ulimit -c 0
cd /home/7777/ut2003_dedicated
while true
./ucc server DB-Cube?game=Deathball.DB_Deathball?Adminname=****?Adminpassword=
**** -quickstart -nohomedir -ini=db.ini -log=db.log
cp -f db.log dbCrash.log
email@addre.ss < /home/7777/ut2003_dedicated/System/db.log
#echo the wheels fell off... restarting...
sleep 10
exit 0
exit 0
that's the "loop" script for the server I used to take care of... I'm sure you'll find lots of scripts and tips on other unreal sites about setting up and maintaining servers in a linux and windows environment.
to start the server, I just type
. db.sh &
& starts the server in another process (from the shell you are using) so you can "exit" your ssh or telnet session and the server is still running.
otherwise, you could put it as a service in your rc3.d directory
there is a line in there that emails the log after a crash, which I found handy, but beware, if the server is up for several days before a crash, you will probably get a couple of Mb email! :O
please also be aware, you need to know how to stop the server too :) if you grep for an instance of your shell (ps -ef |grep bash - if using bash) you will find an instance of it there with a ? next to it, kill that one (if you get the wrong one it will just kick someone (or you) off of the session they are in.
/rant. - you can wake up now.