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Post by DoMmeh`` »

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Post by Titanium »

Fragger wrote: So box defense isn't cool anymore?

hey conny , where are you? :(
come back for some pes kthx
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Post by Adversary »

u can pes me u know tita.... don't be a coward now :P

but yeah, Conny... one moment plz
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Post by priior »

fragger if u dont come back.. i might be forced to be 3rd magnet :)
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Post by Adversary »

he is here atm prii
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Post by DI »

I was thinking about joining too...But I dont agree at all about the "line" story. Imho line doesn't kill the fun, unless some peeps in here get frustrated too easily 'cause they can hardly score with a good "line" defence. Everyone should play the way he likes more...That means freedom. If you don't accept teams which are using the line, you just give more limits to the fun. Every team should use the tactics it's used to play with, and obviously the team with the best tactics and players will win.

What about ppl abusing that ballspawn bug with the suckfire? Or hanging for the whole match? Or spamming for the whole match? You should avoid them too...'Cause they kill the fun anyway.
Beyond that, I just wanna understand your concept of "fun", which depends on each player view. I can have fun also when I play vs poo and they make line and I lose, but I couldn't have fun if I won but my mates egoed or spammed for the whole match (and I get ignored etc).

Anyway, I hope you will have good games and,1st of all, fun.
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Post by Shigeru »

Tbh, beating a line line-up is a challenge.
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Post by DoMmeh`` »

to avoid some misunderstandings, let me explain something :)

we removed the lining rule because it was not fair. Di is right, if we forbid lining we'd have to forbid egoin and volleywhoring and lmb passing and all stuff that people might find annoying for their game. Its like forbidding rico to make his shootpasses with tita, but i know you cant compare this since px never would agitate themselves...

if pX doesnt play now, im sorry for you but I and maxy and Kerm didnt know that you would remove yourself from the league if there is no lining rule.
weird that i find it sensless. you dont play because of the rule, whereas there is no team using the lining tactic except poo, and they didnt sign up.

plz, dont say now "if there is no team using it you could also forbid it"
no we cant. and we wont. we dont want to have a league where the admins control too much or take part in the gameplay of any team. we now only set the frame, if we see some trouble ingame, we'll discuss evrything for itself and decide later if its worth being sentenced or not.

so, we are sorry for the trouble the rule caused, it is now removed and we hope in about a league the week starts, since every organisation is coming to its end...

greetz, Domi Kerm Maxy TIta <3
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Post by Adversary »

DoMmeh`` wrote:
weird that i find it sensless. you dont play because of the rule, whereas there is no team using the lining tactic except poo, and they didnt sign up.

to say that there is no team using the "Lining" tactic is a bit :S ... if ur throwing all 3 people forward all the time or touch downing the other team for instance... whats an easy way to stop the other team doing it.... put everyone back in goal (i.e. "line" :\ )
If the situation calls for it, everyone sits back in their goal...

I fail to see why its always a POO special case and not a situation in general
surely telling people not to all defend really deep in their own goal was the aim of the rule was it not ?

anyway, onwards an upwards, goodluck...

ps. yawn... bed time
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Post by DavidM »

it's a poo special case because.....px leaves the league when poo joins now that we could line
hihi :D

actually poo only has one man on line, it wouldn't even apply to us. just this man might not be the one with keeper powers
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Post by Adversary »

yeah exactly... but it still doesn't seem like much of a special case to me...

more like people have misinterpreted the rules... i said there was no clarity from the start...
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Post by DoMmeh`` »

ye might be dan, we even got like a hundred people asking us "wtf is lining"

i explained why we thought it would be a good idea to come up with a lining rule and we were wrong. ^ happens, mistakes arent excluded : D

but dan i dont think that a "standing on the line because people try to touchdown abuse us" lining is a common case :o

well nvm, its done =)
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Post by Adversary »

its merely an example, there are others... and in my case it is very common
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Post by priior »

i think some ppl wanted to stick it to POO's ass in the heat of the moment.. and it didnt work out.. cuz it's silly tbh.

now let's forget this happened and move on! o/

or even better, david, release a new version without the sucker so it's truely whorefree!
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Post by Adversary »

not another sexual connotation eh prii ?