
Everything about Death Ball.

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Shake or no shake?

Total votes: 53

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Post by Surge »

[V3]Dave wrote: D is easy and i like it that way and keep shake kthx and maybe add fast dribble again david shit for dicks m kthx

make it harder for me har har i have no brain kthxbye"

yup you have no brains for addin tha kthx with bye:/ truly ghey kthx whos NEXT!!!

umm owned? kthx
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Post by Xelent »

david shit for dicks m.... LMAO
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Post by YoYo789 »

that's what us aussie's seem to be good at. we seem to have a better viewpoint on the game (hell, we actually play it for fun! on pubs! without volley only!!!!!)
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Post by Xelent »

"we seem to have a better viewpoint on the game"

Ill call a bullshit on that one. Having your own opinion doesnt make it better than anyone else's. I think we learned that in 1st grade, and I think we are a little older than that. (I hope)

There are pubs in NA too... just that a lot of the competitive players dont play pubs because the games are so horrible. And there is no aussie league, so i cant see that being a problem for you guys...
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Post by Stulovesyou »

It's not a curious poll. It's a poorly written rant, blaming your own insecurities on a poorly chosen oppenent.

Do you honestly believe that you should be able to defeat a compentent defender plus keeper by yourself?

If you really want to make things easier for the attackers - go open up training court and shoot all the goals you can against no defenders. Look how many goals you can get. Wow!

See how easy it is to score against no defenders.

If you pbox camp ONLY as defence, then your opponents are going to get plenty of shots against you. They can waltz up to the edge of the box and dictate the offence as they please. Many shots will go in.
You will lose.

Now learn real defence.
How can your opponent score, if they don't have the ball?
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Post by Surge »

lol... gg YoYo, we got bored of that a LONG time ago...

when we play against euros we seriously smack talk them on TS and Ventrilo or whatver not because they're euro, or they're gay, but the style of DB you all play. Its pathetically primative and we used it at least a month ago...

Now that the possibilities are becomming more limited people are getting bored and quitting... have fun catching up.

If you want first hand proof of how different and better we play, ask Khushdi...
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Post by Stulovesyou »

I would wager that the standard shown in our all-stars game - demo pimped here previously - is FAR better than any bollucks you bring up.
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Post by Xelent »

Stulovesyou wrote: It's not a curious poll. It's a poorly written rant, blaming your own insecurities on a poorly chosen oppenent.

Do you honestly believe that you should be able to defeat a compentent defender plus keeper by yourself?

If you really want to make things easier for the attackers - go open up training court and shoot all the goals you can against no defenders. Look how many goals you can get. Wow!

See how easy it is to score against no defenders.

If you pbox camp ONLY as defence, then your opponents are going to get plenty of shots against you. They can waltz up to the edge of the box and dictate the offence as they please. Many shots will go in.
You will lose.

Now learn real defence.
How can your opponent score, if they don't have the ball?

I havent been replying to you because you dont fucking make sense. Im trying to not acknowledge your ignorance.

Do you honestly believe that you should be able to defeat a compentent defender plus keeper by yourself?
On occasion. If the defense your playing against has down syndrome, maybe you can shoot off a .65 or higher without being shaken. If the D knows what they are doing, you will NOT get any shot or volley towards the goal.

If you pbox camp ONLY as defence, then your opponents are going to get plenty of shots against you. They can waltz up to the edge of the box and dictate the offence as they please. Many shots will go in.
You will lose.

What the FUCK are you talking about. You complain about ME not making sense. I want to see you try to take shots on me while I pbox camp. Ive got some green bills in my wallet that say you cant take a shot on me under .64 without being shaken or gibbed. I dont know what kind of ragged ass d your playing against that lets you dictate the game while they camp the box, but that is NOT the case in NA for sure. Some teams camp the box, and they do it well.

And speaking of which, since you want to start shit with me, I have absolutely no fucking clue how your input could be valid since you guys dont even play any leagues or matches. When your games actually COUNT for something the game steps up a little, and teams will do what they need to do to win the game.
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Post by YoYo789 »

Xelent wrote: "we seem to have a better viewpoint on the game"

Ill call a bullshit on that one. Having your own opinion doesnt make it better than anyone else's. I think we learned that in 1st grade, and I think we are a little older than that. (I hope)

There are pubs in NA too... just that a lot of the competitive players dont play pubs because the games are so horrible. And there is no aussie league, so i cant see that being a problem for you guys...
ok i didn't mean better, i meant fresher, different, funner. In Australia we play DeathBall because it is fun. This is the primary objcective. The fun is not in winning but in playing. I have lost a number of games but still had fun and learnt something about how to play better.

And we do have an aussie league, we just don't have it run by the DavidM crew.

"The games are so horrible"

No they're not, learn to play for fun, then it doesn't matter if you're in a team of complete n00b's, it's still fun. (unless they are wankers, but hey, then I'd ban them :p )
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Post by Surge »

i take your demo and i spit at it. Your "all-star" game is equivalent to our pick up games... Probably not even to some good games infact.

DB has catered to whiney defenders forever and the trend isnt stopping.

To stop any kind of boost goal just dont let the boost. Is it that hard for you to understand? Many valid moves were killed by the flight nerf and many more will be killed by the height relative volleying.

You said it yourself. 1 attackers shouldnt be able to beat 1 defender and a keeper. So tell me, how are 4 attackers suppost to beat 4 defenders and a keep when the attackers are the ONLY players that can get fragged with or without the ball, the only players that can send arrent shots off the wall making them go further backfield, the only players that will be hit by a deflect, the only players that have to shoot at a limited target area at range (opposed to point blank).

You give the offense a way to exploit oppertunities like breakaways without risk of losing the ball or getting killed from a player simply running to catch them, and we have ourselves a deal.

I play O in DB because i have fun scoring... people keep in DB cause they have fun stopping people like me's shots... people dont play D in DB. People exploit un-resolved and un-avoidable circumstances. For those of you that don't understand what the means, i'll give you an example.

The offensive players job is to score. To do this they have to either shoot, volley, or run the ball in. Shooting only works 2 ways. At extremely close range with a quick dump in, or at limited range with a conventional shot. Volleying, although faster than shooting and providing indirection, is less accurate and harder than shooting. Look at it as a slap shot opposed to a wrist shot in hockey. Both have pros and cons. This is good balance.

On the defensive end they can either intercept the ball, kill the ball carrier, or let the keeper stop the shot which already is only effective up to a certain distance away. Unfortunetally that distance is the same as the area in which its easiest to kill the attackers. So not only is it easy for a defender to kill an offensive player, but the offense practically GIVES themselves to the defenders because they're doing their job. In doing so, the defense is a laid back, easier job, because you just have to sit back, wait, and watch the fireworks.

To make my arguement reletive, i'll use an example we can all relate to. The DB mod is in the MSU contest. The DB mod is comprised of a lead designer, coders, modelers, mappers, and players. Now what is the leader (defender) without the others? he means nothing. If the others didnt do anything for him, he wouldnt be needed. Unfortunetally, he is also the only one with the easy job. The job of cashing in on other peoples work, if he places, or be it, win the MSU contest.

So please, explain to me again... why is the defense getting all these perks... maybe its because everything is reletive. Maybe its because Mr. M finds ways around giving to people of his kind (defenders) for example when cY.13 won the division using the boost trick which is what DB is suppost to be against.

Finding loopholes in games is easy, fixing them isnt.
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Post by vF_Zonk »

Xelent wrote: if defense is SO easy, why do people still score?

And by the way, thank you and stu for turning a curious poll into a flame thread you fucking useless shitstains.


YOU were the one that said:
Xelent wrote: yay flame bait

First of all dipshit, I play o. Ive played D. Its easy. Easy enough where i can sit in the box like all the people do now because of the setup of the game, and you cant blame them. Not once EVER has that come out of my mouth you jackass, dont put words in my mouth.

how the HELL was it me that started this flaming!??!?!

it was you and DavidM, and maybe Stu

why the hell are you blaming me?
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Post by Surge »

flaim bait doesnt have to be offensive.. it just has to be a stupid, obvious, comment that makes people angry due to your thickness...
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Post by vF_Zonk »

one more thing
Xelent wrote: "we seem to have a better viewpoint on the game"

And there is no aussie league, so i cant see that being a problem for you guys...

yeah there is

don't jump to assumptions :/

EDIT: Please tell me what i said that created flaming
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Post by Stulovesyou »

OMG xelent - learn to post.

First you make a poll with no clear choices.
You rant on about a cause that could be anything.
You give such cause your own own term expecting everyone to see your view.

Now you lack the ability to quote properly.

Where do my post end and yours begin?

What is your point exaclty? That you are great at splattering people in the box? So what. EVERYONE is. You hit them once - they splatter. Wow - its easy isn't it.

Pbox camping means the opposition can waltz up into your half unhindered. Opposition is not necessarily singular. In fact the whole point of any and all suggestions I have made refers to the quite clear point, the there is this little thing called.... teamwork.
Have you ever heard of this?

If the opposition does not get the ball in our half at all - they don't get shots.

There is an Australian league. Research before blindly making stupid statements.

I have posted an Australian all-star match on these very boards. I believe the quality of this game is better than you'll ever see.

Basically, you don't even know how to play defence without resorting to pbox camping.

How are you going to stop someone who can volley from outside the box?

I suggest you turn off your computer. Go walk outside. Get some fresh air.

Now walk down to your local video store. Get yourself a video of some competitive sport. Lets say football (any kind). Watch some athletes play.

See those things called 'skills' that they possess. You will possess none of those in your lifetime.

See how they work together to create scoring opportunities. I know this may be hard for you - but watch how one player passes to another player. Thats teamwork.
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Post by vF_Zonk »

Surge wrote: i take your demo and i spit at it. Your "all-star" game is equivalent to our pick up games... Probably not even to some good games infact.


the All-star match wasn't really the best played DB by us

but the pick-ups i played on seemed very low the point where we would absolutely thrash the players if the pings were equal

i reckon it's just a psyochological thing..........going to other people's servers and watching them play always makes them look bad in your eyes

for example, an AUS person that played on Euro servers, and pick-ups, and watched demos, and stuff, seemed to think that that with even pings, AUS > EU

but of course you people will think the exact opposite of that. And you will probably be quite sure that you are correct

but the truth is i doubt we'll ever how close or far apart the scores of a match would be

anyway...........this forum seems full of bitching and whinging........of which there is basically none of at i think i'll leave now