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Post by DavidM »

there is an option, fool :P

relik, then don't shoot if it's not worth it, that way i score from almost all my shoot chances
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Post by Wibble »

OK, my thoughts (for what they're worth :D :D )

The sound effects generally make me feel like I'm playing the game with cotton wool in my ears.

The charge up sound is too quiet for when I, or anyone else has the ball.

Other than that the changes seem to work pretty well.....
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Post by Khushdi »

1 thing that i just cant get used to is when i catch the ball, a lot of the time i cannot tell that i have caught it, and i just spill it out and give away posession. It needs to be made more obvious like having a light sparkle or something so that u can be sure that u have caught the ball. I noticed this only when i tried a jump volley and missed, i had no idea where the ball was until i hit fire and it popped out :(
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Post by Wibble »

I agree. There is almost no difference between the sound thats made when you catch it or when someone else does. Its VERY confusing...
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Post by Harold|ZBN »

so many ppl complain about shooting.... i think its really weird if i attack in pubs i always shoot and only try a volley or volley set up when i got a really good chance at doing it right. i think esp with the curving, shooting does not need powering up further.
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Post by Khushdi »

my problem isnt powering up, i just dont know if i have the ball to power up with :lol:
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Post by Goldeneye »

a) you have that small button ontop of the gun that pops out when you have the ball
b) you have an icon on your hud indicating that you have the ball
c) you get a passlock when pointing at a teammember
d) when using smallweapons the gun changes it's position slightly
e) pickup sound
f) a "Name got the ball" when you intercept an opponent's pass (it's still in i think)

how many more signes you want that you have the ball? oO
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Post by Khushdi »

How about a sound of a gun loading up when u receive the ball :D
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Post by DavidM »

problem is people are used to the weapon changing, now that's gone and they have to get used to new things...this won't happen over night, will take a week, then its fine
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Post by JarO »

what so the leader on each stat has that stat highlighted?

yes that's it, thx beefsack
Last edited by JarO on 22-06-2003 16:23, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by MeSSiaH{FCU} »

g) Use logical thinking to c when the ball moves towards u and disappears in ur face :o (now isnt that hard :rolleyes: )
h) Watch the vicinity radar O_o it's my fwiend ^_^
Last edited by MeSSiaH{FCU} on 22-06-2003 16:20, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Wibble »

I have more of a problem with the almost silent gun charging thing. Pretty please will you make that sound louder
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Post by BloodyLoony »

Stop saying we'll adapt to picking up the ball without indication of it except the little green button (which btw takes time to pop up) and the little ball icon in the bottom of the screen just because you're too lazy to do it in a smarter way.

Have the yellow halo-thing from the ball be around the ball which is actually in the gun... ever thought of letting ppl see that the ball actually is in the gun?

Sure we'll learn to look at the little icon in the bottom of the screen, but you gotta be perfectionistic about stuff like this - make it as good as possible.

And still I'ld like to see way more animation of the gun, there's hardly any kick-back when boosting, just that stuff popping out - it doesn't look realistic!
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Post by Onge »

I'm trying hard to get use to when you have the ball, but I still feel it isn't always obvious enough. How about we only hear any click noise at all when we catch the ball? At the moment I still feel I've caught the ball when I haven't and the person behind has. There's just not enough the differentiate between who has the ball...
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Post by NaB »

yea, davidm's argument is that there are 2 catch sounds.

one you hear when anyone catches the ball, and one you only hear when you do.

Except i think he got mixed up on which is which so the major sound is the one you hear for everyone and the pissy little sound that you can hardly hear over the crowd in cube is the one that tells you that you got the ball :\