US DeathBall getting too private?

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Post by Rutzy\Vw\ »

the only n00b harassment that occurs is followed by tips, as i see.

someone you may see "OMG GET IN THE KEEPER BOX WHEN U SPAWN THERE N00B" as harsh, but eventually its the only way the person will get to know how to play.
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Deacan Sharp
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Post by Deacan Sharp »

I fear db will not survive the winter, in fact i mean for it not to!

Australia look to me to set things right! and i will, i will see the glory of DB restored.
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Post by Kyllian »

many reasons here why I've been considering saying the hell with DB and sticking to CTF
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Post by Imaginos »

I would hate to see things trickle and halt on the US front. I seldom play a ballers game in passworded servers - only when I am really jonesin for a game..
I'm considering killing the ability to password the V3 server except for matches and adding a mapvote. Making it public with the kickvote active may not do much, but it would mean one less good server that will never bar new, non-irc using guys.
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Post by kaot »

I don't really see lack of available servers as a problem. We kept ours pub for months and no one was ever on it unless it was smallcube. And, oddly enough, it would fill within minutes of switching to that map when 10 minutes ago there had only been 5 people on all the NA servers combined.

Go figure.

I mean, I sort of prefer smallcube only because you can still have fun after half the players leave.

But we'd have a 5v5 spammy no-fun volley-only smallcube game, and as soon as the map switched to something else, half the players would leave and we'd have to go back to smallcube anyway. Whereupon people would come back.

I see that as a pretty big problem.
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Post by Surge »

maybe now that shooting has purpose again people will play other maps... never know.

To be honest, you should prolly set it back to old shot power. Its too friggin easy to score :confused:
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Post by -NS-LordSpectre »

The main problem in trying to find a game with NA players on NA servers is that we have gone off and done our own thing since around the time 1.5/1.6 came out and the Euro and NA communities really drifted apart... The NA community felt neglected in favor of the Euro community, and rightfully so, for the most part our input was ignored or dismissed outright, so we decided to do our own thing from then on. I don't see any need for this to change, nor do I expect or want it to change. We did not receive the proper respect and this is what is has gotten everyone... sorry to the new players, but you missed out on the great DB feud's early days.
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Post by kaot »

erm, what?
Surge wrote: maybe now that shooting has purpose again people will play other maps... never know.

To be honest, you should prolly set it back to old shot power. Its too friggin easy to score :confused:

what's shot power or effectiveness of shots have to do with people only wanting to play on smallcube? they could just as easily volley every shot on any other map if they felt like it. And plenty of people do just that. Just, not on NA servers...
-NS-LordSpectre wrote: The main problem in trying to find a game with NA players on NA servers is that we have gone off and done our own thing since around the time 1.5/1.6 came out and the Euro and NA communities really drifted apart... The NA community felt neglected in favor of the Euro community, and rightfully so, for the most part our input was ignored or dismissed outright, so we decided to do our own thing from then on. I don't see any need for this to change, nor do I expect or want it to change. We did not receive the proper respect and this is what is has gotten everyone... sorry to the new players, but you missed out on the great DB feud's early days.

I don't see what respect or lack thereof has to do with NA deathball turning into some kind of members-only country club. "Those damn Euros didn't make changes we like so we're just gonna hide and lock the scene away from everyone else." Really, what does that accomplish? It's not like you forked the mod or stuck with 1.3b or 1.4b or anything (which is what you *should* have done instead of staying current and complaining non-stop), you're still playing the same damn game as the Europeans. If those older versions were the best and it's the newer versions that are killing the headcount, put the old ones on your servers and pub them the majority of the time. Prove yourselves right.

So but what's really the point of your line of reasoning? What's really accomplished? Keeping the Europeans out of your games? And as "collateral damage" you're just reducing the already tiny influx of fresh blood.

So it'll just be the same 50-odd players mix-and-matching in and out of the same clans, who will at various points get bored and leave, and then there will be no one left to play after you've used it and tossed it out. "Well, I had my fun, fuck everybody else. And blame the Euros." Very nice.

And I will say this: if I had just started playing this game in the past few months, I wouldn't be playing at all, and it'd have nothing at all to do with the gameplay. I wouldn't be surprised if plenty of others felt the same.
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Post by Surge »

in 1.5+ volleying became over-all more effective than shooting because of Pbox camping. Now that shooting actually works again and got a double buff and volley got a bit nerfed (not really :\) people may revert to regular DB again. But for now we just have to wait till people realize you can actually charge your gun to shoot at the net.
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Post by Ze_Raik »

Personally, im loving the whole of actually shooting to get a goal because for me (and a lot of other newer players) making those killer shot volleys from like two feet from the goal is hella difficult.

It is kinda bothersome though, to see the only NA server with people on it a smallcube, vo game. I mean, i could sworn that i remember reading on this forum that people wanted regular shots to be more effective then volleying...maybe it was just my imagination.

(btw, you guys won't have to worry about me playing a baller game again in the near future, skill difference is w-a-y to high)
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Post by Surge »

lol.. we let KillerBee play... any1 is better than him :\
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Post by kaot »

Surge wrote: in 1.5+ volleying became over-all more effective than shooting because of Pbox camping. Now that shooting actually works again and got a double buff and volley got a bit nerfed (not really :\) people may revert to regular DB again. But for now we just have to wait till people realize you can actually charge your gun to shoot at the net.

which as far as I can see still doesn't say anything about people not wanting to play any map other than smallcube.

not that I'm telling you specifically to defend the community's anti-every-other-map bias or anything, It's just that this is my pet peeve and I'd really love to know why this is.
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Post by Surge »

i told you.. as vollies became a better shooting method people wanted to get better at them. Small cube being small allowed for more volleying practice and basically its own form of shooting.

VO games are popular cause its faster and harder than a regular game. It requires skill and it encouranges ego whores.
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Post by kaot »

technically you didn't tell me. But ok, that explanation's as good as any and better than most.
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Post by Dazlin »

Surge wrote: see...

a better example might be Rampart who got "n00bed" for a long time because he joined in 1.3b.

i joined in 1.4 and i didnt get noobed..... for about the first week i was totaly shit but i was so addicted i played almost 24/7 and i was able to volley well after about 1 1/2 weeks after dl db :D