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Post by OxyMoron »

Nice customer service techniques...you are teh PR mastah :x
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Post by Harold|ZBN »

manual? a zip file with a bunch of htm files u mean ;)
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Post by Fallen »

he r not a good PR mastah....usually PR people have to be biased to the comments of the community.
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Post by DavidM »

whats wrong with the html readme?
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Post by Surge »

readme.. pfft... to much reading.

no really, nobody reads it. When i was first playing i was on TS with a buddy of mine and he had to tell me what to do to shoot and pass properly and all that stuff. DB really needs some kind of intro video that you disbale in the options (it tells you how at the end of the movie) that shows you how to do stuff. Even making a demo rec with someone typing text in the top that plays the first time you run DB, or untill you disable it.
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Post by MeSSiaH{FCU} »

Heh, the youth these days :rolleyes:

To lazy to read, all they want is moving pictures >_< (aka movie = children's language :p), and yes i r 16 years old :p
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Post by Maelstrom »

Surge wrote: readme.. pfft... to much reading.

no really, nobody reads it. When i was first playing i was on TS with a buddy of mine and he had to tell me what to do to shoot and pass properly and all that stuff. DB really needs some kind of intro video that you disbale in the options (it tells you how at the end of the movie) that shows you how to do stuff. Even making a demo rec with someone typing text in the top that plays the first time you run DB, or untill you disable it.

So, you're going to do something like that for us?
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Post by Surge »

HEEEEEEEL no... i dont make this game. I dont have to do anything.
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Post by Maelstrom »

You don't have to complain about everything either... :|
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Post by MeSSiaH{FCU} »

Which he does? AH! i get it! :p

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Post by f1end »

Maelstrom wrote: So, you're going to do something like that for us?

I have kinda volunteered for this, but don't want to do it unless it is official..(ish)and will be released with 1.9 or whatever.

All i need are some people to help with the actual recording of demo's