Hi... after lots and lots of months playing notpron I made it to this lvl... felt really good.. keeping in mind this used to be the last one =)
I managed to get the file and stuff... then I came read this thread but... got me very confused!
some say no manipulation... ok.. I understand that... but then some say "no need to change the extention".. but "use another program to open it" (and the extention is used just to tell the O.S. which program to open the file)... then "use the one you are used to open this kind of file" ... o.O wtf?
very paradoxal hints in some way.. not intentionaly... I know that.. but can confuse a lot
Can I PM someone to make some things clear? I bet I'm really close!
Beautiful. I was getting really pissed off and then I tried a program I hadn't used in Notpron up to this point. I saw it and all my worries went away.
Well done. Brilliant job. I wish this meant i was on the negatives now... So close...
Just Brilliant, so far one of the best levels on the game. I was lucky i've got the right program already, but any way it was a f*****g hard, but nice level.
Ok done it and it feels weird! two things, first maybe this thread needs a bit cleaning and second why no hints? it doesn't seems to be spoiling anything to me...
Was thinking in the wrong direction for an hour due to misinterpretation, then found something and carefully inspected it... Finally some of my geek knowledge pays off
<- happy
Excellent riddle, definitely one of the best I have encountered until here. Made my day
It took me days. I stared at it, my mom stared at it, my boyfriend stared at it, a co-worker. I was so close with my second guess. Wow. Moving right along...
Good god, I've been stuck on this one for 3 months now! I think I'm on the right track (with the source hints, not the one about the title; David's a liar), even downloaded a file. I've looked at it in every way that I can think of (paint, audacity, NOTEPAD), but I can't make a thing of what I find.
Is there someone I can PM about this? I'm getting seriously frustrated...