Hey all, I think i am at the same place as Evilsbane, and i thought I had solved it when thinking about level 26 but as you can imagine it hasn't work.
Is it possible to PM some ideas and see if I am on the right track?
Idk, I think I'm missing something kinda obvious, but I'm not really trying b/c I don't care for all this... stuff... Like level 18's easter eggs.. ugh.
Anyways, is this really obvious? And why are levels 27 through 29 all put together...?
Also, AWESOME how this level <I give up so I just remove my own spoilers xD>
ANY help is greatly appreciated, even in the form of PMs
I've been stuck on 27 for ages... Been staring at the pic and trying every word that comes to mind, but nothing... What should I do? I don't get what the clues are in the picture. Any help?
You shouldn't just look at the picture, but at the text... "i hope it helps you to get from 26 to 28"
This level is kind of like a bridge. It hints at what you must do in 26 to get to 28.
Why is titts wrongly spelled? Maybe that's the clue? Remove this, please if it is a spoiler...
Edit: I was told that the misspelled word is not the clue it is just wrongly spelled... People, it's hard... You need to think about the "thing" those people want in general...