
Moderators: Jay2k1, DavidM, The_One

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Post by *LeC*23* »

There werent so much op job to do btw. Since there were like 1 or 2 3v3 games per day, or nothin for long times, or a running pickup which neva filled. This innactivity is been for like more than a year.

About the rules, we were makin rules for dbpu with eli(monstly eli) and goldeneye, but (i think, cos of there werent so many active pu players) we gave it up, and neva showed it to the public.

3 min rules, i know every1 hates w8ing, but if we ban the active players, then how can we play that 1-2 games/day? Ye i know, need to do somethin...but bannin active players wont give us more oportunity to play :)
Well, when kerm asked me to ban some1 (cos he didnt join at all, gg ruiners) i was always (or almost always) there to do my job.

But i hope we can play more on the new pickup channel, 2-3 5v5 games / day (like we did it yesterday) would be great. (btw on NA i used to play 4-5 5v5 games/day, but i would rather do it on eu w/o the ping rape :) )


(soz for shit eng)
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Post by DavidM »

Sorry LeC,
this is a bunch of excuses to me.

There was enough work to do for OPs, but nobody did so, this is no secret.

And it's not about ban ban ban ban (why do people think moderating is banning?). It's about changing people, so they join quicker, don't ruin matches, click quick when they are in...and all that.
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Post by Onge »

Fragger wrote: (I get to be neutral, stfu :D).

Some things never change. :p
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Post by Fragger »

Onge :'(
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Post by DI »

Every one making the 'personal issues' comment have been spoken to by DavidM before posting.

Like I've already said, I'm out for good this time. Past two months were personal problems, now its for good. So what ever
I'm sorry, Ghost. I hope you will change your decision.
You probably think that david has chosen his best buddies but in fact thats not the case, hes obviously chosen the people he knows would be active , fair and overall a good op ( I would have like to seen h1 op because i think the world of this guy <3 ).
Good idea.
You probaby won't believe me, but ideally I wanted to run the channel with minimum intervention - having people shout "BAN" every time someone screwed up really pissed me off, because sometimes you have to let the little things go and try and rely on people's respect for the community to sort them out. Unfortunately that's far too idealistic and never really worked - nevermind .
U spoke honestly. All I have to say is that most of times I didn't agree with your way of managing #dbpickup cos of many reasons. Anyway, we (whoever played at least a pu) should thank you for making that channel. Even if things changed, you are still welcome. I 'd let others decide who could be operator (this means u can be an op too as everyone else) by starting a thread with a pool.

I'm not power hungry, I can refuse to be an op every time you think I'm not the man. Remember that I join the channel just to have fun.

<3 fr dan onge strafe
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Post by mephistophel »

DavidM wrote: Hi everyone reading this,
let me say a few words about the main issues that have been brought up:
  • Pickups were ok in #dbpickup?
    Only for someone who never plays there.
  • Community input to this decision?
    Over 90% of all immediately gave positive reactions, because we all have the same opinion about the messy state of #dbpickup and I didn't find anyone who agreed with Cata's anti-authoritarian moderation.
    He has learned from his mistakes and mentioned them. That's all fine now and I consider him getting stronger all the time as a person.
  • DavidM wants power?
    Hm... I wouldn't care much about OP if #dbpickup was properly moderated.
    I was the only OP trying to get something done there, but there was always Cata and the other OPs in my way, because nobody would discuss things and work together as an OP team.
    Power always brings responsibility, but most seem to forget that. They just see the power.
    I have years of experience with internet moderation. Handling all kinds of weird characters, I also made many mistakes I learned from.
    And now I enjoy having this power and responsibility <i>because</i> I'm self confident enough (people who hate me read 'arrogant' there) to say that we'll do a great job in this channel from now on. We will do mistakes here and there and learn from them, no doubt. Especially in the beginning you need to give us some time to get it rolling properly. A few have no moderation experience but we'll take care of them.
    If I see someone taken over by the feel of op power or someone not taking care enough, he/she will be an ex-op. And I myself am being watched by them too.
  • I'm sorry, we all know it, but nobody has dared to say it yet right here, but what I see is only Sir Ghost waging his anti-davidm war publically...in the shabby disguise of a pickup-argument, which he will deny for sure. But my name is being mentioned way too often to hide it. And this public war is being done by being overly polemic, biased and all that with lots of aggressions.

    Lots of pathos (or rather bathos) around! Maybe the right epical soundtrack will help.

So guys, enjoy your stay in #deathball


Maybe it would of all been saved if this was posted before you forced GE into moving the bots?
I agree with you, it's just sly, and has ego written all over it

democracy fails \o\

still... how do you intend to make the 'whole' community one big happy family... 2 pickups channels into one..comeon.. more like 1 un-organised pickup channel into an organised one without dbmixers.
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Post by DoMmeh`` »

hi2u i knwo u care shit bout my opinion but <3 :

see, in fact I dont care shit if i type "deathball" to join or "aslkjfhlasfha" or "asfaifj" etc. the ops in this channels, well i couldnt care less. why are u discussing it that much tbh "there was enough work to do" ehm sure...the only thing was banning some1 when he ruined a match (in whatever way) the things u mentioned are things which need to be done in a working community but tbh who of the 10 active players cares if he gets banned for a day or an hour or a week. it doesn't help any1 if someone gets banned, more it hurts DB because its 1 player less to play pickups. im not trying to say that u shud not ban any1 or smth like that i just say why gettin in that anger because of no point. there are no new players to educate in any way and btw i dont get why typing /join #deathball is easier than typing #dbpickup if i got u right there dan ^^. sure its one good thing that there are so many ops in #deathball (btw i think who is opped and who not is disscussable but i dont care) i dont want to discuss that.
ehm and as u said its about changing people david, i dont think that people change only because someone is op and is telling them that. if hes op or noit has nothing to do with that if u dont like him u dont listen to him (my opinion somehow). and tbh who wud be changeable in our 15 man community, we all know us so well that we have made our own opinions about evry1 else ourself and wont just change it quick.
i can understand u ghost rly. the only thing i gotta moan to u honey: why get so strong feelings about this, really. and if davidm has got ops wtf will he change ? and if he makes his dictatorship, well let him be, only result will be that there are 12 ppl active then instead of 15. thumbs up. (if there aren't 10 banned^^)
i know im writing like db was already dead. (haha)
but thats a fact in a way and yeah we schouldn't just agree with that and try to cahnge etc bla bla bla....

db will die out end of history and this will be a fact but thats only my opinion because i think dan, there won`t be a stabel version. i see davim changing db so that it fits to his tactics in gameplay. i can understand his point, its his game and why not make it like he likes it. (maybe because less other people like it that way but w/e) maps get bigger and pu are more based on teamplay. wow. in our great community an owngoal imo (except for POO) no nub is a teamplayer and it will take years or months (IF they keep on playin like bunny) to make them play the game ok. david expects ppl to play his stile only because its the best in his idea. people who play db for a long time even have problems in defending ur way david and plaiyng poo stile and you just still expect people to be good and to play ur shit.
this is just my idea, based on few arguments like maps gettin bigger ( ye only scSE) which means imo less creativiy for 1 and more teamplay which does not seem to be a bad point but in our community it imo is and f.e. the db guide on the page is just "how to play like poo" and the game is too focused on shootpasses and then volley it into the goal like david inventet it, wheres the using of rmb here :/ rmb has no power since 2.4m u may load up a 216 kmh shot in about a second.(and some other points but rly cba to write since i think no1 cares^^) but maybe that all just seems to me that way and is to others completly different.
dmn i didnt want to write that much in fact no1 reads it now \o/

i like davidm believe it or not imo he's a very very smart person. sure he does his mistakes in our eyes but often i can understand him.sometimes hes too stuck on his viewing on things or maybe he just misses some social intelligence ^^ i dont care.

if your done to db ghost, fine hf i think im out in some time too.

u might think now "well he has no clue , he says he doesnt care at all but writes an essay, ggdommeh, dommeh u suck, i want a cheescake, dom ur just wrong ,end". or smthing like that.

why this trouble about such a pointless thing ^^ :lol:

ps. shev just has no clue. rly.
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Post by Adversary »

Blimey... a list of responces to all ur points:
  • I didn't mean #deathball is easier to type :S either way u just favourite it...
  • There are plenty of new players... like I said anyone who doesn't realise this, is just not around enough on pub (where new players join !!!) for example today there were 2 new players on TV1... end of
  • There are more than 15 active players, we don't need to be this unrealistic yet... people have other lives as well and so all of us come and go (even me like last week ;) )
  • If the 2.4k version was tweaked like the 2.4l version was but with the a slower backspin - that would be quite playable
  • DavidM has his take on the game. The game would be better if more people were in teams imo... e.g. aX, POO, and +- are three different styles of play.
  • Bunny is a special case. [sexism] for starters she's a girl [/sexism]. But i doubt she has the years experience of first person shooting most of us have... she only bought ut2004 for deathball - not to play the actual game like nearly all of us did...
    For experienced gamers learn a lot quicker... for example a recently new player = BrownBear (and sorry bunny... he's probably better than u :P )
  • 2.4m is a borked version, and is only like this so that the ball warping could be fixed (or so i understand)
  • I'm struggling reading it all yes :P
  • I feel you, this version is making us all feel like this. But it is just this version. As a fellow all round player with strong keeping ability, i'm not happy. This version is more about guessing rather than skill as a keeper, but i'm sure this will be fixed and balanced in the next versions to come... once the spin is fixed (for the afore mentioned reason). If you feel like me this version is unplayable... keep some faith and start playing again in a future version (hopefully it won't be too long)
  • Not many people like 2.4m - Not even DavidM (don't have the quote at hand) - just wait it out

    & finally
  • lol @ shev comment :P
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Post by DavidM »

/me gives Dan a quote

I don't like 2.4m(orebugs)

Sigh...here I go again defending Teamvortex from unreasonable accusations:
I'm sorry to hear that some <adjective censodered> people are still holding up that 4 year old argument..."davidm changes the game so he and his team own more"...(or similar).

You will hardly find anything in the history of Deathball where this applies.
All changes, in this sense, that have been made to remove things that can be abused. My team was often owning until a new version came out, because the things we have been abusing were fixed.
Besides, anything can be used against us too...

I'm stopping now, because it's frustrating getting deeper into these made up stories by people who are lead by emotions.
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Post by DoMmeh`` »

hehe^^ 1 more time proved i just suck.

ehm point 1 i knew i got u wrong^^
2. plenty of new players...hmmz why dont they join then the pickups ? i dont get it i believe there are lots on the pubs beside the nickfakers but i dont see'em as players since they only play pub and no "real" matches :)
- bunny is a special case, eh yes. ^ ^
- i cba to have faith etc keeping this alive ;) i tried it for a year now and by now i just dont want to anymore because always there is a discussion runnin like this one it are the same points because people (dont mean u) just dont try to feel like others =) (thats the way i see it) when i was new i rly tried to make ppl play db ask the other one how annoyed they've been by me. i only saw Db when i spectated games @maxys old flat when there was a league and other ppl were playing and then since i got my own pc davidm officially said that db is dead ^^ woo ;D

and i dont think u feel me since im not claiming about only this version i thought i'd had claimed about whole db gettin more like poo in some way ;/ but maybe as u proved im just confused and can't discuss proper.

eh, lol ^^

btw i think in dbcube we shud raise up the walls again to make it more random kthx. (hate the argument of david when he sais he wants to make it less random)

oh david didnt read ur post. yes maybe ur right as i saiud mabybe it just seems to me like that because ur team adapts his tactics at the version and do not try to make the version responsible for anything.
Last edited by DoMmeh`` on 19-12-2006 19:47, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by mephistophel »

"ps. shev just has no clue. rly."

you're right your post confused the fuck out of me..¬_¬``¬

"Because having it in #deathball makes more sense, and it's easier instead of having 2 channels.
But the main reason is how players are being treaten in dbpickup. Some can ruin as many matches as they want and nothing happens. Other's get banned because the OP doesn't like him for something else he did in some other room or other suspicious reasons."

you probably mean i have no clue about the merge thing im thinking of...this is what i read it from, and i think you have no clue, not me.
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Post by Jelly »

So it is true :O
Europeans are becoming americans. What a drama!
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Post by Adversary »

Nah... we just try and steal some of their better stuff :P
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Post by Shinobi »

The day europeans learn the japanese values of hard work and innovation i'll move back. Won't happen in my lifetime tho.
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Post by beefsack »

learning hard work and innovation ey, i dont think its possible to learn the hard work ethics without learning the copious amount of social problems too. japan isnt as perfect as most japophiles believe...

ps europe is alsome