GNM says...we basically have cancer all the time. Caused by psychologic trouble (kid died, lost job, girlfriend 'taken over' by someone else, being told you are dead sick...) and if you keep driving yourself crazy with it for a long time (9months+) you are likely to die.
We have depressions all the time, but solve them quickly. Then we have a flu, fever or whatever and say we are ill and go watch the doc. Actually this fever (Etc) is just the time after your healing, and everything is perfect.
When you go visit the doc, he will make up a disease for you and give you drugs....pharma industry getting rich.
In case of cancer Chemo therapy is what really kills you. It's very expensive (costs like 250,000€ for a year per person) so you can tell why it's being propagandized and how they have the money to do so.
If all people would know whats going on, trusting the self healing, all doctors, pharmacy, hospitals, animal experiments would go to hell, no money would be made, people wouldnt be sick.
They better go visit a spiritual master...the best they can do, because it's about being happy at any moment, no matter what the circumstances are, so you don't even get a reason for depression and cancer.
If you break a leg or have a serious acceident, school medicine is the right thing, eh? That's beyond self healing obviously and needs to be operated. But most of the whole health INDUSTRY can go to hell.
And to be an evil nazi and anti semite (blah blah) I'll say...only jewish doctors are allowed to use the GNM. (This is very deep there.... this topic).
edit: fucking ignore wikipedia...makes me sick to see this brainwashed pro-jewish propaganda (no, im not anti jewish at all! but the truth most be spoken)
edit2: the wiki entry about dr hamer is good in terms of antisemitism. it shows what he's being accused of and his everybody can see that it's nothing to do with semites or so.
This part is silly: "According to the latest data the number of reported Hamer's victims exceeds 130"
Because if you count the victims of chemo'll be in huge million numbers of dead people. only 130 dead is pretty damn fucking good!
i havent read the rest of that article, just these parts mattered to me.