I was stuck on this level over a year ago. I thought I'd have another go at it now but I still can't solve it! The general opinion in this thread seems to be that Eta is an easy level but I just can't get my brain to think the right way.
I thought I had tried every possible combination from the source code. I have tried to find something hidden in the level pic. I have squinted, stood on my head and even tried yelling at the image but I just can't find anything worthwhile - not even an egg!
Could someone please please please prod me in the correct direction?? Otherwise I will be stuck on Eta for the rest of my life.
**Edit. Got it! Many thanks to Anki on IRC for helping me. I wasn't being imaginative enough to solve it. Now I've finally solved it I'm kicking myself I didn't think of it earlier! **
Last edited by Kezzle on 02-04-2008 13:41, edited 1 time in total.
Ahh! I'm stuck at this one for a month now!
I hate this level This is the way of thinking I'm hating so much, I think.
Edit// I got it! I got it!! yaahh! *happy*
eventually it was the method I already thought of, but I used wrong words^^
In the end, I still do not like it
Last edited by Faxter on 14-08-2008 13:23, edited 1 time in total.
this one is no good for my brain...
The previous 2 were just perfect but this one... nothing for now... And everybody seems to find it easy...
back to the brainstorming...
Kinda hard for me to get these kind of mental jumps (from what you see to how you get an answer) but after that it wasn't too bad. Very clever. Getting the right words is a bit tough though.
still trying to get that mental jump. I'm wondering if a previous level would be helpful, perhaps a lower negative. I dunno, very confused on this..
edit: pretty sure that's not right... grrrr
edit2: my brain continues to hone in on the answer, i continually feel like i'm getting closer but just a small concept away... cmon baby, you can do this
Last edited by kpatterson on 19-06-2009 20:58, edited 1 time in total.