Installing XP

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Post by YoYo789 »

Cenotaph wrote: for u mac lovers.... Apple marketing is deceiving (G5 is not the fastest Processor)
Whoever wrote that needs a severe training course in logic and common sense. (I'm not saying he's wrong, just that some of the logic leaps of faith he makes are quite bad)

e.g. the whole spiel about $1999. The major reason for apple to do this would be that it is consistent with the rest of the market. Not many pcs are sold for $2000, but most for $1999. In the eye of most consumers (no matter how intelligent) on first glance the $1999 is in a cheaper price bracket than the $2000. And first impressions count.

To claim that apple is misleading the public by pricing it at $1999 dollars is silly.
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Post by Cenotaph »

i just wanted to answer at quotes like "G5 powns any other pc or mac powns em all" ;)

i have nothing against macs, they r cool pc's........
but they r not better than all others, and they r more expensive...

macs r good yeh, but i certainly wouldnt advice anyone to buy them for "Home Use"

[edit]i agree with what u say thou, nothing biggy w/ 1999, everybody does it.... the author says he knows its a common thing[/edit]
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Post by f1end »

Just incase any1 missed it...

The new G5 p0wns all PC's!!!!111

Not just cos of the hardware either...Mac OSX pisses all over XP from a high height for reliability, ease of use, and multi-tasking!!!!

Anyway, you can't run windows on it (without an emulator): therefore it p0wns PC's...

Who cares about benchmarks's real life i care about...(well as real as internat life gets)...and anyway, PC's make great toys...wouldn't want to try and work on 1 tho...
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Post by fro »

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Post by Instigator »

heh, u can't upgrade macs yourself, and thats just gay:p
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Post by Cenotaph »

yeh F1end windows suck soooooooooooo much, that must be the reason y it controls like 90% of the OS market or sumthing
i know windows has many flaws, and lot of microsoft success is due to a pwnage marketing, but is it that bad, when comparing to other OS?
my dad is a Mac fan, and i've seen the system break many times...
better reliability? i doubt it, tbh.....
i give apple some credit, coz they actually invented this kind of OS interface, but i like to use windows better...
just my opinion...
u have the right to ur opinion thou, irespect it, its a free world.... (at least in the countries we live in) :)
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Post by f1end »

Instigator wrote: heh, u can't upgrade macs yourself, and thats just gay:p

U have this slightly WRONG i'm afraid...

U can only upgrade Macs urself if ur NOT an über-ghey PC loving nubcake...which u obviously are.



/me goes back to his betamax video

P.S. Strange thing is, the more some1 knows about windows, the more they hate it...ask most mac users how they feel about mac os!
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Post by Cenotaph »

most mac users r worst than taliban fundamentalists ^^
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Post by Chrisfu »

I have an iMac, it rules. OSX Jaguar > *

Hell people have even been ditching their x86 boxes with BSD/Linux in favour of iMacs/iBooks with OSX and it's pretty Agua interface. I like my x86 boxes as much as the next person, but saying Windows is better is just daft.
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Post by Cenotaph »

im not saying windows is better, but i wont say Mac OS is better also, they both good....
positive and negative things is both sides

PLZ dont say Mac's r perfect, just like many mac users say -_-
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Post by YoYo789 »

macs used to be perfect... i haven't used osx much so i don't know anymore
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Post by NightSpirit|ZBN »

Great first post :D

Down with Microsoft \o/ ... if only the Amiga had been marketed as well as the PC with DOS then the world would be a much better place ;)
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Post by NightSpirit|ZBN »

Pfft! Pre-OSX macs were not perfect. Macs running OS9 crash as often as Windows 9x PCs - two or three times a day on average. Don't ask me what retard kept buying Win9x for office use instead of WinNT - that part of MS marketing didn't work well enough obviously.
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Post by YoYo789 »

my newest macs ran on os-8, which was extremely stable, and only crashed when running bad programs, and microsoft programs, cos ms ccouldn't be fucked writing good software for macs.
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Post by NightSpirit|ZBN »

Hmmm, well maybe we are just unlucky then? I guess it doesn't help that we use a network printer - that seems to cause OS9 to crash the most often. Win9x can't handle networked printers well either .... if I see another SPOOL32 error message I swear I will kill someone!

Don't use any MS software on the macs, mainly just QuarkExpress, Photoshop, Illustrator, Transmission Manager and possibly a few others. Oh and some freeware MP3 player since I havn't been able to find an OS9 version of iTunes anywhere :(

And MS could never be bothered to write decent code for any platform untill the alternatives started taking away more and more customers from them.