Read if your clan needs an attacker or midfielder

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Read if your clan needs an attacker or midfielder

Post by Panda »

These kind of posts are becoming way too familiar to me now :\

I play deathball as a source of fun, when circumstances in the clan prevent it from being fun then there is something very wrong. For that reason I have left TEZC.

Anyways, I'm a pretty experienced player but I'm no Goldy or Catalyst obviously. Willing to play for any team that reckons I would have fun playing for them. Not a lot else to say as many of you will have sene this message before.
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Post by Mikeyman »

come to fs zer0 :)
#firestorm :)

Post by Golde[nG]un »

join A51

we owned funleague C

lol , u can help us Panda ... We need really help in the league
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Post by MeSSiaH{FCU} »

AGAIN?! :eek:

ps: seeing as u had like half of all euro clans :rolleyes: y dont u try ozzy clans? :D i have a feeling u will fit in nicely X_X
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Post by Axl »

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Post by (fs|$pl4$|pX) »

haha very funny Messiah o_O
Hey Panda,if u want u can try us,we in zer0 play 4 fun and its also nice to win^^:)
So perhaps u want to try,then join #firestorm and look 4 mikey me scorp ,nero,hori or somebody else^^All can/will help u:)
GrEEtZ $pl4$

Post by Panda »

Last night I agreed to play a couple of matches for 3dg. I think where I have been making mistakes before is jumping in head first and getting stuck in too quickly with clans. I'll keep this thread open cos I can't see myself liking it at 3dg (no offense intended, I just think I'll struggle being the only Brit).
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Post by -Camel- »

u can always come back and join us at FCU, i think mong is still lookin 4 an attackin partner. Mayb messy can clear that up, is he gonna play wiv pyro?
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Post by LyNx »

rofl @ a51. we owned funleague c . there were 3 teams in funleague c and i think a51 where the only ones to go on to division 2

Post by Golde[nG]un »

i know lol it was a jk ^^

Post by Panda »

Mods feel free to close this one, I've gone back to my roots at {FCU}