adressing boosting/boost trick

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adressing boosting/boost trick

Post by Surge »

screwing around on a 1.7 server last night with the older version a KEY element in DB was taken away from us!


Ninja Steal = a same team player being boosted to catch an enemy ball mid-flight.

The problem is that you can no longer do this steal if boosted by a friendly to intercept an enemy ball BUT you can be boosted by an enemy player to grab a friendly ball and take it up field.

This basically means that people will let enemies run closly behind them and try to shell out a boost trick because its still possible using the enemy as the booster.

What problem this creates is it makes all boost timing perfected by myself and others to do the ninja steal COMPLETELY USELESS.

Can a change be adressed so when you pick up an enemy ball durring a boost you maintain momentum? right now, the boost prevention hinders the game more than it helps it IMO. Does it work? yes, but still this is a flaw thats pretty stupid because its not abusing an easy scoring method but instead a difficult defensive method.
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Post by Dazlin »


stfu stop makeing realy gay names :/
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Post by Diab »

yes, stop with the "this is called" crap, kthx.

its not even a easy move to pull off.
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Post by BL44T »

geh american tricks :\ k-no-thx
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Post by METAFrank »

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Post by theberkin8or »

lol you better watch you self teh ninja are a power to be feared in NA ;) though i havne't seen many of them around any more, you never know with those ninja they are sneaky :P *runs*
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Post by Fallen »

See, this is kind of the attitude you euros reply with, sooner or later, this mod is gonna become FIFA, just wait and see.
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Post by Catalyst88 »

You'd be forgiven for thinking we're at war :rolleyes:
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Post by TEZC_Robban »

lol, dont see why we europeans seem to be so against NA.. x_X

They seem to be a nice bunch of people, with maybe one or two exceptions, but we europeans arent any better, if you ask me :x
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Post by Surge »

its amazing how you all make fun of the name of it and skim over the whole idea.

at least now i fullwell know the Euro Attention span... 3 lines :rolleyes:
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Post by TEZC_Robban »

well, this ninja steal as you call it, never really thought of it as a move really :p is quite fun but, at least my clan, dont use it as a usual tactic as it seems way too unreliable to work, but of course, if you can pull it off i think you should be awarded for it, and therefor i agree with surge
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Post by FireCell »

TBh i agree to, if u have perfected the timing and ability to steal balls mid flight u should be allowed to carry it with u for a distance.. Mainly because u stole an enemy ball so it was their fault for making the pass.
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Post by frostymoss »

the ninja steal lmao...<sarcasm>and im guessing you made the move up surge?</sarcasm>

anyways db is becoming a concole sports game-as you can only shoot and pass, or in this case volley too. there are no more "tricks" or if there are they will soon be gone.
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Post by Dazlin »

Surge wrote: its amazing how you all make fun of the name of it and skim over the whole idea.

at least now i fullwell know the Euro Attention span... 3 lines :rolleyes:

i read it but i feel now real point to post about it :/

you dont really need that trick its just another form of the broomstick goal stfu and go home

/me is sorry for sounding pissed off it because he is pissed off /o\
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Post by MeSSiaH{FCU} »

uhh allright :)
NA = trickwhores? \o/ I guess it's a bit farfetched but give the man a break =/ If he hadnt given a strange name and he didnt have a bad reputation like that most of u hadnt even posted.
I'm sure in theory its all nice and stuff but it seems easy enough to just intercept in a normal way or w8 in the pzone ^^; (yay :x)

IMO A boosttrick shud really be put back into db, but harder to pull off (i have no idea how tho), coz it's still a team-move, and i kind of liked the tricks about DB. Dont understand me wrong i think teamplay is the most important thing and DB 1.7 is certainly good at this but could u at least make it so that the boosttrick for example only works with 3 ppl?
This would still make it harder to pull off and it's a good team effort, plus it wudnt be that uber effective nemore because of the lower boost power.