Formal Request for the Removal of V3 and DeeZ from the DBL

Moderators: Jay2k1, DavidM, The_One


Should V3/DeeZ be ejected from the DBL?

Yes, both
No, only DeeZ or V3, not both
Total votes: 111

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Post by Bodom »

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Post by [V3]*Sin »

Session Start: Tue Jul 08 23:02:36 2003
Session Ident: [V3]Bodom
Session Ident: [V3]Bodom (
(23:02) ([V3]Bodom) meh
(23:02) (p-wnd-larc) k, i'll talk with you later
(23:02) (p-wnd-larc) gotta pug right now
(23:02) ([V3]Bodom) about?
(23:02) (p-wnd-larc) basically
(23:02) (p-wnd-larc) you have to control sin
(23:03) (p-wnd-larc) its a league match
(23:03) ([V3]Bodom) no i dont
(23:03) (p-wnd-larc) telling us to suckit nubcakes isn't sportsman like
(23:03) ([V3]Bodom) its video game like tho
(23:03) (p-wnd-larc) no, but on the other side of the game
(23:03) (p-wnd-larc) are people
(23:03) (p-wnd-larc) and ther are rules
(23:03) (p-wnd-larc) i can't talk now
(23:03) (p-wnd-larc) nor am i angry
(23:04) (p-wnd-larc) i'm just telling you
Session Close: Wed Jul 09 00:36:22 2003

i remeber that match and i said 1 bind tha whole game eat it nubcake, WOW im offended by that:/ grow up larc kthx
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Post by Xelent »

you people are good, your even getting full sentences out of sin... ?!
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Post by {UFO}Viper »

Not that anyone cares, but here's my opinion.

The only thing I hate about V3 is their freaking server. Stupid thing hates my guts I swear. Other then that they are just a great clan that gives me something to strive towards in improving my game. Maybe thats because somehow throughout my time in Deathball (since 1.0) I've only played against them as a team in 1 scrim with UFO. They were fairly civil in the game, other then at one point when the score was 13-4 and they scored on themselves just so they could spam 13-5 OMG U SUCK! but although I thought that was pretty low I realize this is just a game and that it's really not worth caring about stupid things like that.

I would just like clear one thing up though. TFO invented the boost goal. :P Although she doesn't play anymore, when I was still on TFO myself and dARk were practicing it probably a good month before it started showing up in ballers games. :D We just sucked too much to ever use it properly in a game at that point.

The point is even if V3 found some "cheap" tactics that they supposedly used to win all their games, who cares? We all try to use little tricks that will give us an advantage over our opponent, just when some are found that are overly cheap people whine and complain. But that's what patchs are for.

If some of you guys spent half the time you spent arguing on these forums on improving your game and helping your teammates improve maybe there would be a clan that could challenge V3.
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Post by Rens2Sea »


This forum is turning into a whining fucks forum...
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Post by KillerRebel »

All i can really say is let things go guys.... bashing each other isn't going to do anything for you except piss you off to make you go bash other people.

Also, Bodom, DO NOT call out anyone from NS or generalize us as a whole. I, as leader of NS, have never disrespected your clan/team in this way and do not expect to have me nor my team disrespected in this manner. If you or anyone on your team have a problem with a player on my team or the team as a whole come to me. I believe that I am respected enough by my fellow teamates to be able to work things out to not cause problems between us as long as you strive to do the same.

Another thing, any NSers who proceed to post about this topic will be dealt with appropriately. So save me the trouble and don't post. Problems that you have with v3 or it's members should be dealt with in private. Contrary to what some think, people on my team DO represent me whether they like it or not. It is human nature to group people who are in common surrondings (aka teamates/clanmates). So, what your team says always goes back to your leader. Please think of what you are gonna say and the reactions you are gonna get before you say it!!!!

Lastly, from my DBL council point of view. v3 should not be taken out of the league because they have not broken any of it's rules!!! DeeZ is another story and needs to be discussed, but i see no problem with it as long as games are played at the convienience of the european teams (on their time schedule and on their servers). I believe all DeeZ is is a team that wants more games to play and with only one active NA DB league they are searching for alternative methods to fulfill this desire. And I wouldn't object to a european team that wants to participate in the NA league as long as they played at the convienience of the NA teams.
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Post by |-F-|Prodigy »

Good post KR. Let this go and lets try an keep the NA going. I am slowly seeing more people play everyday. So lets not scare them off...If you have a prob with someone take it up in private. I'm done posting here.
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Post by Notorius_G.I.B. »

I don't think anyone takes this as a serious attempt to kick v3 out of the league. I'm pretty sure if you look at what is going on in this thread you will see it is more about the broader problems that people have with v3.

On another note, Reb, stfu.
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Post by devnull »

Ok i say we end this far as representing your team KR is right ....and from what i`ve seen most of you have done a poor job doing this. I was gonna post like a 3 page post but there is no point...the only thing that needs to be said is....

For anyone who idles in Ballers....if i see this keep going every flame post i see i will start banning people from channels...i do not normally do stuff like that nor do i care who it is...DAMNIT i am tired of all this bullshit and it has to stop....surge i know you started this thred and im not sure if you can lock it but if you can damnit do it or you will be the first

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Post by BlackFlame »

ok i havent bothered reading all 10 pages bu from what ive seen it says
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Post by Surge »

What has SoP done for DB? *ponders*

What hasn't SoP dont for DB?

We owned the first public NA clan server where people like you started playing if you played in 1.1... We owned and operated DB Center which is now closed due to the absence of 13th who you all think is a asshole. We used to let clans like TFO and other starting off clans that didnt have their own servers use our secondary server (which was just a piggy back on the first, but worked perfectly) for practice and league matches. We started the whole community on gamesnet with the Help of RusH, NS, and L7...

So Bodom, what has V3 done besides having a server thats constantly locked or pickup-game whored?

You apparently miss the point of you do absolutly NOTHING for our community besides aggrivate and destroy it. GUB and Psyche own NuttyServers and have helped clans like UFO get servers cheap. They had their own servers for the ADBL (which you participated in) which was run by NS member DevNull on his own free time. Even when L7 was around they contributed to the community at DBC and tried to make it a better gaming experience for everyone... they didnt spam nubcake binds at all, even in public games and they were GOOD competators, not arrogant jerks.

The V3 players seem to accuse the NS, L7, SoP, and RusH players (at the time) of being our own little cult and shutting others out and yet these others have done, like V3, NOTHING to deserve to be let in. WKD was accepted GREATLY by the community, as was TA. Harvy used to do Shoutcast broadcasts of matches. You see TA or WKD around anymore? I sure dont and i know jerks like V3 completely spanked them in all league matches and scrims they ever played against them. This is extremely discoureging even if your liked by others in the community.

We dont want you in our community unless you can help the community and your not in the least. We dont care if you play DB, we dont care if you compete in the DBL. Just stay the hell out of everything we, the "cult" as you call us, created. Get the fuck off PGPN, and stay the fuck out of ballers if your going to continue to be complete jerks and sore sports.
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Post by Bodom »

My apologies for generalizing NS and RusH in any way, be it on purpose or by accident. I've talked to both and realize what I should have known from the beginning. Thanks you guys :D /me huggles

To Surge: I asked what YOU did for the NA community, not your clan. I know SoP has done a ton for the NA community, and for that I'm grateful. Btw, you didn't join it til around 1.3, so don't bring up 1.1 stuff!

To everyone else: just let this thread die.
Last edited by Bodom on 26-07-2003 21:17, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Surge »

I play the game just like everybody else... i dont make fun of people, i dont rib people, i dont do anything different from any other player in this game.

I dont have to do anything for this community except exist within it. I dont lead a clan, i dont have any say in the goings on of the league, i dont even have a server admin password.

Its not about what i do, its about what i dont do. Its about how i dont go in games and call people nubcakes, its about how i dont act like an arrogant jerk to people in IRC, its about how i dont randomly go start flame wars in games... the list goes on and on.

I'm just a normal, everyday DB player. You, and your clan, are the ones with the problem.
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Post by BagsLee »

/me puts on his v3 jersey and hat
/me cracks his neck and his fingers getting ready to type.

1)I have only ever had one bad experience with v3. We lost to them after being up 4-0 with 12 mins left in the game. Then we had them 5-1. With 37 seconds left they scored to put them up 6-5. After the game sin said something like "lol you lost even though you were winning 4-0." Now, i KNOW i got mad for no reason. I wasn't even really mad but i did respond to it. If ANYONE else would have said this I would have prolly responded with something like "lolz yeah gg we sux." I know i wouldn't have had a problem. You wankers are taking what 1-2 people on v3 do or say and you're holding it against the entire team. In an era where you cry and fucking bitch for euros to accept you as americans saying, "Just because some americans are ignorant doesn't mean you should consider all americans ignorant." Well you wankers are doing the saaaaaaame god damn thing. If i was [V3]Bags you guys would bitch about my binds WHICH i spam more than sin spams his. "OH NO HE DI'N!!" and "I just put dat one where momma keeps da peanut butta!!" would be detested and this thread would be about me. But, because you've all taken the time to get to know me, you understand i'm just messing around. If sin said he actually meant for his binds to be anything other than funny as hell i'd be surprised. You guys are mad at nothing. I don't see them rub anything in.

2)How can you guys copy and paste these quotes by v3 that makes them look bad when most of these quotes are from V3 trying to stick up for themselves. If everyone had such a big beef with me i'd say some things too. They aren't being cocky, their words are only reactions to things that have been said to them. Just leave them alone!!!

3)If v3 broke up clans it's because those clans didn't love the game enough in the first place! If you got spanked by someone you should work hard. Some of you may think "this is a game for fun we shouldn't have to work hard we are gay kthx." V3 works HAAAAAARD. They do practice, when a new version comes out they go in their server and practice practice practice. You can't be mad at them, if you don't wanna work then that's fine but then you shouldn't bitch when you get rocked in the ass. If they work hard they deserve to win. And this is the simple solution, work hard and don't get fucking blown out and you won't have any problems. If they still beat you after you work hard, say gg and work harder. You should see how dedicated the NS forums are to just strategizing. We work very hard but we don't practice so we don't deserve to win. I'm sure if we practiced regularly we may have turned our close loss into a victory.

4)If you can find me a quote from someone on v3 that is negative, not aimed at someone who has bashed them, not a result of what someone else said, and is dead serious...I'll be MORE than happy to say i'm wrong.

5)You guys just need to say you're sorry, OR just don't talk shit to them and don't take what they say seriously. I know when rush pwns us or vice versa psyche and i like to talk some trash about one another's teams. We don't mean what we say and i know these guys don't mean it either...unless it's directed at surge who they hate, and one can only wonder why....I don't think they mean anything they say unless it's provoked. If you don't talk shit to them, "You're nothying without this play or this person." You will not have any problems. I know NS has not had many problems from what i've seen.

6)And next person to be mad at v3 for having a pwed server gets fucking slapped...I mean i'll get KR to sprinkle a lil baby powder on my hand and i'll just fucking wail on you pimp style. I am so thankful for them passwording there server and ALWAYS letting us use it for pugs.

7)Bags is always right and you can quote me on that :cool:
Last edited by BagsLee on 26-07-2003 21:40, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Infinism »

Not one word of Black Belt BagsLee has every been a word of deceit

About V3, I don't think there is anything wrong with's not like they spam anymore :p

by the way Viper your sig rocks :lol:
Last edited by Infinism on 26-07-2003 21:41, edited 1 time in total.