How to win at DB v1.8 (long semi-rant)

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Post by CorDawg »

Surge wrote: boosting same team is a way to cover up for sloppy play (boosting back on D to catch a shooter who was left wide open), boosting enemies is a tactic.

Boosting same team is a tactic too, used much more then boosting other team.
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Post by Surge »

boosting still needs to be nerfed... it shouldnt be a way of catapulting people half way across the pitch faster than you can run with sprint.

Boosting should be for just vaulting players up into the air to catch balls the were shot/vollied directly into the air. It needs to be made very weak because to some effect you can still boost a player 1/4 of the pitch and do a boost trick its just timing.

It should effect the Z-axis the same as it does now, but the X and Y-axies need to be reduced drastically.
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Post by Zanboo »

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Post by ZyCho »

maybe we should get rid of boosting and implement dodgeing or/and walldodges, i think that would give some really nice plays.

Or what about some more agility? to perform manoevres to avoid enemies.

or Adding different classes of players, attackers with extra speed, who spawn midfield. Defenders having better boost abilities to boost away balls or even attackers. Why only have a keeper with special abilities?
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Post by kaot »

the classes thing has been debated before, IIRC. I think it would add a lot of depth and strategy to the game, like be a defender and give yourself a few extra U's of catch radius but sacrifice a little abilty to inflict damage and can't shoot worth a damn, strikers that move fast but don't have as effective a shot and a slightly smaller catch radius, snipers that shoot 5 or 10 m/s faster but can't take a hit and aren't very quick, midfielders whose passes are faster and can jump higher and have a d skill or two but not much else, etc. Then have a minute or three before each game to choose your skills and see what the other team's players are doing and come up with a plan. Then maybe have a 1 or 2 minute halftime and lock those stats until then if you want to mix things up.

But the idea has been shot down repeatedly. I forgot the arguments against but they seemed more or less compelling at the time. I'd imagine it'd be a bitch x 100 to code unless you've got a shitload of people working on it. Plus I think everyone else hated it. Personally I'd love to try it at least.
Last edited by kaot on 26-07-2003 15:46, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MeSSiaH{FCU} »

Plus, it wudnt go with the way the game is set up/intended =\

Classes dont fit with db
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Post by Chrisfu »

Only one thing I'm saying on this subject again:

If the (WHOLEY ACCEPTED) game mechanics are raped again, and I assume many others, will be gone. Sure it might not be perfect, but nothing is. I don't want to be a LVL22 Necromancer with +2 damage fucking war axe to pull off a volley, thank you very much. With new game mechanics comes goatee beards and odour problems, just you all remember that.
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Post by FireCell »

Hey i play ultima online and feel u are mocking my type /o\ ( im a warrior mage)
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Post by MeSSiaH{FCU} »

Meh, chrisfu is right, classes just dont fit with db (oh w8, i said that already :p...guess he means the same tho :o)
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Post by MeSSiaH{FCU} »

Maybe as a mutator or something it would be very interesting (like db-light, bringing back all the tricks, 1.6 stuff, faster gameplay, more egoing stuff like the dribble :P ;))
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Post by YoYo789 »

maybe if instead of pre-defined classes, u could have another settings page with a set of sliders, whcih would affect various attributes in the range of say -15% <-> +15%. So i could take a 10% increase in volley power and shot power, for a 10% decrease in speed. or similar. This would allow you to define you're own skillset, to fit the position you want to play in.

ps this should definitely only be a mutator, for trialling and if it works flawlessly then consider implementing it in the game.
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Post by kaot »

yoyo that's pretty much what i had in mind

but everyone still hates it and it will turn db into EQ and everyone will disavow ever having played the game or something.
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Post by ZyCho »

i thought that the classes system would be better, with only 3 classes keeper, def and att, cause it would still keep it simple, and ppl would not have to work with it in several minutes to get the correct setup.
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Post by YoYo789 »

but there are many different styles of keeper and attacker and defender... how to cater for all these?
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Post by gutterflower »

you're asking someone to do a huge amount of coding "just to try out" an idea that probably wont work. its not going to happen trust me

the majority of people, including me, dont like the idea. the game should depend on skill, player skill, if a player is good at defending they dont need a defender class, they jsut do it.