If DB Wins....

Everything about Death Ball.

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Post by DavidM »

I noticed the other mods pay more attention to their intro and menu than to the actual game, they are always promising until i press the start button.
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Post by Fallen »

i guess your right, like wat we all thought of troopers, jungle warfare, ptv, etc. But all im saying, even a simple 2 min video would have been nice to show to the judges. atleast that would show how its really played.
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Post by h3r3tic »

There is a little change DB could win :p
But in what category then?
In phase 1 are just some silly categories DB wouldnt make a change like: Best voice pack or audio modification

Same thing in Phase 2
The only category they could win would be:
Best FPS mod
Best non-FPS mod

But maybe they can win in the grand final? xD
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Post by Fallen »

i think its entered as a non-fps
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Post by UsAaR33 »

Surge wrote: DB contains 1 original model for the weapon. All other mods at least have more than 1 (Chaos UT) or multiple models for players. DB is also not a very difficult concept. The only things that are impressive in the coding and design of it are the banana shot, sprint, and that new deflection deal.
DB not a "difficult concept"? Sheesh.. it's far more original (and thus harder to design) than the vast majority of the entries. And there are other impressive things: spectator cameras on tracks, radar, beacons, the pass code (try figuring out db_quart sometime :p), etc.

It honestly doesnt hold a torch to a game like Faceoff or Troopers (even tho Troopers sucks TBH) simple because there are more elements to those games which are more coding intensive and would take more effort to implement. The gun-barrel oriented crosshairs is amazing and a far better solution to a CoF. These are what will impress the Nvidia judges, not the basics that is Deathball.
More coding intensive? Uh..Deathball is about the same code difficulty. And don't give me that BS about troopers having 49,000 lines of code. If a mod has that many lines, there has to be some pretty awful, completely non-optimized code in it. (incidently, if you cared, DB is about 12k).

Also, considering how many versions DB has go through, and the fact that were still tinkering with basic values (shot power, pass power, etc.) that wont be too impressive.

Doesn't matter. Mods are judged on their current state, not what state they were in 7 months ago. Besides, at least TV has been allowing the public to play deathabll, unlike some mods that have only released just for the MSU.

Right now DB should have 100% finite gameplay and little to no modifications to it. Work should be done on small things that will make DB unique, like implementations of in-game camera's that dont crash servers (and we have reason to believe they do), reconnect statistics (like in Tac-Ops), and custom player models, or better yet, simpler things like a custom ball model.

Gameplay evolves. And that's a good thing.
Well, 1.9 will probably have replay.
And cameras do not crash servers. If they do, you better prove it by sending a log to db@usaar33.com The team has extensively tested the cameras (and I've reviewed the code many, many times). It doesn't crash. Granted there are some things that aren't optimal that will be fixed, but that's another story.
DB in itself is unique. It is one of the most original mods available.
Custom player models? Will come eventually.. but personally, I don't see the big deal here. DB is a "fantasy sports" type game.. any model frankly works.
Custom ball model? Hopefully, 1.9 will allow for clients to select the ball model. :p
Last edited by UsAaR33 on 16-07-2003 18:20, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DavidM »

ehm this is surge....you don't have to reply to his stuff since everything he says is bullshit 0_o
he's the most ignored person here....just for your info
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Post by MeSSiaH{FCU} »

Meh.. he shot his comments down nicely tho

\/ look down for a nice anecdote (spelling?) of DavidM
Last edited by MeSSiaH{FCU} on 16-07-2003 20:19, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by DavidM »

not being certain about pass and shot power is wrong tho.....they are static since 1.4

that one made me love
tnse about surge:
[20:25:36] <TNSe> I love him
[20:25:42] <TNSe> he reminds me of my dear ass
[20:25:48] <TNSe> constant shit
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Post by Surge »

... and thats why both are in the 1.8 changelog :rolleyes:

also, the cameras do crash servers. We played on the NS server against TFO a few days got and the server crashed 3 times on Lowcube. The very next day, without ANY server modifications, we played NS on Lowcube2 (which has no spec cameras) and the server was rock solid stable. Same server, different map, no problems.

If the problem is not the code then the problem is the maps and i think we all know who to blame for that.
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Post by BL44T »

Troopers looks vnice, FaceOff is made by one dude, Godz is not-understandable, havent played Chaos UT yet, but DB has the fucking game- and teamplay!
Look at DB's community and compare with all the other mods.. DB already build up a great fanbase who like the mod so much they play matches in leagues. Have to see other mods to be played in leagues / ladders first yet (DB the only 2k3 mod on Clanbase? o_O)
DavidM can't you like.. escort them into Deathball.. show them volleys.. show them a demo of (skilled) people playing DB or something? Would be really nice :x
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Post by AzTec_Warrior »

If DB wins this contest then iam throwing ut2k3 in the trash.And who is going to want my cd-key?
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Post by DiStUrbeD »

DavidM wrote: I noticed the other mods pay more attention to their intro and menu than to the actual game, they are always promising until i press the start button.

^ faceoff

I don't mean to knock faceoff all the time, but i can't stand how everybody jumped on thier bandwagon because its another CS ripoff and "one guy did it" which i doubt unless he has no life completely and is awake at all times.

Any real total conversion mod will take months to make, with a team.

Also, Faceoff is a huge fps hog anyway, the mappers need to learn how to make real static meshes.

Also, not as a knock to DB, but i am pretty sure it wont win, as because most of the mods entered are total conversion mods, rather then DB that uses a lot of standart ut2k3 stuff in it.

I notice a lot of people think that the "popular" mods will win, its not a popularity contest, its a gameplay contest.
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Post by vF_Zonk »

hmm enter DB!

I've played a few mods and DB is by far my fav

It could definitely come top 5
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Post by MeSSiaH{FCU} »

It doesnt work like that, "top 5"
Besides, the comment davidm made about them not having the time to test it enough to even know what a volley is, will surely make a difference.

They wont get what it will be about, certainly not w/o a tutorial or video, so DB will just have to wait for 2nd or 3rd phase of the contest :o
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Post by DavidM »

in the end the judges will have no clue about the class of the gameplay of each mod
fanbase doesn't matter

DB has nothing that would make it win....