Right, we're looking for 2 coaches each for both DBA US and DBA US/CAN teams. Each team will have one attacker and one defender as coach. All keepers will be pooled together as trainers as their expertise is more specific. Apply here or give me a shout via the usual channels.
DBA UK is more or less sorted, sorry. DBA EU I'm not dealing with at the moment, as we're not quite sure yet what we should do with it. If we get another four German players, they will be teamed with the four Germans currently in DBA EU to form DBA Germany, and then we'll bring in more for DBA EU.
Gnomeh, do the keeper training for the NA guys. Go on, you know you want to.
This doesn’t have much to do with this post, but when a trainer is training a team, wouldn’t it be much more useful to have more than 1 ball, maybe a ball each, or a ball between 2. A bit like in real life.
Could be useful in 1.9 or a mutater could be made. Maybe there could be a choice as to how many balls there are and set a maximum something like that o_O
Last edited by Dazlin on 29-07-2003 16:27, edited 1 time in total.
maybe in 1.9 you can learn to use punctuation in your posts. And Fu - if you want someone to help with the Euros, gimme a shout ill help out any time im around.
I would have offered to help, but I dont know if I could teach half the stuff I try in games. Outside of the basics of the game, all of the stuff I do I learned from experience and experiments (ps i play too much deathball); Anyone else in the game is able to teach basic things.
this acadamy is still a joke IMO... you cant show some 1 how to keep and then expect them to do it good right off the bat. If anything this acadamy is just like organized public games to impove by yourself after being shown the basics which you can pretty well figure out after playing 1-2 games.
I play offense in DB and i know almost all the other NA players and how a lot of them play. Knowing who you play with it much more important than knowing any kind of skills and tricks yourself because depending on who you play with can make you job a lot harder, or a lot easier.
When i play with people like Xel who i know can score, i know can volley really good, and i know can easily take most defendfers 1 on 1 i play more concervative and give him time to get open, as i draw the defense. Now if i were playing with another player who i'v never seen before or i'm nopt really sure on, i might not do that cause they could very well botch it up. Skills mean nothing if you dont know when to use them at the right time.