Passing doesn't work?!

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Passing doesn't work?!

Post by PhoeNIXz »


It might sounds strange but my friend an me are not able to pass a ball.
We press the "2nd Fire" but nothing happens. Exaktly nothing. #2 with the "3rd Fire". We have choosen different bottons for 2nd and 3rd Fire but nothing happens as before.

What did we wrong?::Pfffff::


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Post by Goldeneye »

you should find the following two lines in your deathball/system/DeathballUser.ini section [Engine.Input]:

Aliases[1]=(Command="Button bPassFire | AltFire",Alias="AltFire")
Aliases[39]=(Command="Button bSuckFire | AltFire",Alias="SuckFire")

if not, the ini wasn't properly built using the defuser.ini - either delete your DeathballUser.ini or add those (and probably the banana-entries as well) manually.

if you use a costum shortcut don't force a non-deathball user.ini (something like userini=myutuser.ini)
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Post by mephistophel »

happens all the time with me. delete the ini and click restore default controls in the control config in game
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Post by PhoeNIXz »

Thank you a lot!!!! :D

It works!!
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Post by hAcK.NL »

Tonight I decided to give the latest version of Deathball another go and it seemed I had the exact same problem. Deleting the ini file fixed things. :)