"-Increase friendly boost range to 250uu (from 200), so you don't have to be too close to friends to boost."
i understand that you made boosting length 80% but why the fux do we need to increase friendly boosting range? it wasn't exactally hard to do b4 you want to make it easer?
wow, i loved that change
we played 2 serious matches with it in a row
it helps the flow so much, no more boost problems, no more getting stuck and try again etc, that really solved it
umm so this is the davidm's team can't figure out how to boost without error, even though everyone easliy can do it the first time without the increase, change :\
I don't get your problem with this at all. It makes boosting slightly easier, but boosting effectiveness has still been reduced. There's no net improvement.
i want to see boosting made less effective and sure you can't go as far, you can still a large ways down the field, the lowing of boost range will only have a minamal effect so basically you will be making it easer while making boost a little less effective, over all a gain for boosting imo
um well no.. : P but ok i admit i am sorta talking out of my ass but 80% is still very far, maybe it isn't an increase in boosting but it could be if you were missing boosts a lot, which obviously ppl have been or you wouldn't need this change right
oo and make sure it isn't possible to boost anyone when there is someone directly between you and the person you are trying to boost or at least make the boost much less powerful, becuase that makes blocking boost close to impossible, which you should be able to do, though obviously you can't stop boost forever
haven't played 1.7 yet but it seems to me that increasing the range of the boosting is bad. That means that the other team can just go somewhat close to a person about to get boosted and get boosted back home as well o_O
I could be wrong =)