fact that all decisions for the game are made by 1 person who does nothing for the community straight out pisses me off.

sorry, novel :confused:
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Post by Diab »


anyway, if dm was to win a certan amount in the epic compo it will get known again, even if it doesnt get to the final finals.

of course if it did get to the final and win, well its going to be well known in the shops isn't it :)
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Post by YoYo789 »

i think I should point out that we just started a new clan in Aus (with 5 new ppl, and 2 from existing clans).

Aus community is growing, albeit slowly, and the only real difference between Aus and NA is the community. The Australian community is friendly and welcoming of n00bs.
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Post by Surge »

unless you like losing you dont want to be a noob in NA... when you have clans like V3 spanking new clans by grotesquly high margins it doesnt help for growth of the community.

Also, doesnt the mod that wins MSU become a real Epic mod? You seen how many Mutant and Last Man Standing servers there are?

Good ideas on papers, horrible implementation. Same goes for deathball. Sprinting looks good on paper, but sucks in reality.
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Post by YoYo789 »

Surge wrote: Sprinting looks good on paper, but sucks in reality.
It doesn't completely suck, but no-sprint is better.
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Post by Surge »

agreed... it doesnt completely suck, but its still better on paper.