1.9 Wishlist!

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1.9 Wishlist!

Post by Fallen »

Since 1.8 has come and been out for about half a week, I'd thought I would start this thread. Looking back at this version, I think its a more polished version of 1.7. Other than the addition of the deflection, which when I read in the version changes, I didn't understand what it was.

Things I would like see in 1.9:

-New Hud (Look forward guys, need to make the mod more unique)
-New Map (like a stadium type map set in a the summer time with real hanging banners)
-Cube beefed down alittle with new walls, I find blue team has an advantage because sometimes they are camaflouged when looking afar.
-How about getting a new ball model put in.
-Intro movie (yes, it is necessary for n00bs) <-- helps to grow the db fan base
-Take out bot support until its fully ready to be impletmented

Ill post others when I finally think of good ideas.
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Post by Tankazz »

Make the deflection system an optional feature, like sprinting and bananas.
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Post by Fallen »

no deflection is fine, buggy, put it should be implemented and kept. All it needs, is to be tweaked like less powerful when bounced off the other guy. Currently the physics of it is wierd, but I'm sure it will be liked by all.
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Post by Twigstir »

Bots in 1.8 are much better. The coders did a nice job so far.

- taking out bot support would never be good. Informing people that the bot support is not full operational yet is the proper direction to go.
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Re: 1.9 Wishlist!

Post by MeSSiaH{FCU} »

Originally posted by Fallen
Things I would like to see in 1.9:

-[/b]Fix bots
-Intro movie/tutorial (yes, it is necessary for n00bs) <-- helps to grow the db fan base
-How about getting a new ball model put in.
-New Hud (Look forward guys, need to make the mod more unique)

Edited to suit my needs :p

I think bots and movie/tutorial shud go up front (in that order, bold = more important imo). Then the replays, ball and hud (also in that order \o/) would be nice to give it more of a special look, these are simply because of the graphics, nothing to do with gameplay, altho those last three (in italic :o) arent that important it would make the mod a lot leeter ^^

About deflection, if some things are fixed (as said: less power and no deflection off teamies (maybe only altfire-pass = no deflection), also maybe more logical deflection X_X f.e.: balls shooting from front out of ass =\) then im sure every1 would like it. I wouldnt mind if it was not optional.
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Post by Chrisfu »

- Horses (or Battlecats)
- Rocket launchers hidden in the crotch area
- Lots of pictures on the walls of naked blonde women getting shit on their chest from hairy Canadian guys called Surge... ooo I think I just come
- More scat
- Instead of "Surprising volley by...", "Ass-raping delivered by..."
- New sexually explicit models created with poser
- The skins for the new models have cross-eyes and goofy teeth, and uneven breasts

Thats all that I can think of right now.

Edited: Made a mistake on the chestdump bit.
Last edited by Chrisfu on 17-07-2003 02:06, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Surge »

chrisfu.. you have issues...
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Post by Rens2Sea »

Look who's talking :rolleyes:
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Post by Rens2Sea »

Chrisfu wrote: - Lots of pictures on the walls of naked blonde women getting shit on their chest from hairty dutch guys called Ronald

You got something against dutch ppl eh eh eh?:mad:

/me slaps Chrisfu :ban:
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Post by FireCell »

Not giving up on the horses or battles cat idea?
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Post by nameless »

1) Bugs removed !!!111oneone :D
2) Penalty-shooting (hockeystyle)
3) Icedemon changed (playability)
4) new playermodels

oh btw that new block is shit with higher pings ... Blocked my own shot yesterday on that crappy deus-server o_O
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Post by Fallen »

nameless wrote: 1) Bugs removed !!!111oneone :D
2) Penalty-shooting (hockeystyle)
3) Icedemon changed (playability)
4) new playermodels

oh btw that new block is shit with higher pings ... Blocked my own shot yesterday on that crappy deus-server o_O
#1 will never be ultimately solved because when new options are impletmented, there is room for new bugs. We can live with a few crashes here and there and the shoot bug, which only happens once or twice now in a 30 min game.

#2 Hell no, this is the stupidest idea I've heard. What is the point of this? One on one against the keep? Usually you should score.

#3 Icedemon is fine. It's playable on my system. Clarify what is wrong with your view of the map.

#4 New model would be nice but not necessary. Like the Ball Model, they shouldn't be first proirity, maybe 5th or 6th priority on the list.
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Post by InSaNe »

I basically want everything Bullet said.

One on ones are pointless unless you're against me or gnomeh, or some other 1337 keeps, then it's ok but other than those keepers, the shooter will pwn.

I would like dribbling back, it's so gay how hard you work to get open and the defense comes crawling back to hit you and make a shakey. You should be rewarded and dribble your way to pwnage ;)

Also, new HUD as Bullet said, must be unique.

Also new maps, the new SmallCube has turned ultimatly(sp?) gay, I haven't found anything gayer than it, hell GreenBaize is better than SC now, at least when SC was around in 1.6 people actually played in pubs now it's no one in pubs unless they're screwing around, NA has pugs now, since SC is gayer than ever.

These are just suggestions, no body should take em personally, but these are the ideas that I think would make DB a much better game/mod to play.

BTW what happened to that petition to put DB as regular game, any new word on that?

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Post by Large Potato »

Own goals in the f3 menu need to be adjusted so they dont list people assisting in their team's own goal :p
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Post by InSaNe »

lol us Americans don't score on own goal.... :p lol jk
