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Post by InSaNe »

Well, I signed the petition concerning putting DB in UT2K4, I signed it a long time ago and was just thinking, if we get enough votes will this really happen? If so that's great but, even if we get a lot of votes will Epic care or something? Or DavidM can get further information on this issue....

This would be a big boost for the community but just want to know if it's a joke...

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Post by gs|GiZZiE »

\o/:p \o/
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Post by Cenotaph »

do u really think epic give a shit 'bout anyone :p
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Re: \o/o\

Post by YoYo789 »

InSaNe wrote: Well, I signed the petition concerning putting DB in UT2K4, I signed it a long time ago and was just thinking, if we get enough votes will this really happen? If so that's great but, even if we get a lot of votes will Epic care or something? Or DavidM can get further information on this issue....

This would be a big boost for the community but just want to know if it's a joke...


i don't think the petition was a joke, but as with most petitions, the companies will ignore it.
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Post by GhosT_Face_KiLLa »

hopefully they wont ignore it, would boost the number of players playing the game and make more competion, which would be fun :). But they will proberly ignore it. :(
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Post by Cenotaph »

WHICH would be bring more and more n00bs which will decrease pub quality even more
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Post by Requiem »

:p i gonna feel better :p :lol:
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Post by Fallen »

The idea of the petition might be in best interest good for the mod. However, in a corporate gaming world, Deathball will not be implemented into UT2004. Unlike Counter Strike for Half Life, this mod is not as popular as it could be. Not a whole lot of people will put the time and effort to learn the basics, let alone the advance tactics that clan members use. Nevertheless, the best thing going for the mod right as of this moment is the fact that it's one of finalist for the Contest. If it wins, that would make good publicity for the mod. Not only for the fan base, but maybe the development team can intice a few experienced coders to help out, as well as modelers and skinners.
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Post by DavidM »

epic just tells us to join the contest, that way we'll get much more money (7500$ for 15+ ppl if we win, hurray we are rich 0_o)
and cliffy saying they have too many playmodes already *cough*
and saying that ppl would be moaning that they use too much free content....

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Post by YoYo789 »

they call domination and bombing run "playmodes"?
i tend to call them "dogshite", or "dirty loo-roll" or "totally fucked up wtf do u think ur doing with good playmodes epic wankers"
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Post by DavidM »

thats what i call that tribes-mode and assault
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Post by f1end »

assault was the only good play-mode in the original ut imho...pales into insignificance next to deathball tho.
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Post by DiStUrbeD »

Invasion is the worst play mode Epic has made
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Post by DavidM »

"assault was the only good play-mode"

doesnt surprise me to hear that from you, (your tard comment on the 1on1 thread :P)
as is just as brain-dead as iDM

bah, invasion was just another cheap ripoff of another mode
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Post by Robotojon »

ever wonder why everyone hates you Dave ?