night wrote: anyway, they will come around eventually.
'cept surge and 027, but no loss there :p
pfft... 027 pwns teh deathball
surge, well, sure is okay for a noob
Moderators: Jay2k1, DavidM, The_One
theberkin8or wrote: "it'd be fine with me if sprint was added to the game... after the league" surge
i am confused has surge once again realized he opened his month before the game had even started to stablize after a change? or is he just lying?
Originally posted by Surge
The entire SoP clan is only playing DB till the Tactical mod comes out for UT2003. Some may play DB now and then afterwards but considering the fact that were in first in both leagues A and B, thats gotta say something about the game if were quitting. Thats like the Harlem Globetrotters leaving basketball but as of now we have no reason to play.
that being why this is the *qualification* round. afterwards the top teams will be together. you could have just put them together then, everyone knows the top teams, but thats not right
With all these tweaks to the game it makes it more and more n00b friendly and almost any idiot can shoot a curve shot in on a keep thats not expecting it.
because it was new. its not really new anymore and few goalies fall for it now
Any idiot can boost off a defender and sprint to a safe place, grab the ball and score.
boost is the problem, sprint is not. boost completely raped this game. but no one will listen to me about it. ppl use boost as an excuse to not cover a man. everyone can run up the field like noobs and when they lose the ball, "hey no big deal, ill boost to get back and save my lazy noob ass". few people in this game know how to mark a man correctly
Theres no challenge to DB anymore, just frustration.
because the game has reached its peak in this state. there is little seperation in skills anymore. i used to couldnt score for shit, and was pretty much the only d on our team. now we have been playing the same thing so long a large majority is good at everything.
frustration, read my irc quote. that is exactly what is frustrating. you said it yourself --> "Its hard to have fun in a game where you spend 80% of the game chasing the ball in slow motion"
Between server crashes and horrible FPS its almost not worth playing.
there have always been server crashes. just ask L7. and i have never had this lag ppl keep talking about with curve and sprint
Most people that have played DB for a while know that in 1.3b and 1.4b that SoP, RusH, L7 and NS had the most talented players on them by far. Since 1.5 gameplay has become not a game of skill but a game of "who can spam intercept more passes" or "who can catch the keep off guard with a banana shot". Its just not fun anymore. In the past week or so i'v played a total of 6 games and i'm no where near as good as i used to be and honestly i'v stopped trying to be good at DB and just started trying to play for fun. I have no chance against a defender that can hammer away all volley throwups, all passes, and most somewhat good shots... Its just not worth my time and effort and most players from the big 4 in NA would agree.
i think my above comments cover most of that. 1.5 was a f*** up. david fixed that in 1.6. i was out for a month and coming back i see shitloads of new faces. they are good cuz they came late and our taking the game as it is. there are way the f*** to many veterans bitching about changes when they should be the ones to welcome additions and beat up on the noobs harder. *it is these additions that will further seperate skill level*, THAT is where the challenge is.
... telling people how to play because they cant even use right click to pass, watching people throw banana shots off into oblivion or just being jerk offs in general.
this is all about pubs and noobs. nothing to do with deathball and where its going.
What ever happened to deathball? my once simple, care-free past time? Things change, yes, but usually not for the worse. If you released 1.7 tomorrow and all it had was what was in 1.3b i dont think you'd get too many complaints. If anyone complained about "wheres my banana shot?!" or "Why can't i sprint?!" then they dont know what deathball is. I'v been rugging this game out since 1.0 and it was great till 1.5 arrived. The current path deathball is on isnt a good one and most of the people i play with on a regular basis would agree that this game will be non-existant by 2.0 if you keep complicating it. Keep it simple. Keep it alive.
whatever happen to doom ? that awesome simple 2d shooter. this is the same arguement that happens to everything. look how many ppl bitched that UT2 was crap compared to the older UT. and how many ppl bitch and dog war3 cuz starcraft was 'better'.
things will progress. i assure you these forums keep david in check, but its idotic to thing he doesnt want to add to the game. if he had just released 1.0 and never touched it again, you wouldnt be playing it now either.
now lemme go dig out my pong....