New Keep Zone...Like or Hate?

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New Keep Zone...Like or Hate?

Post by Fallen »

I hate it. Not for the fact that it changes the whole keeping position basically, it ENCOURAGES PBOX CAMPING!!!!

Example: Player A is keep, dodges out, Player B in the keep zone then immediaty becomes keep, saving ur arse if the attacker gets the shot off.

Erm, quote from irc:
[8:26pm] <@bulletsux> for instance, im a bad keep, i can go keep, dodge out and let our reg keep become keep again, while i dodge and kill the guy or atleast make him shake
[8:27pm] <@Chrisfu> firestorm will just love that

There should be serious consideration of changing this because this could get abused. Some will like it, and some will not. For the people who hate pbox camping, 1.7 is encouraging it. :mad:
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Post by gnomeh »

what he said ^
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Post by Surge »

ya, you still need a keeper box because of this...
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Post by DavidM »

from my todo list, plz check if thats solving the problem:

-An important keeper problem. When player A is keeper, player B is in pen zone (both same team). A jumps out of the pen zone, B turns into keeper.
Now the fix you need to add: When A enters pen zone again he shall be keeper again!
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Post by Surge »

so basically your tagging 1 players a keeper untill they are out of the pbox for so long?
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Post by hiausd »

Just put the keeper box back in
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Post by Rens2Sea »

Yeah, what hiaussehsdd said :O
I can't position my ass without the keeperlines O_o
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Post by Surge »

mmm great mental image... Rens positioning his ass
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Post by Rens2Sea »

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Post by Chrisfu »

It's the only great imbalance of this beta. It has to go, daddio.
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Post by Armagon »

I agree, P box camping sux.
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Post by ThaGiMiC »

Tbh I quite like the new keeper zone, it means that I can come out of the net more, like I used to. All I have to do is run to pen area and I can be back in my net in no time =)

Glad to see that the QuadJump is back again for keepers, this will mean less wall vollehs =) for most.

Like the idea of what DM said tho, Some how of the keeper re-entering the pbox area and automatically becoming the keeper, even if def is there.
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Post by 1234Bedlam »

Full keeper lines back in, maybe remove the penalty spot? (unless its there for a reason, in which case move it further back!)

Thats all I'd like back in. (that and standing on the bar)
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Post by drifter »

what bedlam and gimic said... (esp gimic's 1st comment)

Well I 1st played it last night...after realising that you become keeper as soon as you go back in to the penalty area, I like it... But the change you made davidm I think was needed, ^ hence this thread!

I did like the 6yd box line but can get used to not having it. - and I do miss standing on the bar, but now I can do quad jump I don't really need to! \o/

I like…
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Post by Diab »

i did prefer the old keep method from 1.6 myself, i dont mind the change but some abuse method will appear since you can become keep instantly.