I realize i am a little younger then most here but i really like playing UT and UT2003. I have been playing on and off ever scince we got Unreal Tournament...
My dad lets me and my brother Ty_Man play all the time and i would like to learn to play death ball better. So if it's ok with you guys could you sign me up.
Hi. I'm new to deathball, but I'd be up for this. My details in handy cut and pastable form:
Adam Chatterley - adam.chatterley@blueyonder,co.uk - UK - 15 - ?
I'd like to join, but i'm from Germany and it would be nice when there would be a german Team, because I am a REAL n00b and it would be hard to get teached in English, and perhaps i have another timezone then you and have to calc if there are Wars or training =)