It's basically at a stand still like the blackout that 50 million of us encountered during the past several days. Nobody wants to play no more. Sure, we have our daily pickup games, but it's the same people joining over and over again. Most try to stay playing the game, playing other positions, trying to make their experience more fun. However, the fact is, by the end of the month as it stands, the popularity of the mod will dwindle. There is no hope to slavage the mod no more, its over. It was once fun, no more, just spam.
[14:16:pm] <@bulletsux> !8ball DB dead at the end of the month?
[14:16:pm] <@ChanServ> bulletsux: Of course.
Last edited by Fallen on 19-08-2003 05:59, edited 1 time in total.
Oh darn, no more gnomeh around either. Damn we are really losing the quality characters!
Surge, it was fun when it first came out because it was new to you. You haven't yet grasped this as you keep asking for them to change things back to how they used to be. Every game a person likes is great at the beginning but lots of times it gets old after a while. That has happened for you with DB, just accept it and move on. However, some people haven taken the game a little deeper and are getting different types of enjoyment out of it... probably mostly on a team level.
Whatever you guys do though, please try to be happy and have fun in your life. If DB is not making you happy then why are you still involved?
Fallen wrote:
It's basically at a stand still like the blackout that 50 million of us encountered during the past several days. Nobody wants to play no more. .
Jesus, how many hard core db players have said DB is daid in the last 6 months? A Lot. Is it dead? No. If you don't like it, STOP PLAYING AND LEAVE US ALONE for christs sake. Jesus, I'm sick of listening to you fuckers. Db is a great game, its a lot of fun. If you don't agree, get off the forum and jam some sand paper up your anus.