Penalty for Shooting Ball Out Of Play?

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Post by Larc »

dont know if its possible... but change the gravity high up so that balls dont get lost MILES above the stadium and no need for a reset. it'll slow down faster (if it can be done) and speed up faster, so other than time in the air, the return to play will be the same as no roof.

and if it goes into the stands, have someone throw it back in :) i dont really care were, close to where it went out i suppose, for the realism of this unreal mod :)

[edit] also i dont see what the big problem is with the ball being reset, its not abused much, and i dont think its hurting the game. as a keeper, i use the hammer many times to clear the ball... in SC for example, its a good way to temporarily relieve pressure, but 8 times out of 10 the attacking team gets the ball anyway.

or, just pause the clock when it goes out of bounds or over a certain hieght (to avoid time killing) and in the out of bounds case... declair the ball is goign to be reset... in FIVE... FOUR... THREE.... TWO.... ONE!... let players blood pit for the ball :)[/edit]
Last edited by Larc on 29-07-2003 02:31, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by YoYo789 »

you seem to want to base the changes around cube. cube is not the only map. i play more often on non-official maps than official maps, and there are maps where the most realistic thing is to have the ball go to a player near where it went out.
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Post by Surge »

a keeper with 1 bind saying "resetting, go to mid" coul dvery quickly get 2-3 people to the center ball spawn and give instant-offense.

Reset has the same flaw as boosting. It defeats the purpose of doing something the hard way.

Why bother dragging the ball up field against the opponents when you can boost a shooter past them all?
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Post by gnomeh »

passing upfield is so much more effective than resetting the ball
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Post by Imaginos »

The fast transition thing isn't something I think would be cool. To suddenly find you've spawned somewhere with the ball when you have the hammer triggered.. next thing you know, you turned the ball over before you're oriented.

Preset OOB turnover spawn points sound a little more doable. With a defender spawning too..

My biggest reason to support such a change is that OOB'ing a ball on purpose should not result in a 50/50 chance of recovery when it's reset. While we don't see a lot of abuse of this, careless hammering and intentional ass-saving OOB tosses should have a cost that makes it clear that controlling the ball is important and you give it up at your peril.
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Post by YoYo789 »

maybe if the ball is not frozen, but the spawner cannot shoot or be shot for 0.x seconds.
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Post by Harold|ZBN »

hmmm well i quite regularly hold the ball in the p zone while franticly dodging and jumping. this way the attackers think ill try to pass but i already spam the teamsay with "ball reset" :P
its a good way to get an unsuspected attack, and if 2 or 3 attackers will wait at my penalty zone when my team already runs upfield its their own fault tbh
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Post by NightSpirit|ZBN »

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Post by bURNINGrOID »

I don't see spamming the ball OOB or the keep holding the ball for reset as being horribly abused, but I think there should be a price for it. It's a nuance of the gameplay that has not been addressed because bigger issues have had precedence. In everysport there is some kind of penalty for sending the ball OOB and DB should as well.

Teams should not be able to use the midfield respawn to their advantage. The idea of the countdown when holding the ball in the Dzone is to keep the ball moving. I don't think holding the ball to respawn should be able to be used as an offensive tactic.

Again, this isn't a burning issue (har har), but I feel it should be addressed.

How about having two spots marked on either side of the D zone (four spots total). One is where the attacker spawns, the other is for a Dman to spawn. When the ball goes OOB, play stops and you get a 2s countdown. The Oman closest to the ball when it went OOB spawns with the ball on the O spot, the D closest to the ball when OOB (will usually be the guy who did it I imagine) spawns in the D spot. If the ball went OOB on the left, the left spots are used, on the right, the right spots.
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Post by Robotojon »

I only hit the ball out field as a last resort. Id prefer to catch it so my team has possession. Then i'd rather try and hit it to an area of the pitch which a team mate will be able to get it over the opposition. Then, i knock it out of the field. If i do, the chances are the enemy will pick it up and regain possession anyway. All i've acheived is to stop the current attack, (where usually after which my team would have the ball) - and let the enemy have another pop at goal. Sure my team may pick it up from centre spot, but 9 times of 10 it wont be.
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Post by Diab »

cube is mostly played, so it needs to effect that map too, but cube, november and other open top levels need there top ball colision alot higher to stop so meny resets. i see half of the resets done by going up and not over. also lobbing the ball over the screen would be real instead of it just teliporting.
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Post by RaGe*NL* »

why dont we just leave it like it is? its fine for me :/ a reset makes it fun i think
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Post by theberkin8or »

while reseting the ball isn't a big problem, i think it would be good for the polish of the game and just make it overall more enjoyable to make these small touchs to the game, especially after the keeper has held the ball for too long, the point is to lose the ball not to be used to your advantage (to speed up the game not slow it down)
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Post by bURNINGrOID »

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Post by Imaginos »

Deafening silence from daddy deathball..