are u using the Deathball shortcut? if yes, try using the normal UT2003 shortcut. When I use the DB Shorcut I receive this message on other game types too.
My solution to this was to remove Deathball.u from my system folder and then download that 700ish KB file from a server (add several 1.6 servers to your favourites beforehand), so that it becomes part of the cache folder.
Hardly ideal, but it does as a short term workaround...
Cyph wrote:
Yeah, just use the normal shortcut direct to the UT.exe.
i do anyway
well my copy of ut is workin, ive just deleted the deathball.u from the system,, and created a 2nd shortcut, works fine,, only downside is ive got 2 copys of ut on my pc
If I try to play DM or CTF after I have played DB, I cant get in. BUT, if I restart UT, I can get in. Are you trying to get in after you`ve already played DB?
I just made an extra folder in my system folder, when I want to play i move deathball.u into that folder and play UT2003, when I wanna play DB i put it back...inconvience yes..but it works....
though i mod i play for UT2003 works without the error...
Well... I also get this error after installing 1.6...
But i found out that if u dont play db before anything else u can just play everywhere...
This is wierd...
Cleared up in next version I hope?
I had another System folder, within my normal System folder. Inside this extra System folder was another 635kb (DB 1.5?) Deathball.u file. I deleted this folder. Everything now works.