It`s got to stop

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It`s got to stop

Post by devnull »

Ok, i know i am not that well known in the euro league some know me most don`t....not the point. i wanna know why and what is the point in bitching about who is better and why people shouldn`t play...its a fucking game...i know there is competition between people but really people get a fucking clue....we are all in the same comunity and we play the same games...BS bashing between different counrties is is bs when people go to servers and get bashed because they are NA as it is stupid when euro`s come to NA servers.....then you guys come to the forums and start shit with each other...its the fucking internet does it make you feel big to come on here and bitch at people...does it turn you on....i really don`t care i just come to this forum to check thinks out and to chat with the few euro friends i have....then i go read post about NA being shitheads and euro`s being shitheads and let me say this....there are people from both sides that need to get a clue and get there heads out of there asses....hell i prob could name a few from both sides that need to be banned from this forum....why can`t db be fun again and we play to play...not play for braggin rights and to bash other players....i will say IMO it isn`t the servers or lack of teams or server admin that are bringing this gane is the people on the ego trips that drive people away....i played our server today(all newbies) it was one was 9 people that were having fun learning a new game....this is what it is all about...learning and helping new for a post that i seen a few days ago about helping then getting yelled narrow minded fuck...if you try and they get mad DON`T TRY to help them anymore...just move on...don`t get pissed and god it isn`t that hard.....we all need to help each other reguardless....i really don`t care how many people i piss of with this post(if it does you are prob one of the people i am talking about) so post your thought and flame me if you want but just remember if you need to gat a fucking clue or move on to a different game and let the rest of us have fun playing

BTW: DavidM - i seriously think it is time you start banning people from here....not really my place to say but thats what i think
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Post by Xelent »

Dev stole my idea. I was about to propose something where if you come on this forum and start an international flame war, you get banned or muted from the forums or something. It is getting pretty ridiculous... I cant even find out whats going on anymore cause you fuckers waste 3 pages on arguments per thread.
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Post by Hoju »

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Post by BagsLee »

omg this post makes me so mad!! I r flame you! Heh jk. I tried to fix this once too dev but it aint working. Everyone in the world seems to believe in tit for tat and then some. If you slap some wanker in the face he's prolly gunna slap you back then tie your testicles to a helicopter and watch what happens...if you're smellin what i'm steppin in. One day people will realize how stupid they are for yelling at people because of where they live. I even saw someone wank on us for our president...too bad he didn't even win the popular vote. You just can't judge a person unless you know them. Some people never learn this and that's sad. If you read this, please just think about that. You don't know me, you can't judge me. It doesn't matter what religion, race, gender, age, birth place, or place of residence. Just think before you pwn people. And even if you know someone who is a jerk, don't go calling him a "stupid american." You could hurt that person just as much by saying that he or she is stupid, but adding that american hurts him just the same but then it brings allllllllllllllllll the other defensive wankers into it too. Just think duh...
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Post by Xelent »

This wasnt the highlight of the post, sorry but this made me cry :)

"If you slap some wanker in the face he's prolly gunna slap you back then tie your testicles to a helicopter and watch what happens...if you're smellin what i'm steppin in."

well said btw
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Post by BagsLee »

hehe i'm glad you liked that. =)
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Post by frostymoss »

Dev ive tried this are 100% right, but i can 99% promise you that someone is gonna flame you for that, happens to me (i say something, someone insults my president oO)...
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Post by devnull »

like i said i really don`t care who does....and if they insist on keeping the hate going...basiclly Fuck`em
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Post by Maelstrom »

Instead of flamming people on forums, use PM's, that's why they were invented... you don't need to bring the shit to everyone in the community. And I know what I'm talking about. =)

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Post by BL44T »

Hm, i pretty agree. Don't really get why Euro and NA have this kinda relationship ;). As you might know i'm around on pgp and i can say you're pretty nice guys actually :p. Anyway, i dont think it will make a diffrence. Europe and America are two diffrent (western) continents with 2 diffrent cultures, which dont seem to fit together here. I'd say just be happy with the ppl that dont bitch around and ignore them who do :)
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Post by MeSSiaH{FCU} »

^ with bl00t to help build the bridge -.-
Not working very well tho :(
#Ballers on
(02:18:06) (Messy) i r here to build a bridge between euros and NA-ppl -.-
(02:18:19) (Messy) :( y u all walking away from me? :'(
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Post by gnomeh »

no hate coming from here
let the idiots flame and such, just ignore it and everything is fine
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Post by an_old_man »

I stopped visiting these forums because of all the sh!t that goes on in here... its about time someone did something about it. *cough* DavidM *cough* :D
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Post by Xelent »

you should visit more often aom, you cant let that sig go to waste :(
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Post by MeSSiaH{FCU} »'s......beautiful :eek: