Hows DB now?

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Hows DB now?

Post by E-VecTz »

it's been over 5 years since I quit this game because the updates made the game unpleasurable for me
by coincidence I stumbled upon this forum again and I'm amazed to see TheOne is still active, I can remember him being a pro in VO, I always enjoyed our 1v1's :)

well I can remember I stopped playing after 2.4F+, the most decent version I remember from this game (in UT2K4) was 2.4C or 2.4E (cuz it had VO and awesome gameplay)

so I'm kind of curious how the game has advanced over the years

for someone like me (a VO-player) would DB still be interesting or did it pretty much stick to what it was?

anyways nice to see some of you are still here

greetings VecTz

p.s. does SmallCube still exist?
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Re: Hows DB now?

Post by The_One »

Hey there. Bit of a late reply. x)

Yeah, I remember the VO days. Really loved them but I'm nowhere near as good as I used to be, and I'm not sure I was that hot to begin with. ^^

Traditional VO isn't played any more but we do have the (very) occasional gibball match. Honestly, if you went off it before, you might like the current iteration even less, as volleying got a slight nerf (you need to bounce the ball before volleying for full power). Having said that, if you can control the sucker well you can pull off some really nice moves (spinning the ball around your body before volleying it in, etc.).
p.s. does SmallCube still exist?
We play two versions of SmallCube (in #deathball @QuakeNet), SmallCube and SmallCubeSE. Of course, there's been so many different versions over the years, which one do you remember most? My fave is still the one with the curved roof (called old-smallcube now) but don't have a version with the bigger goals, so it's not played. Ah the memories. :D