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Post by TEZC_Robban »

being afraid of oneself might not be very good :x
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Post by Inphidel »

dude, i see myself in the shower everyday - i have every right to be afraid of myself!
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Post by Stulovesyou »

Let's settle this matter completely...

Australia owns all your asses...

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Post by Inphidel »

yay silver chair! \o/ haha
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Post by Jerkoff »

yeah, WTG. I used to be in a euro clan, but now i don't get the division between eu/usa players. It's cool when i see euros in the us servers being cool, but when i go play in eu servs (trust me, im as nice a DB player as u can meet), they ask me if im american and talk mad shit in other languages. I DONT UNDERSTAND YOUR GERMAN/DUTCH/FRENCH SHIT TALKING. Does it make you guys feel more like a man when i can't understand this BS, and you keep doing it? you should feel like a bunch of fags. At least call me a fuckface so i can understand it. Even when it's in english, i don't understand why you euros feel it's your goddamn right to talk shit.

I'm not racist. I'm NOT a fucking patriot. I'm not ignorant. I'm not religious. My foreign policy is that everyone's life in any country is worth the same thing :p. no more, no less. It pisses me off when i watch the news, and they show me another USA/Bush propaganda piece, or what fashion is in. I'd rather see how things are in other countries, so i'll put on the BBC online or NPR.

I hate Bush, just as much as i hate our foreign policy, just as much as i hate our government altogether. I'm not ignorant. So fuck you, I don't talk shit to you. I barely make mistakes in DB. You guys sometimes talk shit just to. You think all americans are the same. There's a lot more who are like me, not like the redneck-hillbilly-racist types you all hear about. And you know, i've been thinking that maybe you euro countries have your fair share of hillbilly-type, old country RACISTS that talk mad shit in DB, even more than NA...

SO DON'T TALK FUCKING SHIT... If you want to talk shit about stupid and/or racist governments, talk about how China is Communist and still suppresses their people. Or how some muslim women in the middle east get their clits cut off and experience unbearable pain when having sex ('so what? it's their religion/culture.' riiiiiiiight....picture your diickhead getting lopped off). Or how Palistinians STILL don't have land to call their own, because israel (and their usa weapons) keep them out, making them resort to suicide bombings. Or how Germany doesnt let you buy violent video games, and u have to drive or mail order thru other countries to get them. Maybe it's because of a *little* violent thing called.. the HOLOCAUST. Thats racism and government at it's worst. Germans will say they had no choice back then. Well,we in america have no choice now. To tell you the truth, i believe these 'wars' against Afghanistan and Iraq are killing many more innocents then we are led to believe, mainly because the US and British governments are still censoring the media (like the usa did during the 1st iraqi war). We have to live under this BS government, and really, we know it sucks (i do anyways, many others too).

I can think of so many countries i'd rather live in, (Belgium, Netherlands[pr0stit00tes, lol], Canada) that are mainly in europe tho... So many countries, whether people in the USA would like to believe it, have much much much more freedom than the USA. Some of these countries have racist fools who would rather put the blame of the USA goverment and ignorance of, on the tourist, or the person who wants to live in another country. Or the person who's playing an online video game.

I don't view people who come to america from other countries as 'outsiders', it's everyones right to go where they want. I mean, didn't England come here 1st? Or was it France? Or Spain? Wondering what nationality started killing all the indians...? How about the fact that major trade (railroads) were built by irish settlers. And Chinese workers.

I know a lot of people whos Dutch/German/French/English grandparents, moved here in the 30's so they and their children could get an opportunity. This country was built on immigration. That's why the immigration laws to keep people out piss me off, if anything the government should be taking people in from all over, so they can at least have some opportunity. Especially ppl in poor south american countries. At least open up more trade to these poor countries so they have some sort of opportunity. The government is so greedy they try to push europe into accepting genetically-altered foods when they obviously don't need them, give it to their own usa citizens without us knowing it, and they try to sell (not give) them to poor countries with licensing fees to grow them, when their long-term affect is still unkown, of course, since a lot of it is new. they're fucking poor anyways, lol.

But, i digress. The fact is, you euro guys should see that a lot of us americans, yes, we're not in your country, but we feel the same way about our government as you do. We're not all ignorant as you think, in fact most are less ignorant than the person talking shit in a different language for no reason. That's the real hillbilly racist type, only in another countries terms. I'm still going to euro servers, because i always have, and i'm not gonna expect the euroracists to be nice (you nice euro guys still kick ass), but at least i'll know they're the idiots, talking shit for no reason at all. We all feel the same way sometimes, you fucks ;).
Last edited by Jerkoff on 03-07-2003 17:20, edited 1 time in total.
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3 sentence version

Post by Jerkoff »

US government sucks

Euros are cool, but only until they start swearing at you in another language for no reason, but the fact that you can do whatever you want in some of those countries more than makes up for it (who wouldn't want to drive on a mountain pass at a gazillion miles per hour while smoking weed with prostitutes!! w00t!).

Same thing for americans, and i guess everyone. fuck shit fuckfuckfukfuckedyfuckfuckfuck.
Last edited by Jerkoff on 04-07-2003 01:13, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by theberkin8or »

rofl @jerkoff (in a good way though :-D)