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Post by gnomeh »

requiem, don't bring american-euro hate in this thread. That shit is dumb enough as it is.
Dudeguy, I agree with you, but we err... deez gotta move up the leagues the old way. No auto-div1 for DeeZ ;/
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Post by Zoline »

[Bk°Requiem] wrote: SoP 0- 20 V3 i guess u must stfu^^ oh but wait!! i'm sure the big Surge didn't play

/me is totally pissed off tonight

Nah, it's cause I didn't play, duh. :p
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Post by Requiem »

frostymoss wrote: What does our president have to do with it?
My god, you are dumb.

ur president is a retard as most of the bloody childish lamer who post there and that say they own everyone everywhere
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Post by Requiem »

gnomeh wrote: requiem, don't bring american-euro hate in this thread. That shit is dumb enough as it is.

Who say all the time US are the best, they can pwn all euro team easily???? kthxwhosenext
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Post by gnomeh »

1) You're an idiot, noone ever said we are the best. Maybe we have highly suggested it, but we have backed it up. All games I've ever had with euro have been friendly, and you are brining unneccasary hate. Please stfu.
2) Stop trying to be like sin....
3) You are an idiot once again, and please don't talk to me like I'm takeing part in this euro-american battle.
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Post by Requiem »

ROFL, an idiot, good game, but coming from u, i really don't care

u never said u're the best.....WOOT......maybe i should post on planet db this great news

No need to continue this.....I'm too idiot
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Post by DudeGuy »

[Bk°Requiem] wrote: ur president is a retard as most of the bloody childish lamer who post there and that say they own everyone everywhere

he went to yale ;)

and you all say "HE'S GAY HIS DAD PAID FOR IT!!!!!"

you are correct, but, he still went to yale, pay or no pay :cool:
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Post by gnomeh »

Sounds good to me.
BTW, you're an idiot also because you just can't talk. You try to act all cool and to make fun of me, such a shame you can't understand I don't care.
You then generalize the americans and then make a reference to politics in which most people in this forum are underage for voting and don't even care about politics.
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Post by Requiem »

[Bk°Requiem] wrote: thx dudeguy, i played with u in pickup last night, and i wish all us were like u, but it's not the case

this afternoon i played with an american on an euro server...he got 110 ping, i got 120 so......

Did i generalize??? pliz read b4 posting and then we can talk
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Post by gnomeh »

[Bk°Requiem] wrote: ur president is a retard as most of the bloody childish lamer who post there and that say they own everyone everywhere

Pretty big forum we have here....
more than just the DB forums are here too, and all these people do that. I don't think so. Seems like a generalazation to me...
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Post by Requiem »

yea, ok , u're right, u pwns me, kthxbye
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Post by R3L!K »

If V3 wanna play in Europe, let them.

If they win, nice one. If not, doesnt matter.

Its a game. And if the best teams in the US wanna play against more teams (cos theres a lack of decent teams in the US) let them play here.

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Post by devnull »

ok see it is threads like this that makes people just wanna quit this game....people go into servers and get bashed...come on the forums and get bahsed...go to irc and get bashed....when will people get the fuck over themselves and just STFU, yes there are the few games where NA played Europe they were fun....then you come here and find the trash from both sides talking shit and is just shit like this that makes people move last time "STFU AND DROP THE FUCKING EGO TRIPS"
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Post by Scotteh »

Well put dev and R3L!k.
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Post by Xelent »

Seems like americans cant post here without being bashed. Someone even managed to bring GW into this, which is over 100% completely off topic. Try staying on topic and not talking trash plz.