
All about Death Ball Leagues and Tournaments

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Post by uberslacker »

gnomeh wrote: Hey, I'm friendly with plenty of "euros". Maybe you should do something yourself instead of putting all the weight of whether this na-eu bond succeeds thru us.

i'm friendly with a lot of "euros" too, but being treated badly on euro servers just for being in NA because they had bad experiences with sin or whoever kinda makes it hard for the rest of NA, eh?

but again, i want this type of 'judgement' to stop and for the entire db community to be all happy with everyone else in it, but some people make this extremely hard to do
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Post by Xelent »

I forgot my reply to Surge (yeah why bother right?) wasn't in the proper format. So here you go.

[X] American [ ] Euro [ ] Other
[ ] Loser [X] Clueless Newbie
[X] "Nubcake" [X] Annoying person
[ ] Freak [X] Flamer
[X] Troller
[ ] cY associate/Fanboi

I took exception to your recent:
[X] Post
[ ] Post regarding something I, David M, changed for no good reason
[ ] Post regarding bugs (instant ignore)
[ ] Post regarding other members of this forum
[ ] Post attacking myself
[ ] Post asking for a huge change to gameplay
[ ] Post threatening to quit
[ ] Fanboi Post
[X] Whining Post

It was (check all that apply):
[X] Lame [X] Stupid [ ] Abusive
[X] Clueless [X] Idiotic [ ] Brain-damaged
[ ] Imbecilic [X] Arrogant [ ] Malevolent
[ ] Contemptible [ ] Libelous [X] Ignorant
[X] Retarded [ ] Embellished [ ] Fundamentalist
[ ] Boring [ ] Dim [ ] Cowardly
[ ] Deceitful [ ] Demented [ ] Self-righteous
[X] Crazy [ ] Weird [ ] Hypocritical
[ ] Loathsome [ ] Despicable
[ ] Belligerent [ ] Mind-numbing [ ] Maladroit
[X] Much longer than any worthwhile thought of which you may be capable.

Your attention is drawn to the fact that:
[X] Nobody cares if you quit playing
[X] Nobody cares if you start playing a different game
[X] Nobody wants to hear you whine anymore
[ ] Nobody cares if you are comparing the game to:
- FIFA 2002
- FIFA 2003
- NHL*
- Wayne Gretzky's 3D anything
- Some other random sports title
- a pervious DB version
[ ] You posted something totally uninteresting
[X] I don't like your tone of post
[ ] You quoted an *entire* post in your reply
[ ] You started a long, stupid thread
[ ] You continued spreading a long stupid thread
[ ] Your post is absurdly off topic for where you posted it
[X] You posted a "YOU ALL SUCK" message
[ ] You posted low-IQ flamebait
[ ] You posted a blatantly obvious troll
[ ] You followed up to a blatantly obvious troll
[ ] You said "me too" to something
[X] You make no sense
[X] Your sig/alias is dreadful
[X] You must have spent your life in a cave to be this clueless.
[ ] You posted in ELitE CaPitALs to look k0OL
[ ] You posted a message written in ALL CAPS
[X] You have greatly misunderstood the purpose of this forum.
[X] You have greatly misunderstood the purpose of the Internet.
[X] You are a loser.
[X] This has been pointed out to you before.
[X] You didn't do anything specific, but appear to be so generally
worthless that you are being flamed on general principles.
[X] You do not make this game

It is recommended that you:
[X] Get a clue
[X] Get a life
[X] Go away
[X] Grow up
[X] Never post again
[X] stop reading Deathball Forums and go play or something
[X] Bust up your modem with a hammer and eat it
[X] Have your medication adjusted
[X] Jump into a bathtub while holding your monitor
[X] find a volcano and throw yourself in
[X] get a gun and shoot yourself
[X] actually post something relevant
[X] Apologize to everybody that reads this
[X] Refrain from posting until you have a vague idea what you're doing
[X] Go make your own damn game

In Closing, I'd Like to Say:
[X] You need to seek psychiatric help
[X] Take your gibberish somewhere else
[X] *plonk*
[X] Learn how to post
[X] Most of the above
[X] All of the above
[ ] Some of the above, not including All of the above
[ ] You are so clueless that I didn't even bother filling in this form.
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Post by Khushdi »

insane is cool, and sin owns u all, nuff said
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Post by gnomeh »

Well, thats their fault for basing a whole community on one person. Talk to sin himself if you have a problem, I don't control him :)
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Post by uberslacker »

gnomeh wrote: Hey, I'm friendly with plenty of "euros". Maybe you should do something yourself instead of putting all the weight of whether this na-eu bond succeeds thru us.

i can't do too much myself when a community is based on one person eh? i don't have a problem with sin or the other people personally but i do have a problem with this whole euro vs na deal that is going on
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Post by Khushdi »

'What The Gay' uber, i dont have a problem with ya :lol:
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Post by gnomeh »

so do i uber...
and i think its heading in the right direction...ive learned to just ignore the hate tho
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Post by Khushdi »

yes i could tell that gnomeh from ya sig
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Post by uberslacker »

of course you've learned to ignore the hate, you're on v3! ( :p jk)

anyway i agree it is headed in the right direction, but its going a bit slow, wouldn't mind seeing things sped up eh? hehe
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Post by [V3]Optimal »

Dear Surge. Go kill yourself.
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Post by [V3]Sin »

SIN R US kthx i win
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Post by Bodom »

Sin plays on euro servers? That's shocking
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Post by [V3]Sin »

Yeh i go play with them late night so kthx
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Post by CorDawg »

isnt late at night like 4 am in europe...

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Post by Surge »

late night (3 AM) is like 8-9AM In most of europe. People that arnt night hawks there, which a lot arnt judging by the times they log off IRC, a few people are awake and playing DB.