Formal Request for the Removal of V3 and DeeZ from the DBL

Moderators: Jay2k1, DavidM, The_One


Should V3/DeeZ be ejected from the DBL?

Yes, both
No, only DeeZ or V3, not both
Total votes: 111

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Post by [V3]*Sin »

I played Deathball to have fun... and is all this drama fun? Nope. So is there a reason to continue? Nope.

same here , but people like surge take this game like its tha fucking super bowl or world cup(<---for tha euros \\o \o/ o//) way to serious and i dont think surge is having fun when hes playing
since all he does is cry and whine about every lil thing kthx and em kthx that is all
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Post by Zoline »

Not so sure about that... he says he likes the game... hates the community. Kinda like me... except I can't tollerate as much as him. I'm surprised he's still around tbh.

And if were dumb enough to post something like you... I'm sure it would come out as...

... who am i kidding... you'd have to be a 7 year old fat white kid that gets made fun of by the girls to come up with something as retarded as what you post gg kthx I WIN!!!! who's next.

(Now that I can now be considered legally learning disabled after saying something like 'gg kthx I WIN!!!! who's next.' I am done)
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Post by Bodom »

Can't you just laugh at what sin posts like the rest of us. You guys take him way too seriously.

And Surge, there's a subtle difference between ribbing you and your clan, and bringing up a post to have you banned from Deathball. Remember, you're the one that started the argument, not me. I'm just here for a good time, not this drama crap that you enjoy so much.
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Post by Bodom »

Btw, you dodged my question (which you accused me of dodging earlier, ironic isnt it?). What have you done to help the community?
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Post by Zoline »

Well, if you read the post and comprehended it.... I actually offered a rebutle to what was actually coherent in Sin's rambling. Then I went on to say the rest. Just pointing out that the post wasn't 100% flame like you say it was.
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Post by Crazn »

Zoline wrote: All in short, I quit Deathball. Not like anyone really gives half-a-shit around here anymore.

Too stupid to quit, too stupid to care.

??? :rolleyes:
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Post by Bodom »

Zo I didn't say you were flaming Sin, I'm just addressing the community as a whole when I say why not take Sin with a grain of salt. He's much funnier and more tolerable that way.
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Post by Zoline »

No no no... you got it all wrong. I was flaming Sin... blah forget it... too tired to type.

Crazn: I learn slowly instead of just being too stupid I guess.
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Post by [V3]*Sin »

... who am i kidding... you'd have to be a 7 year old fat white kid that gets made fun of by the girls to come up with something as retarded as what you post gg kthx I WIN!!!! who's next.

lol i love tha kthx i win u added and no you guys are tha only people who make fun of me or talk shit to me kthx in real life im very diff to what Sin you people made so kthx whos NEXT!!!!
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Post by Larc »

1) v3 in general
first off, when i say v3, i stress its v3 as a team, i had a good talk with bullet a few weeks ago i had a good talk with him, then said that i thought he was a good guy when he wasn't with his "fellow spammies" and chevy hasn't said anything, and lots of others i dont have a beef with. but you have to remember that your clan speaks for you, and if you choose to ignore the problems and dont speak your mind, then you also get branded with the badge that they are making for you.

2) SoP + Surge
First off, Insane i think said that his team hates him, and he flames people. why dont you let his team declare this? when 13th disapeared for a while and other leaders gone, things got a bit out of control. Surge did start to act up. Myself and Nordy are now the SoP captains and i talk to surge when i have a problem with what he says. tbh i forget to read the forum often so if he attacks anyone personally you may send me a message and i will talk with both of you and deal with it. Surge didn't even know this before i post this... but we were going to cut him because of his behaviour, but i believe in giving people time to change. and after talking with surge i must commend him on his efforts to better himself. he isn't flaming back, he's sharing his opinion.

3) Sportsmanship - Conduct and attitude considered as befitting participants in sports, especially fair play, courtesy, striving spirit, and grace in losing.
I already quoted this once before and urge you to think about it. just listen to what the community. many of the people posting dont normally post but feel the need to becuase we want things to get better.

i've heard v3 say many times that "we didnt' bring up your 20-0 ass whooping" i dont remember 20-0, but i have a short memory. regardless... why should a score ever be 20-0? i've been on many clans, and played many matches, and in general people would call this running up the score and poor sportsmanship. (i know there are 2 sides, this topic has been debated before)

[edit]4[/edit]) Leadership.
its hard i know... but you have to try. we aren't talking about helping your team win, thats not the point if you haven't noticed... i'm saying stuff like this shouldnt happen... this was after they beat us and Sin decided to use some of his famous binds often.
Session Start: Tue Jul 08 22:41:16 2003
Session Ident: [V3]Bodom
(22:41) (p-wnd-larc) who is the "captain" ?
Session Close: Tue Jul 08 22:43:12 2003

Session Start: Tue Jul 08 23:02:36 2003
Session Ident: [V3]Bodom
Session Ident: [V3]Bodom (
(23:02) ([V3]Bodom) meh
(23:02) (p-wnd-larc) k, i'll talk with you later
(23:02) (p-wnd-larc) gotta pug right now :(
(23:02) ([V3]Bodom) about?
(23:02) (p-wnd-larc) basically
(23:02) (p-wnd-larc) you have to control sin
(23:03) (p-wnd-larc) its a league match
(23:03) ([V3]Bodom) no i dont
(23:03) (p-wnd-larc) telling us to suckit nubcakes isn't sportsman like
(23:03) ([V3]Bodom) its video game like tho
(23:03) (p-wnd-larc) no, but on the other side of the game
(23:03) (p-wnd-larc) are people
(23:03) (p-wnd-larc) and ther are rules
(23:03) (p-wnd-larc) i can't talk now
(23:03) (p-wnd-larc) nor am i angry
(23:04) (p-wnd-larc) i'm just telling you
Session Close: Wed Jul 09 00:36:22 2003
Last edited by Larc on 26-07-2003 08:17, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Syndrome »

Holy shit, you people are all fucked up... I play DB now and then, but im not in a clan, however I have friends that are in clans. I have thought about getting good and joining a clan in this league, but after seeing all this Drama Queen Soap Opera bullshit, I say fuck that! The same people talking about preserving the community, are the ones talking about removing the top ranked clan from the league...........WTF?

If anything its people like Surge that are destroying this community, who the hell wants to listen to this lil bitch whine? I sure don't.

Surge were you abused as a child? Is that why your so fucking retarded? How did it make you feel when your uncle touched your naughty parts? I think you just need some good counsuling to get you through what appears to be a very hard time in your life.

All In All this is just a game you fuckin fegmos, get over it. Im gunna go look for a good mod with a comunity that doesnt have canibalistic tendancies......

-Syndrome Of A Down
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Post by TEZC_Robban »

dont think there ever were a game community as totally pathetic as this one
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Post by DudeGuy »

Syndrome wrote: Holy shit, you people are all fucked up... I play DB now and then, but im not in a clan, however I have friends that are in clans. I have thought about getting good and joining a clan in this league, but after seeing all this Drama Queen Soap Opera bullshit, I say fuck that! The same people talking about preserving the community, are the ones talking about removing the top ranked clan from the league...........WTF?

If anything its people like Surge that are destroying this community, who the hell wants to listen to this lil bitch whine? I sure don't.

Surge were you abused as a child? Is that why your so fucking retarded? How did it make you feel when your uncle touched your naughty parts? I think you just need some good counsuling to get you through what appears to be a very hard time in your life.

All In All this is just a game you fuckin fegmos, get over it. Im gunna go look for a good mod with a comunity that doesnt have canibalistic tendancies......

-Syndrome Of A Down

dude..... :rolleyes:

1) you have to experience the situation to know where these players' arguments are coming from

2) if you don't want to see him whine, all you have to do is not visit the forums, or at the very least just not read his threads, or even ignore him... :rolleyes:

3) why are you insulting him when you don't even know him... leave his personal life out of this :mad:
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Post by Surge »

Syndrom, its way to obvious your a V3 member who made another account to vot on the pole like Sin already did...

go away
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Post by Syndrome »

No dipshit, as I said before I am not in a clan. You think your so fucking smart, but your pathetic and paranoid. I've been idling in #ballers for about 2 months now, mainly for easy contact with friends, but also for the entertainment value. Im the one named "Syndrome" incase you havent figured that out.

so lick me fool.

Syndrome Of A Down