Formal Request for the Removal of V3 and DeeZ from the DBL

Moderators: Jay2k1, DavidM, The_One


Should V3/DeeZ be ejected from the DBL?

Yes, both
No, only DeeZ or V3, not both
Total votes: 111

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Post by [V3]Sin »

ok point is we win too much:O so sew us kthx
thats mainly it because we win too many games over and over you hate us and if we were a loseing team you people wouldent careless kthx we love to have fun and we dont rub anything in unless we lose i like to rub are lost to v3 13 to 5 omg you suck:) so kthx and stop hateing and just play for fun that is all
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Post by DudeGuy »

L33FY wrote: I agree DeeZ are a bit off with coming into euro league, but If V3 are happy with american league, let em be.

i don't agree totally with what surge said, but i do not like that DeeZ is allowed to play

the european leagues are for european players that are in european clans, not an american clan :mad:

edit: oh and you say you like to have fun... but you seem to be able to only have fun abusing other players... i would like to see what bodom tells you all to act like in the private channel

when i was in EL, liebs told me to help keep the good reputation that EL had, i think i did that just fine, but i don't think bodom has the ability to type that one line and ruin all the "fun" :rolleyes:
Last edited by DudeGuy on 25-07-2003 22:16, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by |-F-|Prodigy »

I had to throw my 2 cents in here... We were in DBL 3 with these guys and I gotta say this...They spam no more than any other clan and we have never had any probs with them. In fact our first match with V3 I do believe they told us they were quite suprised that a new clan like us was so orgainised. I also know that Gnome and X both helped me with my keeping and gave me tips on it one night in our server. So I am missing the point here. We should kick V3 out of the league because they...
1) are the best team to ever play DB (my opinion)
2) have great recruitment
3) spam as much as everyone else
4) Killed clans (clans kill them selves...just to let you in on a secret)

I usually think surges comment are valid but this time I do think you are jealous that V3 has replaced SoP as the best clan (no offence rush) in NA. We can't beat them...but we always have FUN trying to keep up with them. I thought thats what this was the status of your online life...Surge has finally lost it!!!
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Post by [V3]Sin »

What Prodigy said^^^^^
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Post by -NS-FreshFruit »

I might as well go ahead and chime in...
I try to avoid any contact with v3 cus I have nothing to back it up with. I cant tell them how much they suck and how much I hate them cus I cant see the point. Its like, why bother?
I play my best and after I lose I just keep my mouth shut and move on. v3 is allowed to talk all the shit they want cus they win alot. We may not like it and we obvisouly dont, but v3 is hated so much cus they are good and they dont let anyone forget they are.
The only thing that didnt sit well with me was a looooooong time ago when I didnt even know Bodom and in-game after he scored on me he added, "ff u just got pwned". I didnt think that very cool at all and definatly wasnt funny but I just kept my mouth shut cus it was true heh
Ive never said anything to Bodom and prolly never will all because of that comment that was completly unnessasary and thats what makes v3 a problem for everyone, those little 1 liners that v3 adds to the fire is what this is all about.
I think the biggest example is how just about any v3 member spams their binds after they score. The most agreeable instance I think everyone would agree with is sin's bind "eat it nubcake" that u see every single time after he scores or any other v3 member scores when sin is around. If there wasnt any shit talk and constant insulting going on, this topic wouldnt be here.
I kinda like the idea about forfieting every game and not playing any scrims or pugs with v3 hehe
Or maybe v3 should split into 2 teams. Maybe then they wont be so hard to beat.
If anyone would pick playing a scrim with v3 over RusH, NS or SoP, or basically any other clan that exists in DB, please give yer reasons why, cus I cant think of any. All yer gonna get is another loss, both to yer team and self-confidence as well as all the shit talk and insults u can handle. You talk shit to v3, they are gonna talk back. v3 talks shit to us, we talk shit back. Its a give and take process here :)

And Prodigy, u didnt offend rush with that comment, u offended us. Not to say we were ever the best clan but we can certainly compete with the best of them.
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Post by [V3]Sin »

think the biggest example is how just about any v3 member spams their binds after they score. The most agreeable instance I think everyone would agree with is sin's bind "eat it nubcake" that u see every single time after he scores or any other v3 member scores when sin is around. If there wasnt any shit talk and constant insulting going on, this topic wouldnt be here

heh i dont use my binds unless im playing a pug ill say eat it nubcake but in a clan match i never say anything kthx and i really dont abuse binds anymore cause everyone else is whoreing it so i let my fans spam it kthx whos NEXT!!!!!

The only thing that didnt sit well with me was a looooooong time ago when I didnt even know Bodom and in-game after he scored on me he added, "ff u just got pwned". I didnt think that very cool at all and definatly wasnt funny but I just kept my mouth shut cus it was true heh

its all apart of tha game in any sport to talk a lil shit come on now kthx
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Post by DudeGuy »

[V3]Sin wrote: think the biggest example is how just about any v3 member spams their binds after they score. The most agreeable instance I think everyone would agree with is sin's bind "eat it nubcake" that u see every single time after he scores or any other v3 member scores when sin is around. If there wasnt any shit talk and constant insulting going on, this topic wouldnt be here

heh i dont use my binds unless im playing a pug ill say eat it nubcake but in a clan match i never say anything kthx and i really dont abuse binds anymore cause everyone else is whoreing it so i let my fans spam it kthx whos NEXT!!!!!

The only thing that didnt sit well with me was a looooooong time ago when I didnt even know Bodom and in-game after he scored on me he added, "ff u just got pwned". I didnt think that very cool at all and definatly wasnt funny but I just kept my mouth shut cus it was true heh

its all apart of tha game in any sport to talk a lil shit come on now kthx

DB is not a sport... it's a computer game that people started out playing to have fun and get away from all of the stress in their lives.... sports require athletic abilities, clicking a mouse and using a keyboard is not athletic, and i agree with xelent for once, you are an idiot :rolleyes:

btw... who are your fans? the european players that try to be like you because they think we like it and they want to fit into the NA community? :mad:
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Post by -NS-FreshFruit »

ok sin u dont have to say kthx whos next in every sentance man its getting annoying real fast heh
and yea I understand to talk a little shit comes naturally but I dont have that luxury cus....well you've seen me play heh
I guess it just doesnt seem fair to make fun of someone when u own them cus its obvious. You dont have to rub it in and make em feel worse thats all im sayin kthx whos next!!!! :P
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Post by uberslacker »

what freshy said, aka sin all this crap got old about 10 seconds after the first time i heard it

and its not the winning that gets to me, its just the constant rubbing in of when they win. i really don't feel thats necessary. when NS or any other na team win we let the play on the field talk for us, that should be enough.
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Post by [V3]Optimal »

This would be from the first paragraph in your first reply.
We don’t boast about our victories.

thats just obviously bs and one of the stupidest things i have EVER heard anyone say....

Get anyone in the ballers room to say if I have ever bragged about a victory after a game. I've never done it, never will. It's just a game.

Someonewhere near the bottom of your first reply...
V3 are the top players. We don’t use any cheap plays to our advantage. If it’s available to us, we will use it. It’s that simple.

riight, you dont use cheap plays, but if a play is available you use plays are available arent they? so i guess that means you use them doesnt it? your just stupid...

Then you're saying DB has flaws with that. If we use it, and it's considered an exploit. Then it's not our fault. If you could do it in game you would use it too. I don't know who in our clan uses there exploits, but every match I play in. We win by normal shots and volleys. So try to bash or style some more with a valid point.

Clans like RusH, NS and SoP had there chance to pick up players like myself. But they decided we were either not good enough or had bad attitudes. Well I guess that back fired. Because now all these people who weren’t good enough to begin with are blowing you guys out.

get off your high horse opti, v3 never even lets you guys play


Wtf lol! You obviously don't know anything. I left DB for a few months because I got bored with it. Wen't and played PS for a while. When I got back, I played in many a match. And even being rusty I still contributed to our victory. There is no starting line up in V3. Who ever is there will play. That simple. We don't pick favorites like some clans.

Every match I've been in we have never scored off something cheap.

ya, cuz u never play


Learn how to spell. It may make your post's sound smarter. And also, read above.

I think the real reason people are so angry with V3 is just because we are #1. And when you're on the top, you'll always have haters.

uh huh thats bullshit there, when SoP and L7 and all them were on top nobody hated them, we just respected them, you guys are on top and your a buncha fucking dicks


Get some proof. Even if you had an irc log. I'm sure it's something we didn't start. Anyone can talk shit to us, like most of you are doing right now. And our best come back is, what was the score of our last game? There's nothing wrong with stating facts at an asshole who wants to run their mouth at us. Read half the posts like this one. These are the kind of people V3 has to put up with, and these people demand respect from us? Get a clue, man....
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Post by uberslacker »

These are the kind of people V3 has to put up with

This one kinda explains itself... aka wtg? people V3 has to put up with? lol, classic
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Post by [V3]Sin »

DB is not a sport... it's a computer game that people started out playing to have fun and get away from all of the stress in their lives.... sports require athletic abilities, clicking a mouse and using a keyboard is not athletic, and i agree with xelent for once, you are an idiot

sport online game whatever i mean look at cs kthx mr 3.14 kthx whos NEXT

btw... who are your fans? the european players that try to be like you because they think we like it and they want to fit into the NA community?

mostly all tha na player use my binds spam hax sound like me or use any l33t speak like me nubcake kthx whos NEXT!!!

ok sin u dont have to say kthx whos next in every sentance man its getting annoying real fast heh

thats what i do kthx i love to annoy tha weak minded with my stupidity kthx whos NEXT!!!! i r smart
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Post by Xelent »

and its not the winning that gets to me, its just the constant rubbing in of when they win. i really don't feel thats necessary. when NS or any other na team win we let the play on the field talk for us, that should be enough.

I dont think I rub in any loss or brag about any win I had... if you could like pm me or paste the stuff about what your talking about, curious whos saying what, cause thats pretty crappy.
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Post by Cenotaph »

ok, this thread pissem me off real bad, V3 have the right to compete in whatever league they want as any other clan, u just cant do this.....................................
What pisses me off the most is seeing most people actually think they both should be kicked from DBL...

Stop Being Ridiculous......

u guys r like: omg they r winning, what a lame clan, lets kick them

ur Fair Play rox

BAD LOSERS RADAR on......................................
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Post by Zoline »

Not gonna say much... I agree with Lego and Surge's comments, and no, not because they are in my clan... They're just valid IMO.

But what I want to say is... I can safely say we SoP can give a damn who the best team is/was... I'd like to play the game without developing cheap tactics to counter cheap tactics... But the way some players abuse these cheap tactics just make want people to quit the game. The game is rarely fun for me anymore and I often find myself wondering why the hell I'm still around.