Level Nu (Real)

Hints and questions about specific levels. Be careful not to post spoilers!

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Post by frkyjenn »

This is the best I can do as far as links.

The rest is up to you.

Good luck :)
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Post by Mehtbh »

I'm finally here.


Here goes nothing eh?
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Post by azure »

I've finally decided to legitimately try this..because seriously, not attempting something because you initially don't think you can is stupid

but I'm still afraid I'll be way off and David will just laugh at me..
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Post by frkyjenn »

David doesn't laugh at honest attempts.

Good luck, Azure. :)
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Post by Mehtbh »

I can't get beyond lines and shapes. I don't know how to get any impression of what the picture is actually OF.

This level makes me sad. :c
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Post by frkyjenn »

Time for a break. Stop thinking so hard on it.. your mind isn't open enough right now.

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Post by Mehtbh »

My mind seems too open if you ask me, it'll grab anything as a possibility. I'll notice a green pencil on the table and think "that's it! green!" no, fool. You just saw a green pencil. So i'll close my eyes and instantly think "darkness" well duh, you just closed your eyes.

Oh well. Another go tommorow perhaps.
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Post by Mehtbh »

*sigh* I've tried a rediculous number of 'practice' targets similar in nature to Nu's target. (Given a number, etc)

And not one time has absolutely anything I produced been at all relate-able to what the target was.

It's just getting depressing.

everything I read, everywhere, says the same. Stay low level, get feelings and let things come to you. But nothing comes. At all. No matter how long I wait.

So eventually my mind just makes up for the lack of anything else to go on with stuff that's just random.
Last edited by Mehtbh on 17-02-2009 20:12, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mil79 »

Mehtbh wrote: *sigh* I've tried a rediculous number of 'practice' targets similar in nature to Nu's target. (Given a number, etc)

And not one time has absolutely anything I produced been at all relate-able to what the target was.

It's just getting depressing.

everything I read, everywhere, says the same. Stay low level, get feelings and let things come to you. But nothing comes. At all. No matter how long I wait.

So eventually my mind just makes up for the lack of anything else to go on with stuff that's just random.

I know how you feel. I've tried full focusing on it. I've tried not thinking about the level at all and hoping something randomly comes to mind. I've tried the dream route. I have thoughts and dreams and other things which I can't quite label, but nothing seems to work.

My conclusion either we don't have the gift or the gift requires face to face teaching from someone with it. Either way we stand little chance.

At this point, even if I get the answer it won't be enough to not convince me it was a dang lucky guess.
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Post by frkyjenn »

Mehtbh and Mil79.

I felt the same way.. defeated. So I gave up... it took me a week of dreaming the same thing over and over again (and then talking to David) before I realized that I had the answer.

I honestly didn't believe I could do it. I read everything I could find on the subject. I worked on it for hours on end. It wasn't until I gave up that I figured out how to do it.
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Post by Mil79 »

My dreams have always been vivid. From everything I've gathered is you don't think about it and it will come. I mean you have to think of the numbers or am I wrong? If I don't even think of the numbers then how am I suppose to get anything at all thats relative to them. That seems to be paradox in itself.

Also watch this:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QY4MTKa2 ... re=related
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Post by azure »

yeah I'm definitely having trouble getting anything, nothing just comes from nowhere for me..

ill either continue thinking about something i was already thinking about a few hours ago or random things from my past will come up to haunt me lol

i can't seem to find the other input channel that i need to utilize.

any advice jenn?
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Post by DavidM »

It's not about conscious thinking.
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Post by frkyjenn »

Mil, I actually printed the numbers out and had them in my pocket for a while. Then one night I threw them under my pillow. I think they eventually fell between the headboard and the mattress. LOL

Like I said I had no clue what my dreams meant until I jokingly told David about them.

My dreams are more than just vivid. I don't dream unless it has some meaning. Most of the time I don't know the meaning until long after I've forgotten about the dream. If that makes any sense.

Azure, no honestly I have no advice. Only because this is pretty new to me. I think it worked for me because I finally just gave up, forgot about it and didn't stress about it.
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Post by DavidM »

That's on important point. Lose the tension. Just go "ah fuck it, doesn't matter if I suck with this". That makes it a lot easier and more efficient.
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