What is more important to you in a map?

Everything about Death Ball.

Moderators: Jay2k1, DavidM, The_One

What is most important to you in a map?

Both must be perfect
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Post by theberkin8or »

thank god sc sucks now no more volley only on every server :)
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Post by Twigstir »

Deathball by it's very nature will not equal the graphics quality of UT2003.

1.) Deathball does not handle as well as UT2003 at the same graphics level during online play.

2.) Many of the details in UT2003 maps would interfere with gameplay.

3.) Deathball lends itself to simple one room arenas.

Deathball maps can look nice. However, there are only so many ways to include detail in a map that remains out of the playing field. Cube, legofan - above and around. Turbin, Curve, IceDemon, Chill - behind glass/ fences. DavidM did a great job with setting up the maps for different detail settings. Mappers like myself should learn by his example. However, Deathball being what it is, you have not seen, nor will you probably see, maps that graphically blow you away and are playable.

What is possible in my opinion is different and fun variation to the way deathball is played today. People will have to adapt to different styles of play and strategies. I find this fun. I believe deathball can support both.
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Post by an_old_man »

I dont care how the map looks, I just want some good gameplay.
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Post by Armagon »

Then you'll want to take a look at the DB Ownage Map Pack then. ;)
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Post by InSaNe »

When you're a keeper, your offense or defense is pwning.. What have you so do? Personally I wouldn't mind looking around the map, do some taunting or wall dodge (THANKS DAVID) but when there's nothing to do I simply look at the surrounding... Which is shit.

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Post by heLTy »

^^ I agree with you Insane! That's why I would like a map with a TV (like the big screens on DB-Cube) near my goal! :p I want to see the match when my attack own!

So, a beautifull map BUT playable (not like GreenBaze... no wall around the map is the worse thing) is very important for the future of DB...

November and Cube are good, but some clones of these maps (same gameplay) but with another graphic are needed!

I'm beginning the mapping... and I have some ideas for new gameplay... I hope it will be working...;)
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Post by f1end »

^^^ like the tv idea...with a view of the other end of the pitch's action on it...watched a demo of a dbl match from goalies perspective once...fell asleep tbh.
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Post by Diab »

gameplay should always be good, looks as long as its something i can eyeball more then a few times before getting bored is fine, but the main thing you not had in the pole that i think is most is..

back wall.

the back wall near the goals is what effects most games, from cubes flat wall to novembers far away curved ball, we need more varys.


Cube could stay flat, as its as fare as the player, butmaby a cube vary, something like without a roof, a really sunny day (like ten-statium) and a back wall like "wall3", that would be verry good i think :D
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Post by ThaGiMiC »

Wall 3 looks to inviting to use against keepers =) hit the ball at the right angle and it will fall straight in front of the keeper, perfect for boost whores u understand =)

Cube has major issues for keepers and it isnt as playable as it was, I'm forced to switch to a low res when keeping on cube, not because of lack of FPS but because of the CROWD. Its hard to see any balls being crossed into the pbox, with that sea of yellow at the other end of the field. The ball just mixes in with the crowd most of the time when its in the air, making it a visual nightmare.

plz sort DM \o

New maps should also be welcomed as playing the same maps over and over again can get a bit boring. =/ Any1 out there making maps plz make sure that visibility is good, without it u cant have gameplay or a good looking map imo.
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Post by f1end »

wall2 looks better
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Post by heLTy »

Yea... i've already thought about this... and it's a nice idea!
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Post by XiLLeRaToR »

on a side note, twigstir i wont be reviewing ALL of your maps, 60 % of them are pretty much exactly the same bar a few things=/
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Post by Twigstir »

Agreed, the night maps are a series of maps small, medium, large and large with a different playing field. They all look similar but play different. Review them as a series or however you wish. If you pick just one, my vote would be MidNight. Do as you see fit. I just happy your doing the reviews for the community.

Avenir and Hex are similar also. The big difference is layout and thus how they play.

Thanks for your efforts XiLLeRaToR.
Last edited by Twigstir on 18-08-2003 17:25, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by ziadoz »

he sure wants A to win, to pwn me with that ownage pack thing

when you are in it, gameplay is all...yeah...
but to become successfull a game needs looks, just to not look crap on pics

looks get you playing, gameplay keeps you playing
thumbs up to that :p