1.7 Thread

Everything about Death Ball.

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Post by YoYo789 »

Diab wrote: i do not give a flying piece of cunt

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Post by Diab »

i awnserd this in another topic about it, you should go find it...
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Post by vF_Zonk »


Tribun was perfect as it was....There was no need to change it

people were saying it was spammy........but i dont think so.......the only spammy map is SmallCube, and that's cos it's so.......small

Tribun was the BEST for 4vs4, probably isn't anymore. but ummm i'll see......
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Post by vF_Zonk »

TEZC-Axl wrote: old tribun was too spamming and luck.. Just 1 big game of pinball.. new one is better, maybe raise the roof a little more, but other than that its made more of a skill map that a luck one now..


the new tribun is basically Cube.

the old tribun was my favourite default map. Perfect map size, perfect penalty box size, and it WASNT spammy. And even if it is, if you don't like spammy maps, then why does SmallCube exist?

i have no idea why they changed it (unless it was cos cY were bad at it, but i wont go accusing any1). I request that it's changed back

If it's not changed back, the server i play on will probably put the old version back on anyway (along with the new one that is)
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Post by Inphidel »

So far I love it.

I still hate some minor things, mostly sounds. but i'm getting used to it.

Ice Deamon is my favorite map now, mostly because i play hockey ;) tho i wish the post soudns were alot louder. it takes alot more skill i think to goaltend in that map, which makes for high scoring games, but so far i've seen them be pretty close games. like 25-23 etc. its not that bad. maybe if its possibe in a future release, make goalies always have friction so they don't slide on ice surfaces to give them a slight edge in the goalie box. but still don't matter to me i like it :)

Volly still has mroe power then a regular shot which i personally dislike. if you got time to charge that gun all the way up and shoot you should get a nice fast shot.

Maybe someoen can clear up the redirrection thing, sometimes it works sometimes it doenst. I mean, I hold the pass button. someone passess it to me, i catch it instead of relaying the ball? when are you supposed to press the key? for this to always work?
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Post by Surge »

Diab your just being a faggot because you like whats going on with Deathball you testical-lacking fan boy. I hop eyou fuckin die so i can piss on people like you. You seriously think that the number of people playing DB has gone up or something? do you lack the observational ability to understand that people are LEAVING deathball?

Also if you didnt give a flying piece of cunt about what i say dont fucking replay. If you dont like what i say you can suck my cock you ass tickling faggot. I couldnt giver a rats ass what DB is like in Europe. This is what its like here in NA where i live, NOT the US (as i'v said MANY times) but apparently your to ignorant to read anything that you cant come back at with some "whitty" remark.

You, Diab, are the kind of close-minded individual who accepts what he sees and believes it to be good. Instead of picking something appart that does have flaws (which you dont seem to see) instad you defend everything thing. Why cant DB be perfect? I'm not saying it should be how i want it to be and be "Surgeball". I'm saying he adds shit and only uses what he wants to ass a solution to all of his problems instead of approching it multiple ways.

I complain because i dont want to see this game go down the shitter after playing it since 1.2 when it was fun to play! You wouldnt even know what real DB is in my estimation. You've been playing glorfied FIFA.
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Post by fs|Pele »

o/ tribun for president ... all who hate tribun , only hate it cause tribun pwnes them o/ tribun is the map of the average db'er
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Post by fs|Pele »

diablo ..... bush is teh leet .... capish ? O.o

damn treehugging hippies :/
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Post by [-SoP-]ATB »

you want old tribun back?!?! i want old DB back
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We dont want Greenbaize and IceDemon!

Post by Surge »

the two of them add over 30MB to the DL when zipped!

1 is completely unsuitable for league play and the other has a slidey floor and should also be banned from league use because it favors those who play it more.

also, why is Smallcube the same file size as regular Cube?
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1.7 bug thread

Post by vF_Zonk »

we need a bug thread, don't we?

here's one............

in Smallcube, Cube, November, and probably more that i havent checked, blue team can volley the ball from it's spawn point into red goal to score

red team can't volley into blue net, or it's shot from other half

i'm not sure if it's the same for all maps, cos in IceDemon it was the other way round

no complaining here, only bugs.........
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Post by vF_Zonk »

hmm i just played SmallCube too

it might just be that i'm not used to it, but i think i like the old version better too

meh, smallcube i don't mind, but Tribun i would DEFINIELY prefer the old one
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Post by vF_Zonk »

they seem fine to me

IceDemon is a bit too much like regular cube, but it's ok

GreenBaize has good gameplay but is a little ugly IMO

but i think they're ok to keep
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Post by theberkin8or »

IceDemon pwns. nuf said
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Post by Requiem »

omg, these maps add some fun, and maybe gonna put some fun and new stuffs in the dbl.....totally bored to see Cube-Lowcube-November only league (ans sometimes tribun)

imo, good choice to add them....i guess just need a 2nd tribun, the old one, and have the choive to play on the big or smaller 1 :)